India Construction Chemicals Market Outlook to 2028

India Construction Chemicals Market Outlook to 2028

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the potential of Construction Chemicals Industry in India. The report covers an overview and genesis of the industry, market size in terms of revenue generated.

The report has market segmentation which include segments by Revenue (Organized, Unorganized), by Categories (Concrete Admixtures, Waterproofing, Sealants & Tile Adhesives, Flooring, Repair & Rehabilitation, Grouting Chemicals & Others, Coatings, Others), by End-User (Infrastructure, Residential, Commercial), by Region (North, South, East, West), growth enablers and drivers; challenges and bottlenecks; trends driving adoption trends; regulatory framework; end-user analysis, industry analysis, competitive landscape including competition scenario and market shares of major players. The report concludes with future market projections of each market segmentation and analyst recommendations.

Market Overview:

According to Ken Research estimates, the Market Size of India Construction Chemicals has shown increasing trend from 2017 to 2022. However, drop was observed in 2020. This is owing to fear and social distance among service providers during pandemic. Market Size of Construction Chemicals market is expected to show a decent growth trajectory from 2022 to 2028 at CAGR of 12.1%. This is mainly due to rapid infrastructural development which has led to services being able to reach previously un-accessible regions.

The boost in market growth of Construction Chemicals in India has been supported by the rising urbanization and government measures to revitalize rural areas, as well as infrastructural development.

New Innovations such as Multipurpose & Hybrid Coating, eco-friendly products for instance Nano-Coating, Green Coating for fire protection and anti-corrosion fueled the sales.

Key Trends by Market Segment:

By Revenue:
Organized Market dominated the trade scenario in 2022 capturing more than half of the share.

By End-User: Infrastructure captured a major chunk of the market with more than half share.

Competitive Landscape:

Future Outlook:

Market Size of India Construction Chemicals Market is expected to show increasing trend from 2021 to 2026. This is owing to a booming construction sector, government aid alongside M&A activities which has resulted in increasing sales. Moreover, a huge number of market players have resulted in increasing competition leading to product innovation & development.

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1. Executive Summary
1.1 Executive Summary: Global Construction Chemicals Market, 2022-2028
1.2 India Construction Chemicals Market Product Taxonomy
1.3 India Construction Chemicals Market Sizing Analysis, FY’17-FY’28
1.4 Executive Summary: India Construction Chemicals Market By Sub-Segmentations, FY’22
1.5 Executive Summary: India Construction Chemicals Market by Sub-Segmentations, FY’28
1.6 1Executive Summary: India Construction Chemicals Market By Sub-Segmentations, FY’22-FY’28
1.7 1Market Share of Major Players in the Organized India Construction Chemicals Market, FY’22
1.8 Market Share of Major Players in the Organized India Construction Chemicals Market, FY’22
1.9 Executive Summary: Extruded Polystyrene Market, FY’19-FY’28
2. Global Construction Chemicals Market Overview
2.1 Market Size Analysis of Global Construction Chemicals Market, 2017-2028
2.2 Segmentation By Type of Construction Chemicals, 2022
2.3 Global Construction Chemical Market Size By Region, 2022
2.4 Future Segmentation By Type of Construction Chemicals and By Region, 2028
2.5 Market Overview of Construction Chemicals Market By Countries: Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, Philippines and Indonesia
2.6 Market Size Analysis of Construction Chemicals Market By Countries: Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives, Philippines and Indonesia, 2019-2022
2.7 Cross Comparison of Major Players in Global Construction Chemicals Industry
2.8 Cross Comparison of Major Chinese Players in Global Construction Chemicals Industry
3. India Construction Chemicals Market Overview
3.1 Business Cycle and Genesis of India Construction Chemicals Market
3.2 India Construction Chemicals Market Ecosystem
3.3 Supply Side: Value Chain Analysis
3.4 Business Channel Analysis and Value Chain Challenges
4. Trade Scenario of India Construction Chemicals Market
4.1 Import Scenario, FY’17-FY’23
4.2 Export Scenario, FY’17-FY’23
4.3 Construction Chemicals Import Data By Construction Chemicals, FY’22
5. India Construction Chemicals Market Size and Segmentations
5.1 Market Sizing Analysis of India Construction Chemicals Market, FY’17-FY’22
5.2 Segmentation By Organized and Unorganized Market, FY’22
5.3 Segmentation By Type of Construction Chemicals, FY’22
5.4 Segmentation By Region, FY’22
5.5 Segmentation By States, FY’22
6. India Construction Chemicals Market Sub-Segmentations
6.1 Segmentation By Type of Concrete Admixtures, FY’22
6.2 Segmentation By Type of Sealants and Tile Adhesives, FY’22
6.3 Segmentation By Type of Industrial Flooring, FY’22
6.4 Segmentation By Type of Repair and Rehabilitation, FY’22
6.5 Segmentation By type of Grouting & Others, FY’22
6.6 Segmentation By Type of Protective Coating Chemicals, FY’22
7. India Waterproofing Chemicals Market Size and Segmentations
7.1 Market Sizing Analysis of India Waterproofing Chemicals Market, FY’17-FY’22
7.2 Segmentation By Type of Waterproofing Chemicals, FY’22
7.3 Segmentation By Type of Liquid and Membrane Waterproofing Chemicals, FY’22
7.4 Segmentation By Type of Membrane Waterproofing Chemicals, FY’22
8. End User Analysis of India Construction Chemicals Market
8.1 Segmentation By Type of End Users, FY’22
8.2 Cluster Analysis of End User Sector, FY’22
8.3 National Infrastructure Pipeline, FY’22-FY’25
8.4 Indian Real Estate Sector Snapshot
8.5 India Residential Sector Snapshot, H1 FY’23
8.6 India Commercial Office Sector Snapshot, H1 FY’23
9. Industry Analysis of India Construction Chemicals Market
9.1 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of India Construction Chemicals Market
9.2 SWOT Analysis of India Construction Chemicals Market
9.3 Factors impacting the Growth of the India Construction Chemicals Market
9.4 Growth Drivers and Enablers in India Construction Chemicals Market
9.5 Challenges and Bottleneck in India Construction Chemicals Market
9.6 Recent trends & Developments in India Construction Chemicals Market
9.7 Government Initiatives in India Construction Chemicals Market
9.8 Raw Materials Used in India Construction Industry
10. Competition Analysis of India Construction Chemicals Market
10.1 Market Share of Major Players in the Organized India Construction Chemicals Market, FY’22
10.2 1Market Share of Major Organized Players in the Concrete Admixtures, FY’22
10.3 1Market Share of Major Organized Players in the Sealants and Tile Adhesives, FY’22
10.4 1Market Share of Major Organized Players in the Industrial Flooring, FY’22
10.5 Market Share of Major Organized Players in the Repair and Rehabilitation, FY’22
10.6 Market Share of Major Organized Players in the Grouting and others, FY’22
10.7 Market Share of Major Organized Players in the Protective Coatings, FY’22
10.8 Market Share of Major Organized Players in the Waterproofing, FY’22
10.9 Financial Analysis of India Construction Chemicals Market, FY’22
11 Cross Comparison of Major Players in India Construction Chemicals Market
11.1 Cross Comparison of Major Players in India Construction Chemicals Market
11.2 Product Landscape Analysis of India Construction Chemicals Market
11.3 Retail Pricing Landscape of India Construction Chemicals Market
12. Financial Analysis of Major Players in India Construction Chemicals Market
12.1 Financial Cross Comparison of Major Companies in India Construction Chemicals Market
12.2 Current Ratio Analysis for Major Players, FY’22
12.3 Capex Analysis for Major Players, FY,22
12.4 Inventory Turnover Ratio Analysis for Major Players, FY’22
12.5 Financial Analysis for Major Players, FY’22
13. India Extruded Polystyrene Market (XPS Market)
13.1 Market Sizing Analysis of Extruded Polystyrene Market, FY’19-FY’28F
13.2 1Value Chain of Extruded Polystyrene Market
13.3 Pricing Analysis and Sales Channel Analysis
13.4 1Segmentation By Applications, FY’22
13.5 Segmentation by End Users, FY’22
13.6 Segmentation by Region, FY’22
13.7 1Future Segmentation y Applications, FY’28
13.8 Future Segmentation by Applications, FY’28
13.9 Future Segmentation by Applications, FY’28
14. Future Outlook of India Construction Chemicals Market Size and Segmentations
14.1 Future Market Sizing Analysis of India Construction Chemicals Market, FY’22-FY’28
14.2 Future Segmentation by Organized and Unorganized Market and By Type of Construction Chemicals, FY’2
14.3 1Future Segmentation by Type of Construction Chemicals, FY’28
14.4 Future Segmentation by Region, FY’28
14.5 End Users Future Outlook in Construction Chemicals Industry
14.6 Industry Insights on Future Outlook of India Construction Chemicals Market
14.7 Government Initiatives, 2025
14.8 End Users Future Outlook in Construction Chemicals Industry
15. Future Outlook of India Construction Chemicals Market Sub-Segmentations
15.1 Future Segmentation By Type of Concrete Admixtures, FY’28
15.2 Future Segmentation by Type of Sealants and Tile Adhesives, FY’28
15.3 Future Segmentation by Type of Industrial Flooring, FY’28
15.4 Future Segmentation by Type of Repair and Rehabilitation, FY’28
15.5 Future Segmentation by Type of Grouting and others, FY’28
15.6 Future Segmentation by Type of Protective Coatings, FY’28
16. Future Outlook of India Waterproofing Chemicals Market Size and Segmentations
16.1 Future Market Sizing Analysis of India Waterproofing Chemicals Market, FY’22-FY’28
16.2 Future Segmentation by Organized and Unorganized Market, FY’28
16.3 Future Segmentation by Type of Waterproofing Chemicals, FY’28
16.4 Future Segmentation by Type of Liquid Waterproofing Chemicals, FY’28
16.5 Future Segmentation by Type of Membrane Waterproofing Chemicals, FY’28
16.6 Future Segmentation by Type of Bituminous Waterproofing Chemicals, FY’28
17. Analyst Recommendations
17.1 Product Mapping in India Construction Chemicals Market
17.2 Product Penetration in India Construction Chemical Market
17.3 Target addressable Market V/s Service Obtainable Market
17.4 Logistics Ease of Construction Chemical by Region
17.5 Ideal Sector to Target in India Construction Chemical Market17.6 Green and Bio-Based Construction Chemicals
17.7 Factors Influencing the Purchase Decision of End Users
17.8 Areas of Improvement
17.9 Business Model Canvas
17.20 Recommendations for Digital Penetration
17.21 Next Phase
18. Research Methodology
18.1 Construction Chemicals Product Taxonomy
18.2 1Market Definitions and Assumptions
18.3 Market Abbreviations
18.4 Market Sizing Approach
18.5 Consolidated Research Approach
18.6 Primary Research Approach
18.9 Sample-Size Inclusion
18.10 Limitations and Future Conclusion

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