Global Solid-state Battery Market Size, Segments, Outlook, and Revenue Forecast 2022-2028 by Type (Thin Film Battery and Portable Battery), Application (Consumer & Portable Electronics, Electric Vehicles, Energy Harvesting, and Wearable & Medical Devices)

Global Solid-state Battery Market Size, Segments, Outlook, and Revenue Forecast 2022-2028 by Type (Thin Film Battery and Portable Battery), Application (Consumer & Portable Electronics, Electric Vehicles, Energy Harvesting, and Wearable & Medical Devices), and Major Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America Middle East, and Africa)

Market Overview:

A solid-state battery uses a solid as an electrolyte and has high energy density, better stability, and is safer in comparison to lithium-ion batteries. Different kinds of electrolytes could be used to increase the efficiency of a solid-state battery. Solid-state batteries are less expensive, safer, and more durable.

According to Ken Research Analysis, the Global Solid-state Battery Market is expected to record a positive CAGR of ~30% during the forecast period (2022-2028) and is expected to reach nearly US$ 3,000 million by 2028, owing to an increase in research and development activity on solid-state batteries.

The increasing demand for the solid-state battery to offer high energy density is anticipated to propel the growth of the global solid-state battery market during the forecast period.

The surging demand for electric vehicles along with increasing investment and partnerships between battery manufacturers and automobile manufacturers is likely to propel the growth of the global solid-state battery market.

The global solid-state battery market faces challenges due to the high manufacturing cost of solid-state batteries.

The availability of other substitutes such as graphene batteries, sand batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, and others is also expected to restrict the growth of the market.

The COVID-19 pandemic positively impacted the solid-state battery market as countries-imposed lockdowns to curb the situation which resulted in a massive shift to remote and online working and as a result, the demand for electronics increased. Furthermore, the increase in cardiovascular diseases among patients suffering from COVID-19 boosted the demand for pacemakers as well as solid-state batteries.

Scope of the Report

The solid-state battery market is segmented by type and application. In addition, the report also covers market size and forecasts for the four region's solid-state battery market. The revenue used to size and forecast the market for each segment is US$ million.

By Type

Thin Film Battery
Portable Battery

By Application

Consumer & Portable Electronics
Electric Vehicles
Energy Harvesting
Wearable & Medical Devices

By Geography

North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (Germany, UK, France, Sweden, Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Australia)
LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, Africa)

Key Players

Robert Bosch GmbH
Solid Power Inc.
BrightVolt Inc.
SK Innovation Co. Ltd
Total Energies

Key Trends

by Market Segment:

By Type:
The thin film battery segment held the largest share of the global solid-state battery market by type in 2021, owing to the growing demand for thin film batteries for various applications including wearable devices, and others.

The adoption of thin film batteries as they have a low impact on the environment as well as their efficient recharge rate and compact size are expected to fuel the demand for the segment in the global solid-state battery market.

By Application:
The consumer & portable electronics segment accounted for the largest share of the global solid-state battery market in 2021, attributed to the growing urbanization and increasing disposable incomes.

The increase in demand for electronic goods such as mobile phones, laptops, and others among consumers is anticipated to aid the growth of the segment in the global solid-state battery market.

By Geography:
Asia-Pacific region accounted for the largest share of the global solid-state battery market in 2021, due to the growing demand for electric vehicles.

The increasing focus on the research and development of solid-state batteries along with supportive initiatives by the government to reduce carbon emissions for automobiles, is expected to augment the growth of the region in the solid-state battery market.

Competitive Landscape

The solid-state battery market is highly competitive with ~100 players that include globally diversified players, regional players as well as a large number of country-niche players having their niche in the solid-state battery.

Regional players comprise ~45% of the total number of competitors, while the country-niche players comprise the second highest of the total number of competitors. However majority of the regional and country-niche players are suppliers of components or assembling & distribution partners of global players. Some of the major players in the market include Cymbet, Toyota Motor Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Solid Power Inc., Excellatron, BrightVolt Inc., SK Innovation Co. Ltd, STMicroelectronics, Total Energies, and StoreDot, among others.

The leading global solid-state battery companies such as Toyota Motor Corporation, Excellatron, and BrightVolt Inc., are highly focused on the research and development of solid-state batteries.

Recent Developments Related to Major Players

In June 2020, Toyota Motor Corporation and Panasonic Corporation partnered to form Prime Planet Energy and Solutions Inc., to focus on the development, manufacturing, and marketing of solid-state batteries for the automotive industry.
In January 2022, SK Innovation Co. Ltd collaborated with a research team led by Professor Lee Seung-woo of Georgia Tech in the USA. The company aimed to advance the era of next-generation all-solid-state batteries.


The global solid-state battery market is forecasted to continue exponential growth, primarily driven by the increasing demand for solid-state batteries due to their high energy density for different applications. Furthermore, supportive government initiatives and increased R&D activities on the solid-state battery is expected to fuel the growth of the market. Though the market is highly competitive with ~100 participants, regional players control the dominant market share.


This is an On-Demand/Planned report, so the figures quoted here for a market size estimate, forecast, growth, segment share, and competitive landscape are based on initial findings and might vary slightly in the actual report. Also, any required customizations can be covered to the best feasible extent for pre-booking clients, and the report delivered within a maximum of two working weeks.

Key Topics Covered in the Report

Snapshot of the Global Solid-state Battery Market
Industry Value Chain and Ecosystem Analysis of the Solid-state Battery Market
Market size and Segmentation of the Global Solid-state Battery Market
Historic Growth of the Overall Global Solid-state Battery Market and Segments
Competition Scenario of the Solid-state Battery Market and Key Developments of Competitors
Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis of the Global Solid-state Battery Industry
Overview, Product Offerings, and Strategic Developments of Key Competitors
COVID-19 Impact on the Overall Global Solid-state Battery Market
Future Market Forecast and Growth Rates of the Global Solid-state Battery Market and by Segments
Market Size of Application/Application Segments with historical CAGR and Future Forecasts
Analysis of the Solid-state Battery Market in Major Regions
Major Production / Consumption Hubs in the Major Regions
Major Production/Supply and Consumption/Demand Hubs in Each Region
Major Country-wise Historic and Future Market Growth Rates of the Total Solid-state Battery Market and Segments
Overview of Notable Emerging Competitor Companies within Each Major Region

Major Companies Mentioned in the Report

Robert Bosch GmbH
Solid Power Inc.
BrightVolt Inc.
SK Innovation Co. Ltd
Total Energies

Notable Emerging Companies Mentioned in the Report

QuntumScape Corporation
Factorial Inc
Gangfeng Lithium Co Ltd
Prieto Battery
Dyson Ltd.

Key Target Audience – Organizations and Entities Who Can Benefit by Subscribing This Report

Solid-state Battery Manufacturers
Electric Vehicle Manufacturers
Electronic Manufacturers
Wearable Device Manufacturers
Medical Device Manufacturers
Research & Consulting Firms
Research and Development Associations
Investment Banking & Financial Institutes
Research & Development Institutes for Solid-state Battery
Solid-state Battery Providers
Solid-state Battery Technology Research Organizations
Solid-state Battery Suppliers
Investors in Solid-state Battery Start-ups
Solid-state Battery Distributors
Government Regulatory Bodies

Period Captured in the Report

Historical Period: 2017-2021
Forecast Period: 2022E-2028F

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Study Period of this Market Report?

The Global Solid-state Battery Market is covered from 2017-2028 in this report, which includes a forecast for the period 2022-2028.

What is the Future Growth Rate of the Global Solid-state Battery Market?

The Global Solid-state Battery Market is expected to witness a CAGR of ~30% for the next six years.

What are the Key Factors Driving the Global Solid-state Battery Market?

The high investments in research and development for solid-state batteries along with surging demand for electric vehicles, phones, laptops, and others is anticipated to augment the growth of the Global Solid-state Battery Market.

Which is the Largest Type Segment within the Global Solid-state Battery Market?

Thin film batteries held the largest share of the Global Solid-state Battery Market in 2021.

Who are the Key Players in the Global Solid-state Battery Market?

Cymbet, TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION, Robert Bosch GmbH, Solid Power Inc., Excellatron, BrightVolt Inc., SK Innovation Co. Ltd, STMicroelectronics, Total Energies, and StoreDot, among others.

Key Topics Covered in the Report

Snapshot of the Global Solid-state Battery Market
Industry Value Chain and Ecosystem Analysis of the Solid-state Battery Market
Market size and Segmentation of the Global Solid-state Battery Market
Historic Growth of the Overall Global Solid-state Battery Market and Segments
Competition Scenario of the Solid-state Battery Market and Key Developments of Competitors
Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis of the Global Solid-state Battery Industry
Overview, Product Offerings, and Strategic Developments of Key Competitors
COVID-19 Impact on the Overall Global Solid-state Battery Market
Future Market Forecast and Growth Rates of the Global Solid-state Battery Market and by Segments
Market Size of Application/Application Segments with historical CAGR and Future Forecasts
Analysis of the Solid-state Battery Market in Major Regions
Major Production / Consumption Hubs in the Major Regions
Major Production/Supply and Consumption/Demand Hubs in Each Region
Major Country-wise Historic and Future Market Growth Rates of the Total Solid-state Battery Market and Segments
Overview of Notable Emerging Competitor Companies within Each Major Region

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1. Executive Summary
1.1 Highlights of Global Solid-state Battery Market Historic Growth & Forecast
1.2 Highlights of Market Trends, Challenges, and Competition
1.3 Highlights of Market Revenue Share by Segments
2. Market Overview and Key Trends Impacting Growth
2.1 Global Solid-state Battery Market Taxonomy
2.2 Industry Value Chain
2.3 The Ecosystem of Major Entities in the Global Solid-state Battery Market
2.4 Government Regulations & Developments
2.5 Key Growth Drivers & Challenges Impacting the Market
2.6 COVID-19 Impact on Global Solid-state Battery Market
2.7 Total Global Solid-state Battery Market Historic Growth by Segment Type, 2017-2021
2.7.1 By Type
2.7.2 By Application
2.7.3 By Major Regions
2.8 Total Global Solid State Battery Market Historic Growth & Forecast, 2017-2028
2.9 Key Takeaways
3. Total Global- Market Segmentation by Type, Historic Growth, Outlook & Forecasts
3.1 Market Definition - Segmentation by Type
3.2 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Type, 2017-2028
3.2.1 Thin Film Battery
3.2.2 Portable Battery
3.3 Key Takeaways from Market Segmentation by Type
4. Total Global- Market Segmentation by Application, Historic Growth, Outlook & Forecasts
4.1 Market Definition - Segmentation by Application
4.2 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Application, 2017-2028
4.2.1 Consumer & Portable Electronics
4.2.2 Electric Vehicles
4.2.3 Energy Harvesting
4.2.4 Wearable & Medical Devices
4.2.5 Others
4.3 Key Takeaways from Market Segmentation by Application
5. Industry / Competition Analysis - Competitive Landscape
5.1 Types of Players (Competitors) & Share of Competition
5.2 Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis of Global Solid-state Battery Competitors
5.3 Key Developments in the Global Solid-state Battery Sector Impacting Market Growth
5.4 Comparison of Leading Competitors within the Global Solid-state Battery Market, 2021
5.5 Comparison of Leading Competitors within the Global Solid-state Battery Market by Coverage of Type Segments, 2021
5.6 Comparison of Leading Competitors within the Global Solid-state Battery Market by Coverage of Application Segments, 2021
5.7 Comparison of Leading Competitors within the Global Solid-state Battery Market by Coverage of Major Regions, 2021
5.8 Key Takeaways from Competitive Landscape
6. Key Competitor Profiles (Company Overview, Strategic Developments, Product Offerings)
6.1 Cymbet
6.3 Robert Bosch GmbH
6.4 Solid Power Inc.
6.5 Excellatron
6.6 BrightVolt Inc.
6.7 SK Innovation Co. Ltd
6.8 STMicroelectronics
6.9 Total Energies
6.10 StoreDot
7. Geographic Analysis & Major Region Market Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts
7.1 Major Region Comparison of Macroeconomic Factors
7.2 Total Global- Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook and Forecasts by Geography, 2017-2028
7.3 Major Region Market Analysis, Historic Growth, Outlook & Forecasts
7.4 North America – Solid-state Battery Market Analysis
7.4.1 Major Production and Consumption Hubs in North America
7.4.2 Notable Emerging Solid-State Battery Companies in North America
7.4.3 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Type, 2017-2028
7.4.4 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Application, 2017-2028
7.4.5 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Major Countries, 2017-2028
7.5 Europe – Solid-state Battery Market Analysis
7.5.1 Major Production and Consumption Hubs in Europe
7.5.2 Notable Emerging Solid-state Battery Companies in Europe
7.5.3 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Type, 2017-2028
7.5.4 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Application, 2017-2028
7.5.5 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Major Countries, 2017-2028
Rest of Europe
7.6 Asia-Pacific – Solid-state Battery Market Analysis
7.6.1 Major Production and Consumption Hubs in Asia-Pacific
7.6.2 Notable Emerging Solid-state Battery Companies in Asia-Pacific
7.6.3 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Type, 2017-2028
7.6.4 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Application, 2017-2028
7.6.5 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Major Countries, 2017-2028
South Korea
Rest of Asia-Pacific
7.7 LAMEA – Solid-state Battery Market Analysis
7.7.1 Major Production and Consumption Hubs in LAMEA
7.7.2 Notable Emerging Solid-state Battery Companies in LAMEA
7.7.3 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Type, 2017-2028
7.7.4 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Application, 2017-2028
7.7.5 Market Revenue Share, Historic Growth, Outlook, and Forecasts by Major Regions, 2017-2028
Latin America
Middle East
8.Industry Expert’s Opinions/Perspectives
8.1 Notable Statements/Quotes from Industry Experts and C-Level Executives on Current Status and Future Outlook of the Market
9. Analyst Recommendation
9.1 Analyst Recommendations on Identified Major Opportunities and Potential Strategies to Gain from Opportunities
10. Appendix
10.1 Research Methodology - Market Size Estimation, Forecast, and Sanity Check Approach
10.2 Sample Discussion Guide

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