Hosting and Data Centers - US Industry Market Research Report with Updated Analysis & Forecasts

Hosting and Data Centers - US Industry Market Research Report with Updated Analysis & Forecasts

The 78-page 2025 Hosting and Data Centers Market Research Report is one of the most comprehensive and in-depth assessments of the industry in the United States with over 100+ data sets covering 2016-2029.

This Kentley Insights report is full of industry insights including historical and forecasted market size, revenue and industry breakdowns by product lines, size of company, concentration segmentation, business structure, customer type, state and MSA, profitability, financial ratios, balance sheet benchmarks, BCG matrix, extensive statistics by state and MSA, operating expense details, workforce composition, industry consolidation analysis, sector benchmarks, employee productivity, price inflation, pay bands for the top 20 industry jobs, trend analysis and forecasts on numerous industry statistics including companies, locations, employees, pay, and much more.

The Hosting and Data Centers industry includes companies primarily engaged in providing infrastructure for hosting or data processing services. These companies may provide specialized hosting activities, such as web hosting, streaming services or application hosting; provide application service provisioning; or may provide general time-share mainframe facilities to clients. Data processing companies provide complete processing and specialized reports from data supplied by clients or provide automated data processing and data entry services.

This report was developed utilizing the results from extensive business surveys and econometrics. Professionals utilize this report for market sizing, industry analysis, benchmarking, forecasting, strategic planning, market analysis, due diligence, valuation, sales & marketing strategy, operational streamlining, organizational strategy, evaluating opportunities, and many other analyses.

Review the 78-page table of contents or download a sample report to see the data-rich insights, which leaders have come to depend on for their research, strategic, and benchmarking needs.

Below are a few of the hundreds of stats from the report:


In 2024, industry sales were $383.1 billion
Purchase now for historicals (2016-2024) and forecasts for 2025 and the next 5 years


Over the past 5 years, the industry has grown at an annual rate of 13.4%
The report has historical, annual and forecasted growth rates


There are 10,665 companies in the industry
Learn more about the historical and forecasted industry composition


In 2024, the average sales per company was $35.9 million
Purchase now for historical and forecasted sales per company


Inflation has averaged 1.6% over the past 5 years
The report has historicals (2016-2024), 4 years of monthly figures, and 2025 & 5-year forecast


For unprofitable companies, the average net loss is -35.9%
The report has more on market and profitability dynamics


Employee productivity is $501,518
Learn more about historical and forecasted employee productivity


2.8% of expenses is spent on health insurance
Benchmark against 24 other expense categories


In 2024, industry operating expenses grew 13.2%
Purchase now for historical and forecasted OPEX


California averages $174,281 in payroll per employee
Purchase now for payroll stats on other states


15.3% of employees in the industry are in management positions
Benchmark against 25 other job categories


The average industry hourly pay for office and administrative jobs is $24.92
Purchase now for the bottom 10%, 25%, average, top 75% and 90% pay ranges in 26 job categories

The above stats represent a small fraction of what you will find in this report.

Purchase the 2025 Hosting and Data Centers Market Research Report now to unlock the insight from one of the most trusted research firms.



Industry Snapshot - Revenue & Growth
Industry Snapshot - Costs & Financial Metrics
Industry Growth Details
Industry Revenue, Companies, Locations
historicals, & -yr forecasts
Growth Benchmarks
Revenue per Company & Location
historicals, & -yr forecasts
Revenue by Product Lines
% of Revenue from Product Lines
BCG Income vs Revenue Growth Matrix
Service Subsectors vs. Industry
Total Revenue by Industry Segments
Concentration, Size, Structure & Franchise
Total Revenue per State
Revenue per State and State Rankings
Revenue per Capita by State
Revenue per Capita and State Rankings
Revenue per Metropolitan Statistical Area
Revenue per Capita per Metropolitan Statistical Area
Revenue per Company by Industry Segment
Concentration, Business Size, & Business Structure
Revenue per Location by Industry Segment
Concentration, Size, Structure, & Franchise
Revenue per Location by State
Revenue per Location and State Rankings
Revenue per Location per MSA
Industry Segmentation by Business Size
Revenue, Companies, Locations, Employees & Payroll
Absolute Figures & % of Industry
Industry Consolidation Analysis
Revenue, Companies, Locations & Employees
vs. by Business Size
Industry Consolidation Benchmarks
Revenue per Company, Location & Employee
vs. by Business Size
Industry Segmentation by Top Companies
Revenue, Locations, Employees & Payroll
Absolute Figures & % of Industry
Sector Concentration Benchmarks
% of Sector Revenue from the Top Companies
Industry Segmentation by Business Structure
Revenue, Companies, Locations, Employees & Payroll
Absolute Figures & % of Industry
Pricing & Inflation
Annual Inflation - Indexed to
historicals, & -yr forecasts
Monthly Inflation Figures for the Past Years
Service Subsector Growth
Revenue and -Year CAGR
Service Subsector Analysis
Revenue per Company
Revenue per Location
Service Subsector Analysis
Revenue per Employee
Payroll per Employee
Profitability & Financial Ratio Analysis
Percent of Companies that are Profitable
Average Net Income as a Percent of Revenue
Financial Ratios
Balance Sheet Benchmarks
Asset & Liabilities Categories
Indexed at to Total Revenue
Operating Expenses
Industry Operating Expenses
Industry Revenue vs. Operating Expense Growth
Operating Expense as a Percent of Revenue
historicals, & -yr forecasts
Operating Expenses by Company & Location
Operating Expenses per Company
Operating Expenses per Location
Revenue vs. Expenses Growth per Location
historicals, & -yr forecasts
Operating Expense Detail
Categories covering Employee, Property, Equipment, IT, Inventory, & Miscellaneous Costs
% of Cost Structure
Productivity & Industry Employment
Revenue per Employee
Total Industry Employees
Employees per Company
historicals, & -yr forecasts
Employee Productivity by Segments
Revenue per Employee
Concentration, Business Size, Structure & Franchise
Employee Productivity by State
Revenue per Employee and State Rankings
Employee Productivity per MSA
Revenue per Employee
Industry Payroll
Payroll per Employee
Payroll per Company
Payroll per Location
historicals, & -yr forecasts
Workforce Composition Benchmarks
Job Categories across Management & Finance, Sales, Services, Marketing, Ops, IT, & Others
Percent of Industry's Employees
Job Categorization Pay Ranges
Job Categories across Management & Finance, Sales, Services, Marketing, Ops, IT, & Others
Pay Bands (%, %, Mean, %, %)
Top Jobs Breakdown
Percent of Total Employees by Job
Rank Ordered by Top Job Categories
Pay Ranges of Top Jobs
Pay Bands (%, %, Mean, %, %)
Payroll per Company by Segments
Concentration, Business Size, & Business Structure
Payroll per Location by Segments
Concentration, Business Size, Structure, & Franchise
Payroll per Employee by Segments
Concentration, Business Size, Structure, & Franchise
Payroll per Employee by State
Payroll per Employee
State Rankings
Payroll per Employee per MSA
Employees per Company by Segments
Concentration, Business Size, & Business Structure
Employees per Company by Segments
Concentration, Business Size, Structure, & Franchise
Total Employment by State
Number of Employees and State Rankings
Population to Every Employee by State
Number of Residents to Industry Employee
State Rankings
Total Employment per MSA
Locations per Company by Segments
Concentration, Business Size, & Business Structure
Locations per MSA
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