South Africa Cold Chain Market Outlook to 2026F: Driven by Rising Meat and Seafood & Fruits and Vegetables Consumption & Owing to Growing Population and Infrastructural Development

South Africa Cold Chain Market Outlook to 2026F: Driven by Rising Meat and Seafood & Fruits and Vegetables Consumption & Owing to Growing Population and Infrastructural Development

The publication titled “South Africa Cold Chain Market Outlook to 2026F: Driven by Rising Meat and Seafood & Fruits and Vegetables Consumption & Owing to Growing Population and Infrastructural Development” by Ken Researchprovides a comprehensive analysis of the cold chain market of South Africa including Cold Storage and Cold Transport market. The report covers an overview and genesis of the industry, cold transport market size in terms of revenue generated, and a number of reefer trucks viz segmentations (truck type, mode of transportation, location & vicinity, & end-user) and cold storage sector with respect to revenue generated by cold storage companies and their segmentations (temperature range, automation, end user, major cities); trends and developments, technological advancements, government regulations, issues, and challenges. The report finally concludes with a competitive landscape including the competition scenario, cross comparison, strengths and weaknesses and company profiles of major players in the cold chain market, macroeconomic factors impacting the industry, and analyst recommendations.

South Africa Cold Chain Market Overview: South Africa cold chain market was evaluated to grow at a double-digit CAGR during 2016-2021.The market is currently in the growth stage owing to rising domestic consumption of meat and seafood along with increasing government initiatives and investments in the sector. Correspondingly, the South Africa Cold Chain Industry Ecosystem is driven by large-scale 3PL companies with Real Estate companies investing in logistics services. The occupancy rate in the cold storage market has been increasing owing to undersupply of cold storage warehouses, especially in the major cities and ports where demand for cold storage is exceeding the supply. The prices in cold storage in South Africa are directly related to inflation and as inflation rises, the prices increase as a result. Other factors affecting prices also include the increasing demand for citrus, meat, and seafood.

South Africa Cold Chain Market Segmentation:

By End User: The Meat & Seafood segment dominates the majority of the total market revenue share, followed by Fruits and Vegetables, Vaccination & Pharmaceuticals, Dairy products, and Processed Frozen Foods.

By Type:The South African cold chain market is highly fragmented and is home to many cold transportation & storage players.

Snapshot of South Africa Cold Transport Market

South Africa Cold Transport Market Overview: South Africa cold transport market was evaluated to grow positively during 2016-2021.Infrastructural development by the government, an increasing number of food businesses, and an inclining number of cold transport companies are propelling the market growth. The majority of the companies in the meat and seafood market opt for cold chain transportation rather than keeping their own fleet owing to cost savings and ease of operations. Other sectors such as dairy, pharma, and processed food market usually prefer their own fleet so as to avoid any damage to the products.

South Africa Cold Transport Market Competition Scenario: The market is moderately fragmented with a few large players dominating the market and a majority of players prefer to take fleets on rent.Most of the companies in South Africa prefer to generate revenue in the market by renting reefer trucks and containers. Some of the competing parameters in the cold transport market are occupancy rate, client base, fleet Size, cold transport services, total Pallet Positions, and no. of cold storage warehouses products and services.

South Africa Cold Transport Market Future Outlook: The Government has initiated the National Transport Master Plan 2050 to guide the development of a multimodal transportation system to meet South Africa’s long-term transport needs. The government has made infrastructure development in the past year by adding 332 Km of the new road. The market is expected to move with a positive CAGR for 2021-2026F.

South Africa Cold Transport Market Segmentation:

By Truck Type: 40 and 20-foot reefer trucks are usually only used for inbound logistics.

By Mode of Transportation: The cold chain market is dominated by land transport and the majority of revenues in the South African cold chain market have been contributed by Meat, Poultry, and Sea Food products.

By Location & Vicinity: Cold Transportation within the country generates more revenue than through the international market.

By Ownership: The majority of the companies in the meat and seafood market opt for cold chain transportation rather than keeping their own fleet owing to cost savings and ease of operations.

By End User: The meat market in South Africa is one of the biggest meat markets among emerging markets, thereby contributing the majority revenue share in the market.

Snapshot of South Africa Cold Storage Market

South Africa Cold Storage Market Overview: The market is in its growth stage owing to rising domestic consumption of meat and seafood, expansion of existing warehousing by companies, and increasing government initiatives and investments in the country. The occupancy rate in the cold storage market has been increasing owing to undersupply of cold storage warehouses, especially in the major cities and ports where demand for cold storage is exceeding the supply.

South Africa Cold Storage Market Competition Scenario: South Africa Cold Storage market comprises more than double-digit players competing on the occupancy rate, client Base, fleet Size, cold transport services, total pallet positions, no. of cold storage warehouses product and services. Additionally, The South African Cold chain industry is being shaped by a growing middle class and a flourishing e-commerce sector.

South Africa Cold Storage Market Future Outlook: The South Africa storage market revenue is expected to increase at an impressive CAGR over the forecastperiod 2021-2026. The key contributing factors for such high growth include the development of new cold storage warehouses, the mounting of the food service industry owing to changes in lifestyle and consumption habits, a rise in automation, growing meat and seafood consumption, and a rise in the level of competition.

South Africa Cold Storage Market Segmentation:

By Temperature range (by the number of pallets): The South Africa Cold Storage market is dominated by chillers and freezers owing to the rising trend in meat and seafood imports and consumption in the country. Certain drugs require that they be kept in chilled environments so as to maintain their potency.

By End User: COVID -19 has increased food consumption due to the stocking of food and panic buying. Also, an increase in food imports such as Meat/seafood will increase the demand for transportation in the country.

By Region: Gauteng, Cape Town and Durban are considered as most Prominent Regional Cluster for Cold Storage Penetration in South Africa

South Africa Cold Chain Market Competition Scenario: The Cold chain market is highly fragmented and is home to triple-digit cold transportation & storage players (not including captives). The strategic initiatives by market players like pre-installed chillers, increased floor load capacity, and higher ceiling heights act as an opportunity for the market's growth. Increased technological innovations, expansion of pallets by major companies, and existing market leaders like QK Cold Stored and CCS Logistics have added more competition parameters in the market.

South Africa Cold Chain Market Future Outlook: The cold chain market is expected to be fueled by increasing demand for temperature-controlled products in the country, the entry of several new players, and government initiatives and programs. Several cold chain operators are expanding their operations and setting up many new cold storage facilities to meet the high and growing demand for cold storage, giving a significant boost to the cold storage industry in South Africa.

Key Segments Covered

South Africa Cold Chain Market

By Revenue Split:

Cold Transport

Cold Storage

By End User:

Meat and Seafood

Fruits and Vegetables


Dairy Products

Processed Foods

Frozen Foods

By Ownership:

3PL Cold Chain Facilities


South Africa Cold Transport Market

By Truck Type

Reefer Vans/Trucks (1 to 10 Tons)

20-foot reefers (10 - 20 Tons)

40-foot reefers and others (more than 20 tons)

By Mode of Transportation




By Location



By Vicinity



By Ownership:

3PL Cold Chain Facilities


By End User

Meat and Seafood

Fruits & Vegetables


Dairy Products

Processed foods

Frozen Foods

South Africa Cold Storage Market

By Temperature:




By End User

Meat and Seafood

Fruits & Vegetables


Dairy Products

Processed foods

Frozen Foods

By Region


Cape town



Key Target Audience

Cold Storage Companies

Cold Chain Companies

Cold Transport Companies

Captive Cold Storage Companies

Captive Cold Chain Companies

Logistics Companies

Non-captive Companies

Cold Chain Associations

Logistics Associations

Private Equity Firms

Venture Capitalists

Time Period Captured in the Report:

Historical Period: 2016-2021

Base Year: 2021

Forecasted Period: 2021-2026F

Companies Covered:

QK Cold Stores

CCS Logistics

Imperial Logistics

Meister Cold Stores

Etlin International

Chilleweni Cold Storage Solutions

Global Distribution Solutions

Reefer Cold Storage

Bidwest International Logistics


Ethekwini Cold Stores

Precool Cold Stores

Idube Cold Storage

Two Oceans Commercial Cold Stores

Ayoba Cold Storage

Durban South Cold Storage


Ziqene Cold Stores

SAFT Atlantic Cold Storage

Key Topics Covered in the Report

South Arica Cold Chain Market Overview

South Arica Cold Chain Industry Supply Ecosystem

Business Cycle, Genesis and Timeline of South Arica Cold Chain Market

South Arica Cold Chain Market Size, 2016-2021

South Arica Cold Chain Market Segmentation, 2021 (by Cold Storage and Cold Transport, by Ownership, by End Users)

South Africa Cold Storage Market Overview

South Africa Cold Storage Market Ecosystem

South Africa Cold Storage Market Size,2016-2021

South Africa Cold Storage Market Segmentation, 2021 (by Temperature Range, by End Users, by Region)

South Africa Cold Transport Market Overview

South Arica Cold Transport Market Size, 2016-2021

South Africa Cold Transport Market Segmentation, 2021 (by Type of Reefer Truck, by Mode of Transportation, by Location, by End Users)

Value Chain Analysis of South Africa Cold Chain Market

South Africa Cold Chain Market Competition Landscape

SWOT Analysis of South Africa Cold Chain Market

Regulatory Landscape of South Africa Cold Chain Market

Growth drivers of South Africa Cold Chain Market

Issues and Challenges in the South Africa Cold Chain Market

Recent Trends in the South Africa Cold Chain Market

End User Analysis of South Africa Cold Chain Market

Future Outlook of South Africa Cold Chain Industry, Cold Storage Market, Cold Transport Market, 2021-2026F

Market Opportunities and Analyst Recommendation

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1. Executive Summary
1.1Executive Summary of South Arica Cold Chain Market
2. Country Overview and Infrastructure Analysis of South Africa
2.1 Country Overview of South Arica
2.2 South Arica Population Analysis, 2021
2.3 Cross Comparison of Quality of Infrastructure of ASEAN Countries
2.4 Infrastructure Overview of the South Arica (Air, Land and Sea Transport)
3. South Arica Cold Chain Market Overview and Genesis
3.1 South Arica Cold Chain Industry Supply Ecosystem
3.2 Overview of South Africa Cold Chain Market
3.3 Understanding Value Chain of South Arica Cold Chain Industry
3.4 Major and other Challenges in South Arica Cold Chain Market Value Chain
3.5 Existing Technologies in South Arica Cold Chain Market
3.6 South Arica Cold Chain Market Size, 2016-2021
3.7 Trends in the Industry
3.8 Seasonality Trends in the Industry
3.9 Government Initiatives in South Arica Cold Chain Market
4. South Arica Cold Chain Market Segmentation
4.1 South Africa Cold Chain Market Revenues by Cold Storage and Cold Transport, 2021
4.2 South Africa Cold Chain Market Revenues by Ownership (Owned and Third-Party Logistics), 2021
4.3 South Africa Cold Chain Market Revenues by End Users (Meat & Sea Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals, Dairy Products, Frozen Processed Foods & Others), 2021
5. South Africa Cold Storage Market Overview
5.1 South Africa Cold Storage Market Ecosystem
5.2 South Africa Cold Storage Market Size, 2016-2021
5.3 South Africa Cold Storage Market Size by Price and Occupancy Rate (in %), 2016- 2021
5.4 South Africa Cold Storage Market Segmentation by Temperature Range (Ambient, Frozen and Chillers), 2021
5.5 South Africa Cold Storage Market Segmentation by End Users (Meat & Sea Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals, Dairy Products, Frozen Processed Foods and Others), 2021
5.6 South Africa Cold Storage Market Segmentation by Region (Gauteng, Cape Town, Durban and Others), 2021
5.7 Cross Comparison of major regions (Gauteng, Cape Town, Durban) in South Africa Cold Storage Market
5.8 Automation in Cold Storage in South Africa
6. South Africa Cold Transport Market Overview
6.1 Overview of South Africa Cold Transportation Industry
6.2 Value Chain Analysis of South Africa
6.3 Challenges and Opportunities in South Africa Cold Transportation Market
6.4 South Africa Cold Transport Market Revenue, 2016-2021
6.5 South Africa Cold Transport Market Segmentation by Type of Reefer Truck (Reefer Vans, 20-foot reefers and 40-foot reefers), 2021
6.6 South Africa Cold Transport Market Segmentation by Mode of Transportation (Land, Sea and Air), 2021
6.7 South Africa Cold Transport Market Segmentation by Location (International and Domestic) & Vicinity (Intercity and Intracity), 2021
6.8 South Africa Cold Transport Market Segmentation by End Users (Meat & Sea Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals, Dairy Products, Frozen Processed Foods and Others), 2021
7. South Africa Cold Chain Market Competition Landscape
7.1 Market Positioning Analysis of Major Cold Chain Players in South Africa
7.2 Market Share of Major Cold Storage Players in South Africa
7.3 Market Share of Major Cold Transport Players in South Africa
7.4 Strengths and Weakness of Major Cold Chain Players in South Africa
7.5 Cross Comparison of South Africa Cold Chain Market Players (Establishment Year, Services, Industries Catered, No. of cold storages, Location of cold storages, Temperature Range Offered, Total Pallets Positions, Occupancy Rates, Cold Transport Services, Certifications, Future Growth, Automation)
7.6 Cross Comparison of South Africa Cold Transport Players (Establishment Year, Services, Industries Catered, Strengths, # of fleets)
8. South Africa Cold Chain Industry Analysis
8.1 SWOT Analysis of South Africa Cold Chain Market
8.2 Regulatory Landscape of South Africa Cold Chain Market
8.3 Growth drivers of South Africa Cold Chain Market
8.4 Issues and Challenges in the South Africa Cold Chain Market
8.5 Recent Trends in the South Africa Cold Chain Market
9. End User Analysis of South Africa Cold Chain Market
9.1 Key Temperature Controlled Products with different Shelf Lives
9.2 In-Depth Analysis for Cold Storage in South Africa
9.3 Decision Making Parameter for Selecting Logistics Vendor
9.4 South Africa Meat and Seafood Market
9.5 South Africa Fruits and Vegetables Market
9.6 South Africa Pharma Market
10. Future Outlook of South Africa Cold Chain Industry
10.1 Future Market Sizing of Cold Chain Industry, 2021-2026F
10.2 Future Market Segmentation by Market Type and By Ownership (Owned and Third-Party Logistics), 2026F
10.3 Future Market Segmentation by End User (Meat & Sea Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals, Dairy Products, Frozen Processed Foods & Others), 2026F
11. Future Outlook of South Africa Cold Storage Market
11.1 Future Cold Storage Market Sizing
11.2 Future Segmentation by Major Cities (Gauteng, Cape Town, Durban and Others) and By Temperature (Frozen, Chillers and Ambient), 2026F
11.3 Future Segmentation by End User (Meat & Sea Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals, Dairy Products, Frozen Processed Foods & Others), 2026F
12. Future Outlook of South Africa Cold Transport Market
12.1 South Africa Cold Transport Market Revenue, 2021-2026F
12.2 Future Segmentation by Reefer Trucks (Reefer Vans, 20-foot reefers and 40-foot reefers) and Mode of Transportation (Land, Sea and Air), 2026F
12.3 Future Market Segmentation by Location (International and Domestic) & Vicinity (Intercity and Intracity), 2026F
12.4 Future Segmentation by End User (Meat & Sea Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals, Dairy Products, Frozen Processed Foods & Others), 2026F
13. Market Opportunities and Analyst Recommendations
14. Research Methodology
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