Electronic Computer Manufacturing - 2025 U.S. Market Research Report with Updated Analysis & Forecasts
The 2025 Electronic Computer Manufacturing Market Research Report is one of the most comprehensive and in-depth assessments of the industry in the United States with over 100 data sets covering 2016-2029.
This 63-page Kentley Insights report is packed with insightful data sets and forecasts to give you a comprehensive understanding of the industry including historical and forecasted industry size, growth, product line breakdown, profitability, financial ratios, 31 balance sheet benchmarks, inventory statistics, extensive industry segmentation by concentration, business size, and business structure, market share of top 50 company segments, market size and other statistics by state, plant utilization, BCG matrix, operating expense details on 26 categories, production material cost detail, organizational breakdown, consolidation analysis, employee productivity, inflation, pay bands for the top 20 industry jobs, trend analysis and forecasts on companies, facilities, employees, payroll, and much more.
This report is based on extensive business surveys filled out by companies in the industry. Our analysts create the forecasts utilizing historical data, macroeconomic trends, industry dynamics, and econometrics. Professionals utilize this report for market sizing, benchmarking, strategic planning, due diligence, valuations, cost-cutting, planning, understanding industry dynamics, evaluating opportunities, forecasting, streamlining, gap analysis, and other analyses.
Review the table of contents to see the data-rich insights which leaders depend on for their market research needs.This U.S. industry includes companies primarily engaged in manufacturing and/or assembling electronic computers, such as mainframes, personal computers, workstations, laptops, and computer servers. Computers can be analog, digital, or hybrid. Digital computers, the most common type, are devices that do all of the following: (1) store the processing program or programs and the data immediately necessary for the execution of the program; (2) can be freely programmed in accordance with the requirements of the user; (3) perform arithmetical computations specified by the user; and (4) execute, without human intervention, a processing program that requires the computer to modify its execution by logical decision during the processing run. Analog computers are capable of simulating mathematical models and contain at least analog, control, and programming elements. The manufacture of computers includes the assembly or integration of processors, coprocessors, memory, storage, and input/output devices into a user-programmable final product.
Below are a few of the thousands of stats from the 2025 Electronic Computer Manufacturing Market Research Report:INDUSTRY SIZEIn 2024, industry sales were $12.5 billion
Purchase now for historical (2016-2024) and forecasted market size for 2025 & the next 5 years
INDUSTRY GROWTHOver the past 3 years, the industry has grown at an annual rate of 10.5%
Purchase now for historical (2016-2024) and forecasted (2025, next 5 years) growth rates
COMPANY GROWTHThere are 324 companies in the industry
Learn more about the historical and forecasted industry composition
SALES PER FACILITYIn 2024, the average sales per facility was $38.3 million
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PPI & PRICING2024 PPI growth was 1.1%
Purchase now for historical PPI (2015-2024), and forecasts for 2025 & the next 5 years
FINANCIAL RATIO BENCHMARKSCompanies average a Fixed Asset Turnover ratio of 4
Benchmark nine other important financial ratios
PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSISIn 2024, employee productivity was $905,122
Purchase now for historical (2016-2024) and forecasted (2025, next 5 years) employee productivity
EXPENSE BENCHMARKING1.6% of expenses are spent on health insurance
Benchmark against 24 other expense categories
OPERATING EXPENSESIn 2024, industry operating expenses grew 18.8%
Purchase now for historical and forecasted OPEX
PAYROLLIn 2024, payroll per employee was $85,965Get the full picture with historicals and the 2025 and 2029 forecasts
JOB CATEGORIZATION BENCHMARKS16.3% of employees in the industry are in management positions
Benchmark against 13 other job categories
JOB CATEGORIZATION PAY RANGESThe average industry hourly pay for office and administrative jobs is $29.19
Purchase now for the bottom 10%, 25%, average, top 75% and 90% pay ranges in 14 job categories
The above highlights represent a small fraction of what you will find in this report.
Purchase the 63-page 2025 U.S. Market Research Report on Electronic Computer Manufacturing now to unlock the insight from one of the most trusted research firms.
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