The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Tests, 17th Edition

The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Tests, 17th Edition

Don’t miss out on this essential tool for navigating the evolving IVD landscape.

Kalorama Information's The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Tests, now in its 17th edition, is the essential resource for anyone interested in or involved in the IVD industry. This comprehensive report provides reliable estimates, real-world forecasts from 2024 to 2029, and essential insights needed to understand the IVD market in its entirety. With every significant test category covered in detail, it's like having ten market research reports in one comprehensive volume.

Key Features:
  • Extensive Coverage: Detailed estimates and forecasts for every significant IVD test category, with chapters on Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Histology, Molecular, Immunoassay, Infectious Disease, Coagulation, Blood Bank IVD, Point of Care (POC), and more.
  • In-Depth Analysis: Based on vendor reporting, interviews, and global activities, this 1,700 page report offers a full assessment of the IVD market.
  • Trusted Source: Published since 1999, it’s the most trusted report by top companies in the IVD industry.
  • Growth Projections: Market size, future projections, and compound annual growth rates for all test segments through 2029.
  • Company Profiles: In-depth profiles of hundreds of companies, including the top 40, covering financial results, product launches, and strategic plans.
  • Global Scope: Analysis includes market size for every significant country and major market segments globally.
  • Essential Insights for Business Planning:
  • Market Size and Trends: Understand the size and breakdown of IVD market segments.
  • Future Projections: Forecasts for where these markets will be in five years.
  • Industry Changes: Track the evolution of the IVD market over time.
  • Competitive Landscape: Identify key players, mergers, and groundbreaking product launches.
  • Strategic Opportunities: Discover growth markets for potential entry or investment.
  • Country-Level Coverage:This report reflects the global scope of the IVD market, covering:
  • Regions: US, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Emerging Markets, Rest of World.
  • Countries: Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Netherlands, Turkey, Poland, Canada, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru, South Africa, and more.

  • Executive Summary
    • Table The Worldwide IVD Market, 2019, 2024, and 2029 ($ billions)
    • Table COVID-19 IVD Market, Share by Segment (Immunoassay Lab-Based, Molecular Dx Lab-Based, Point-of-Care), 2024 (%)
    • Scope and Methodology
    • Size and Growth of the Market
      • Table Global In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Sales, by Product Segment, 2024-2029 ($ million) (Blood Bank Molecular; Blood Bank Screening; Drugs of Abuse; Blood Grouping/Typing; Circulating Tumor Cells; Clinical Chemistry; Coagulation; Histology/Cytology; Continuous Glucose; COVID-19 Dx; Diabetes HbA1c Immunoassays, Lab-Based; Hematology; HPV, Molecular; Immunoassays - Infectious Disease; Immunoassays - Other Immunoassays; Mass Spectrometry; Microbiology (ID/AST); Molecular Microbiology; Nucleic Acid Assays; POC, OTC Diabetes; POC, OTC Other; POC, Professional; Other)
    • Market Highlights
    • Competitive Picture in IVD
    • Finding What You Are Looking For in the 17th Edition
      • Table Finding What You Are Looking For in the 17th Edition
  • Introduction
    • IVD Landscape
    • Report Design
      • Changes Between 16th and 17th Editions
    • PAMA and CMS
    • Market Analysis of IVD Market Segments
      • Table Global In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Sales, by Product Segment, 2024-2029 ($ million) (%) (Blood Bank Molecular; Blood Bank Screening; Drugs of Abuse; Blood Grouping/Typing; Circulating Tumor Cells; Clinical Chemistry; Coagulation; Histology/Cytology; Continuous Glucose; COVID-19 Dx; Diabetes HbA1c Immunoassays, Lab-Based; Hematology; HPV, Molecular; Immunoassays - Infectious Disease; Immunoassays - Other Immunoassays; Mass Spectrometry; Microbiology (ID/AST); Molecular Microbiology; Nucleic Acid Assays; POC, OTC Diabetes; POC, OTC Other; POC, Professional; Other)
      • Table Additional Global In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Markets of Interest (Not in Totals), Sales by Product Segment, 2024-2029 ($ million) (%) (Clinical Sequencing; Drugs of Abuse, Criminal; Drugs of Abuse, Employment [non IVD]; DTC Genetic Testing; Flow Cytometry; Prenatal Test Services)
      • Table Top 10 Global In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Product Segments, by Sales, 2024-2029 ($ billion)
      • Table Top 10 Global In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Product Segments, by CAGR, 2024-2029 (%)
      • Table Developed vs. Developing IVD Market Shares, 2024 and Projected 2029 (%)
    • Top Suppliers and Niche Players
      • Introduction
      • Overview of the Top Tier Companies
        • Table Clinical Diagnostic Revenues of Selected Top 20 IVD Companies*, 2023 and estimated 2024 ($ million)
        • Table Top 10 IVD Companies*, Clinical Diagnostic Revenues, 2023 ($ billion)
        • Table Top 10 IVD Companies*, Clinical Diagnostic Revenues, Estimated 2024 ($ billion)
      • Overview of Selected Second Tier Companies
        • Table Revenues of Selected Top 20 Niche IVD Players, 2023 and estimated 2024 ($ million)*
        • Table Top Tier Market Distribution, 2023 and estimated 2024 (%)
    • IVD Companies Mergers & Acquisitions
      • Table Selected IVD Mergers and Acquisitions, 2020-2024 (first half)
    • Collaboration, Partnership, Alliance Agreements
    • Test Services
      • Table Selected Test Services, Sales 2019-2024 ($ million, estimated where applicable)
      • Table Global Lab Market Segmentation, 2023 ($ billion)
      • Table Clinical Laboratory Revenues for Selected of U.S.-based Reference Labs, 2019-2024 ($ million, estimated)
    • Historical IVD Market vs Today
      • In the Beginning to Now
        • Table Share of IVD Market, by Segment, 2000 and 2024 Compared (%) (Blood Banking [imm & typing]; Clinical Chemistry; Coagulation; Hematology; Immunoassays; Microbiology [ID/AST]; Molecular; POC – Other; Histology/Cytology; POC Diabetes; Others)
      • Future
    • Point of View
      • Table IVD Market, by Segment, 2023 Compared to 2024 ($ million) (%)
    • COVID-19 Impact and Summary
      • Table Combined Performance in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 IVD Market Segments, 2020-2029 ($ million)
      • COVID-19 Market Value
        • Table COVID-19 Market Estimates, by Segment (Immunoassay, Molecular, Rapid – POC), 2024 (%)
  • The Global Picture for In Vitro Diagnostic Markets
    • Background
      • Simultaneous Threats: Chronic and Acute
      • Expected World IVD Market Developments
    • Global Population and Aging
      • Table Global Fertility Rate vs. Population Size, 1950-2050 (billion)
      • Table Global Population Distribution, 2022
      • Table Elderly Support Ratio in Various Countries, 2010 and 2050 (Australia; Brazil; Canada; China; China, Hong Kong SAR; France; Germany; India; Italy; Japan; Mexico; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; South Africa; Spain; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States; World)
      • Workforce Reduction
    • WHO Essential IVD List
      • Table WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (EDL)
      • Increase in Chronic Diseases
        • Table Leading Causes of Death Globally, 2021 (number of deaths in millions)
    • COVID-19
      • Table Selected Molecular EUA Tests for COVID-19, 2020-July 2024
      • Table Selected Antigen Immunoassay Tests for SARS-CoV-2, 2020-2023
      • Table Individual EUAs for Serology Tests for SARS-CoV-2, 2020-2023
      • Table Individual EUAs For IVDs for Management of COVID-19 Patients
    • Emerging and Emerged Markets
      • Table Market Potential by Total Population and Percent Urban, 2023 (Brazil; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Egypt; India; Malaysia; Mexico; Peru; Poland; Russia; Saudi Arabia; South Africa; South Korea; Turkey; Ukraine; United States; Vietnam)
    • Size and Forecast for the Global IVD Market
      • Table Global In Vitro Diagnostic Market, Major Country/Region Markets, 2024 and 2029 ($ million) (Australia; Brazil; Canada; China; Eastern Europe; EU 15/W. Europe; India; Japan; Mexico; Peru; Russia; Saudi Arabia; South Africa; South Korea; Turkey; UAE; United States; Vietnam; ROW)
      • Table Global In Vitro Diagnostic Market, Regional Markets, 2024 and 2029 ($ million) (Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America)
      • Table Global In Vitro Diagnostic Market, Regional Markets, 2024 and 2029 ($ billion) (Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America)
      • Table Global In Vitro Diagnostic Market, Share by Regional Markets, 2024 (%) (Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America)
      • Table Global In Vitro Diagnostic Market, YOY Growth, by Segment, 2023-2024 (%) (Blood Bank Molecular - NAT Screens; Blood Bank Screening – Immunoassays; Blood Grouping/Typing; Clinical Chemistry; Coagulation [PT/INR]; Coagulation, Molecular; D-dimer; Diabetes HbA1c, Lab; Drugs of Abuse; Hematology - Core Lab; Histology/Cytology; Immunoassays - Infectious Disease; Immunoassays - Other Immunos; Microbiology [ID/AST]; Microbiology [Molecular]; Nucleic Acid Assays; POC, OTC Diabetes; POC, OTC Other; POC, Professional/Hospital)
      • Table Global In Vitro Diagnostic Market, Regional Markets, 2023-2024 YOY Change (%) (Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America)
    • The IVD Market in the United States
      • Table United States IVD Market Share, by Segment, 2024 (%) (Blood Grouping; Clinical Chemistry; Coagulation; Hematology; Histology; Immunoassay Infectious Disease; Immunoassay Other; Microbiology ID/AST; Microbiology Molecular; Nucleic Acid Assays; POC Diabetes; POC Other; Others)
      • PAMA and Reimbursement Changes
        • Table Proposed Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test (CDLT) Rates, 2020-2027
      • LDT Update
        • Table FDA Enforcement Discretion of New Regulation Phaseout Stage, by IVD Category, 2024
      • Bundled Insurance Payments for ESRD Patients
        • Table Laboratory Tests Subject to ESRD Consolidated Billing
      • Advanced Laboratory Tests (ADLT)
        • Table List of Approved ADLTs, March 2024
      • Precision Medicine and NGS
    • IVD Market in Europe: Growing Markets
      • Table Economic Indicators (GDP Growth, Inflation Growth), by Select European Country, 2020-2024 (%) (France, Germany, Italy, Spain)
      • Table International Monetary Fund Inflation Map, Global 2024
      • Table Western European IVD Market, by Country, 2024 ($ million, estimated) (Austria; Belgium; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Ireland; Italy; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; UK)
      • EU Regulation
        • Table IVD Market Per Capita, Europe, 2023 Estimates (Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Republic; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Italy; Lithuania; Netherlands; Poland; Romania; Russia; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; UK)
      • Precision Medicine in Europe
      • Brexit
    • Japan
      • Table Japan IVD Market, Share by Segment, 2024 (%) (Clinical Chemistry; Coagulation; Hematology; Histology; Immunoassay Infectious Disease; Immunoassay Other; Microbiology ID/AST; Microbiology Molecular; POC Diabetes; POC Other; Others)
    • Eastern Europe: Growth Region
      • Table Eastern European IVD Market, by Country, 2024 ($ million) (Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Republic; Hungary; Poland; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Ukraine; Other)
      • Table Eastern Europe IVD Market, by Country, 2024 ($ million) (Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Republic; Hungary; Poland; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Ukraine)
    • China: Current IVD Market
      • Table China IVD Market, Share by Segment, 2024 (%) (Blood Bank Screening; Clinical Chemistry; Coagulation; Hematology; Histology; Immunoassay Infectious Disease; Immunoassay Other; Microbiology ID/AST; Microbiology Molecular; POC Diabetes; POC Other; Others)
      • Table Total Midyear Population, by Broad Age Group: China, 2010-2050 (million persons)
      • Clinical Laboratory Market in China
      • IVD Distribution in China
    • India: Population and Opportunity
      • Table India IVD Market, Share by Segment, 2024 (%) (Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Coagulation; Histology; Immunoassay; Microbiology; POC Glucose; POC Other; Others)
      • Clinical Laboratory Market in India
      • IVD Regulation
    • Rest of Asia
      • Table Asia Pacific IVD Market, by Country, 2024 ($ million) (Australia; India; Indonesia; Malaysia; Philippines; Singapore; South Korea; Thailand; Vietnam)
    • Brazil
      • Table Brazil IVD Market, by Broad Segment, 2024 (%) (Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Coagulation; Histology; Immunoassays; Microbiology; POC Glucose; POC Other; Others)
      • Disease Trends
      • Clinical Laboratory Market in Brazil
      • IVD Regulation
    • Mexico
      • Table Mexico IVD Market, by Broad Segment, 2024 (%) (Clinical Chemistry, Histology, Immunoassay, Microbiology, POC Diabetes, POC Other, Others)
    • The Russian Federation
    • Canada
    • Emerging Markets
      • Saudi Arabia IVD Market
      • South Africa IVD Market
      • South Korea IVD Market
      • Turkey IVD Market
      • United Arab Emirates (UAE) IVD Market
      • Other Markets to Watch
    • IVD Market Opportunity by Country
      • Table IVD Market Opportunity, by Country (2023 Market Rank, Country CAGR 2024-2029) (%) (Argentina; Australia; Austria; Belarus; Belgium; Brazil; Bulgaria; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Croatia; Czech Republic; Denmark; Egypt; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Jordan; Luxembourg; Malaysia; Mexico; Netherlands; Norway; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russia; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Thailand; Turkey; U.S.; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; Venezuela; Vietnam)
      • Table IVD Market Opportunity, Top 20 Markets, by Country Market Value and Country CAGR, 2024 and 2029 ($ million) (%)
  • Company and Industry Trends
    • Introduction
      • Advanced Medicine Without Borders
        • Table Key Emerging IVD Markets, 2019-2024 ($ million) (Brazil; China; Mexico; Russia; South Korea; Turkey; Vietnam)
      • China Market Information
      • Direct to Consumer Genetic Test Services
      • Future Trends
    • Gene Editing
      • Table Selected Gene Editing / CRISPR Innovations
      • CRISPR as a Diagnostic Tool
      • CRISPR and the Food Industry
    • Microbiome
      • Table Selected Microbiome Test Innovations
    • Next Generation Sequencing
      • Table Selected Clinical NGS Platforms on the Market
      • Liquid Biopsy
      • Quality Assurance
      • Product News
      • Market Cleared Products
      • Liquid Biopsy in Microbiology
      • Liquid Biopsy Companies in 2021-2024
      • The Future for Liquid Biopsy
    • Information Technology Advances and Artificial Intelligence
      • AI in Clinical Practice
        • Table Selected AI Market Cleared Tests
      • The Regulatory Pathway
      • Product Initiatives
        • Table Selected AI Product Initiatives in Development and Collaborations
    • AI in Liquid Biopsy
      • Table Selected AI/Liquid Biopsy Initiatives
      • Future Trends
    • Exosome Sequencing
    • Biotin Interference in Immunoassay Detection Errors
      • Table Biotin-free Offerings Currently on the Market
      • Table Biotin Interference with Troponin Lab Tests – Assays Subject to Biotin Interference
    • Traumatic Brain Injury and IVD
    • Personalized Medicine
      • Companion Diagnostics
        • Table FDA Approved Companion Diagnostics 2024
    • Telehealth
      • Telehealth eMed to Implement Home Test to Treat Program
    • Blockchain
    • Substance Abuse
      • Opioid Epidemic
      • COVID-19 and Substance Abuse
      • Biomarkers and Substance Abuse
      • Clinical Laboratory Testing for Drugs of Abuse
        • Table Global Drug Abuse Statistics
      • Urine
      • Blood
      • Oral
      • Hair
        • Table Selected Opioid Test FDA Approvals
    • Saliva Testing
    • Breath Test Advances
      • Table Selected Disease Markers in Exhaled Breath
    • Micro-Hospital Opportunities
    • Climate Change and Infectious Disease
    • Kickback Schemes
    • Early Sepsis Detection
    • Staffing Shortages
  • Point-of-Care (POC) Tests
    • Overview and Trends
    • POC Industry Drivers
      • Patient focused drivers
      • Medical/Healthcare related drivers
      • Technology drivers
      • Economic drivers
      • Other drivers
    • POC Industry Challenges
    • Regulatory Challenges
    • Professional POC
      • Table Worldwide Professional POC Test Sales, by Category, 2024 -2029 ($ million) (Cardiac Markers; Cholesterol; Coagulation; Critical Care POC; Drugs of Abuse; Fecal Occult Blood; Fertility; Glucose; HbA1c POC; Hematology; Infectious Diseases; Urinalysis; Others)
      • Table Selected Professional POC Test Innovations (excluding COVID-19 testing)
    • OTC Self Testing
      • Table Worldwide POC Self-Test Sales, by Category, 2024-2029 ($ million) (Cholesterol; Coagulation; Drugs of Abuse; Fecal Occult Blood; Glucose, Continuous; Glucose, Self; H. pylori; HIV; Other [TSH, Allergy, Autoimmune, etc.]; Other Infectious Disease [inc. COVID-19]; Pregnancy; Urinalysis)
    • Home Collection Trend
      • Table Worldwide Home Collection Test Kit Market, by Category, 2022* (% Estimated Share)
      • Table Selected Molecular Tests EUAs for Home Collection SARS-CoV-2 Tests
    • Pregnancy/Fertility Tests
      • Table POC Pregnancy and Fertility Test Market Distribution, by End User, 2024 (%) (OTC, PRO)
      • Table Pregnancy/Fertility POC Test Sales Distribution, by Global Region, 2024 (%) (Europe; Japan; United States; RoW)
    • Colon Cancer Screening
      • Table Selected POC Colon Cancer Tests
      • Table Colon Cancer POC Test Sales Distribution, by Global Region, 2024 (%) (Europe; Japan; United States; RoW)
    • Lipid Testing
      • Table Lipid POC Test Sales Distribution, by Global Region, 2024 (%) (Europe; Japan; United States; RoW)
    • Drugs of Abuse Testing
      • Table POC Drugs of Abuse Test Sales Distribution, by Setting, 2024 (%) (Criminal Justice; Critical Care - Traditional POC; Employment Screening)
      • Table Drugs of Abuse Tests on the Market
    • Rapid and POC Infectious Disease Testing
      • Table Innovations in Molecular POC Infectious Disease Diagnostics
      • Products
      • HIV and Hepatitis Testing and Monitoring
      • Tuberculosis
      • Tropical and Neglected Diseases
      • Respiratory Diseases
      • Sepsis and Nosocomial Disease
      • Sexual Health
      • Lyme Disease
        • Table Innovations in Molecular POC Infectious Disease Diagnostics
      • COVID-19
        • Table Selected Antigen POC Home Immunoassay Tests for SARS-CoV-2
      • Market Size and Growth
        • Table Infectious Disease POC Test Demand, by Type, 2024 (C.difficile; COVID-19; E.coli; H.pylori; Hepatitis; HIV; Home Test/OTC; Influenza; Malaria; Other respiratory; STD; Others)
        • Table Infectious Disease POC Test Sales Distribution, by Global Region, 2024 (%) (Europe; Japan; United States; RoW)
    • Diabetes Testing – Blood Glucose Monitoring
      • Table Glucose POC Test Sales Distribution, by Global Region, 2024 (%) (Europe; Japan; United States; RoW)
      • Table POC Glucose Testing Market Growth, by Category, 2024-2029 (%)
      • IT to Aid Diabetes Management
        • Table Selected Apps and Glucose Management IT
      • Diabetes Market Analysis
        • Table Global Diabetes Sales, by Test Category, 2024-2029 ($ million) (Glucose OTC; Glucose, continuous; HbA1c Lab; HbA1c POC)
      • POC Glucose Competitors
        • Table POC Test Revenues of Selected IVD Glucose Companies, 2024 ($ million, estimated)
      • Blood Glucose Self-Testing
        • Table Selected Glucose Self-Test Meter Innovations
      • Noninvasive Testing Devices
        • Table Selected Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring Devices
      • Continuous Glucose Monitoring
        • Table Selected Continuous Blood Glucose System Developments
      • Blood Glucose Testing by Professionals
        • Table Selected Innovations in Hospital-based Glucose Monitoring
      • Diabetes Testing – Glycated Hemoglobin
        • Table Global HbA1c Test Sales Market and Distribution, by Setting, 2024-2029 ($ million) (HbA1c Lab; HbA1c POC)
        • Table Selected POC HbA1c Devices
      • Genes and Other Markers of Diabetes
        • Table Selected POC Diabetes Monitoring Tests
    • The Major POC Test Players
      • Table POC Test Revenues of Selected IVD Companies, 2024 ($ million, estimated)
  • The Core Lab
    • Core Lab Overview and Trends
      • Table Selected Analytes for the Core Lab
    • Connectivity
    • Overview of Chemistry Tests
      • Lab Automation
    • Market Analysis
      • Table Global Clinical Chemistry Sales, by Test Category, 2024-2029 ($ million) (Blood Gases, General Chemistries, Urinalysis)
      • Table Global Clinical Chemistry Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
      • Table Selected Major Clinical Chemistry Companies, by Sales, 2024 ($ million, estimated) (Blood gas/electrolyte, general chemistries, UA)
      • Table Selected Clinical Chemistry Innovations
      • Rapid Response Systems
        • Table Selected Major Whole Blood Chemistry Analyzers
      • Critical Care Analysis
        • Table Blood Gas, Electrolyte and Critical Care Instrument Market, by End User, 2024 and 2029 ($ million) (Lab-based; POC-based)
        • Table Blood Gas, Electrolyte, and Critical Care Market Leaders including POC, 2024 (percent distribution of total sales)
      • Urinalysis
        • Table UA Market by End User, 2024 and 2029 ($ million) (Lab-based, POC-based)
        • Table Urinalysis Systems (including POC) Market Leaders, 2023 (percent distribution of total sales) estimated
        • Table Selected Urinalysis Innovations
    • The Commercial Outlook for Chemistry Tests
  • Immunoassays
    • Overview and Trends
      • Immunoassay Technology Continues to Evolve
        • Table Selected Immunoassay Technologies
      • Mass Spectrometry
        • Table Selected Innovation in Mass Spectrometry for Routine Analyses
      • Radioimmunoassays
    • Market Analysis
      • Leading Suppliers and Growth Potential
        • Table Global Lab-based Immunoassay (excluding infectious disease and blood screening) Sales, by Analyte Type, 2024-2029 ($ million) (Allergy; Anemia; Autoimmune; Cardiac Markers; Diabetes/HbA1c; Drug of Abuse; Fertility; Proteins; Therapeutic Drugs; Thyroid; Tumor Markers; Vitamin D; Others)
        • Table Global Immunoassay (excluding infectious disease and blood screening) Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific, Europe, Japan, North America, RoW)
        • Table IVD Quality Control Market, 2024 ($ million, estimated)
        • Table Selected Immunoassay Quality Control Products
        • Table Revenues of Leading Lab-based Immunoassay Vendors, 2023-2024 ($ million, estimated)
    • Mature Assay Segment
      • Thyroid Function
      • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
      • Vitamin D
        • Table Selected Vitamin D Immunoassays
      • Anemia
      • Toxicology/DAU
      • Allergy
    • Maturing Immunoassays
      • Proteins
    • Growth Immunoassays
      • Tumor Markers
        • Table Selected Tumor Marker Innovations
      • Cardiac Markers
        • Table Selected Cardiac Marker Innovations
      • Autoimmune
        • Table Selected Autoimmune Test Innovations
      • Rheumatoid Arthritis
        • Table Selected Arthritis Immunoassay Innovations
      • Gastrointestinal Disorders
        • Table Selected Inflammatory Bowel Disease Test Innovations
      • Transplant Management
        • Table Selected Immunoassays for Transplant Medicine
      • Women’s Health
        • Table Selected Women’s Health Innovations
      • Alzheimer’s Disease
        • Table Selected Innovations for Alzheimer’s Disease Immunoassays
      • Traumatic Brain Injury
      • Sleep Apnea
      • Miscellaneous
        • Table Selected Immunoassay Innovations
      • Point-of-Care OTC and Professional Use Immunoassays
        • Table Global POC Immunoassay Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Europe; Japan; United States; RoW)
        • Table Global POC Immunoassay Test Sales, by Test Category, 2024-2029 ($ million) (OTC/Self Tests [Pregnancy/Ovulation; Drugs of Abuse; HIV; H. pylori; Infectious Disease/COVID-19; Other] and Professional POC [Cardiac Markers; Drugs of Abuse; HbA1c; Pregnancy; Infectious Disease/COVID-19; Other])
        • Table Selected Self-Test Immunoassay Innovations
      • Pregnancy Testing
      • Cardiovascular Diagnostics
      • Drugs of Abuse/Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
    • Innovating POC
      • Table Selected POC Test Innovations
      • Table Selected POC Immunoassay Test Platforms
    • The Commercial Outlook for Immunoassays
  • Molecular Assays
    • Overview
      • Table Common Next Generation Molecular Test Traits
    • Sample Preparation and Quality Control
      • Table Selected Molecular Test Sample Preparation and QC Innovations
    • Molecular Evolution
      • Exosome Sequencing
        • Table Selected Exosome Test Innovations
      • Liquid Biopsy
        • Table presents a selection of innovations in the area of liquid biopsies.
        • Table Selected Liquid Biopsy Innovations
      • Metabolomic Profiling
      • Information Technology
        • Table Selected IT Innovations in Molecular Diagnostics
      • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
      • Forensic Studies – An Emerging Opportunity
        • Table Selected Innovations in Forensic DNA Testing
      • Test Platforms
        • Table Key Molecular Technologies and Major Players
        • Table Selected Molecular Test Platform Innovations
    • Major Players
      • Table Molecular Test Revenues of Selected IVD Vendors, 2019-2023, 2024 estimated ($ million)
    • Market Analysis
      • Table Global Genomic, HLA and Oncology Molecular Test Sales, by Type with NIPT, 2024-2029 ($ million)
      • Oncology
        • Table Global Molecular Cancer Test Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, RoW)
        • Table Selected Molecular Tumor Marker Test Innovations
      • Inherited Diseases and Thrombophilia SNPs
        • Table Most Frequently Requested Genetic Tests
        • Table Global Molecular Thrombophilia Assay Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
        • Table Selected Genomic Tests for Inherited Diseases
      • Depression and Psychiatric Disorders
      • Prenatal and Newborn Testing
        • Table Global Prenatal Test Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
        • Table Selected Prenatal Services Provided
        • Table Selected Molecular Tests for Prenatal Analysis
      • Transplant Diagnostics
        • Table Global Molecular HLA Testing Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
        • Table Selected Innovations of Molecular Transplant Diagnostics
    • The Commercial Outlook for Molecular Tests
  • Hematology
    • Overview of Hematology and Trends
      • Table Hematology Analyzer Distribution of Sales by Menu Capability, 2024 estimated
      • Table Lab-based Hematology Sales by Analyte Average Annual Distribution (%)
      • Digital Image Analysis
        • Table Selected Hematology Image Analysis Innovations
      • Digital Evolution
      • Quality Control Measurement Programs
        • Table Selected Quality Control Hematology FDA Registrations, 2024
    • Laboratory-based Hematology Testing
      • Table Selected Hematology Innovations
      • Table Global Laboratory-based Hematology Test and Instrument Market, 2024 and 2029 ($ million)
      • Regional Laboratory-based Hematology Test and Instrument Market
        • Table Global Laboratory-based Hematology Test and Instrument Market, by Region, 2024 (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
    • Decentralized Hematology Testing
      • Hemoglobin/Hematocrit at the POC
        • Table POC Hematology Distribution, by Specialty, 2024 (%) (Hematocrit/Hemoglobin vs. Other Routine Hematology (WBC, Erythrocyte, Platelet)
        • Table Selected POC Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Systems
        • Table Selected POC Hematology Analyzer Systems
        • Table Decentralized Hematology Test and Instrument Market, by Type, 2024 and 2029 ($ million) (Instruments, Lab-Style; Handheld Devices)
    • Market Analysis: Leading Suppliers
      • Table Top Hematology Company Revenues (Laboratory and POC), 2024 ($ million)
      • Table Global Hematology (Laboratory-based and POC) Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
    • The Commercial Outlook for Hematology Tests
  • Coagulation
    • Overview and Trends of Coagulation and Immunohematology Tests
    • Special Topics
      • COVID-19
      • Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs)
        • Table Select Major Anticoagulant Sales ($ billion)
      • D-dimer
        • Table Global D-dimer Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
    • Market Analysis
      • Table Global Coagulation Sales, by Segment, 2024-2029 ($ million) (D-dimer; Molecular; Professional POC; Professional Self; PT/INR Labs)
      • Table Global Coagulation Test and Instrument Market, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
    • Lab-based Testing
      • Table Selected Lab-based Coagulation Innovations
      • Genetic Markers of Hypercoagulopathies
        • Table Related CMS Codes for Reimbursement National Limits, Molecular, 2023
        • Table Global Molecular - Thrombophilia SNP Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
        • Table Selected Molecular Coagulation Test Innovations
    • Leading Suppliers: Laboratory Systems
      • Table Top Coagulation Company Revenues, Laboratory-based, 2024 ($ million, estimated)
    • Decentralized Coagulation Testing – Professional Use
      • Decentralized Coagulation Testing – OTC
        • Table Selected POC Coagulation Test Innovations
      • Platelet Testing
        • Table Selected Platelet Activity Test Innovations
    • Leading Suppliers: POC Systems
      • Table Top Coagulation Company Revenues, POC, 2024 ($ million, estimated)
    • The Commercial Market for Coagulation Tests
      • Table Major Anticoagulants Uses and Tests
  • Microbiology and Virology
    • The Real Impact of Infections
      • Herpes and Alzheimer’s Disease
      • Ebola and Cancer
      • HIV and Cancer
      • H pylori and Cancer
      • Bacteria and Parkinson's
      • HPV and Cancer
    • Microbial Antibiotic Resistance – The Role of Clinical Tests
      • Fast Identification
        • Table Selected Companies Developing Faster Identification, Some Also with Antimicrobial Susceptibility/Resistance Tests
    • Traditional Microbiology and Its Limits
    • The New Microbiology - Innovations
      • Liquid Based Microbiology and Automation Innovations
      • Post-Blood Culture Microbial ID
      • PCR and Other NAAT-Based Tests for Infectious Diseases
        • Table Selected Nucleic Acid Amplification Test and Other Molecular Companies in Microbiology
      • Microbiome-Related Microbiology Tests
        • Table Selected Microbiome-Based Tests
      • Next Generation Sequencing-Based Microbiology Approaches
        • Table Selected Companies Applying DNA/RNA Sequencing to Microbiology
      • Syndromic/Multiplex Testing
    • New Infectious Disease Threats
      • Table Selected Companies Marketing Products Addressing Emerging Infectious Disease Threats
      • Tickborne Diseases (TBDs)
      • Zika
      • Chagas
      • Dengue
      • Ebola
      • Chikungunya
      • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
      • Marburg
      • SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
      • Monkeypox
    • Market Analysis
      • Table Global Microbiology Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
    • Market Analysis - Traditional Microbiology ID/AST
      • Table Global Microbiology ID/AST Market, by Segment, 2024-2029 ($ million) (Blood Culture; Chromogenic Media; ID/AST Auto; ID/AST Panels; Rapid Microbiology)
      • Table Global ID/AST Testing Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
      • Traditional ID/AST
        • Table Global ID/AST Testing, Distribution by Systems, (%) (Panel, Auto)
      • Blood Culture
        • Table Selected Advanced Techniques in Positive Blood Culture
      • Chromogenic Media
      • Rapid Tests Performed on Colonies from Culture Media
      • Supplies
    • Market Analysis - Microbiology Immunoassays
      • Improvements in Microbiology Immunoassays
        • Table Selected Infectious Disease Immunoassay Innovations
        • Table Global Clinical Laboratory-Based Microbiology/Infectious Disease Immunoassay Market, by Pathogen, 2024 ($ million, estimated) (COVID-19; HAIs/Sepsis; Hepatitis; HIV; Lyme Disease; Mycology; Parasitology; Respiratory; STDs; ToRCH; Other)
        • Table Global Laboratory-Based Microbiology/Infectious Disease Immunoassay Market Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
      • Hepatitis Testing
      • Sepsis
        • Table Global Lab-based Microbiology Immunoassay Sepsis Market Distribution, by Type, 2024 (PCT, Traditional)
      • HIV Immunoassay Testing
        • Table Selected HIV Assays
      • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
      • ToRCH
      • Lyme Disease
      • Rapid Immunoassay Tests
        • Table Global Rapid Immunoassay Testing Market, Sales Distribution by Pathogen, 2024 (%) (C.Difficile; COVID-19; E.coli; H.pylori; Hepatitis; HIV; Influenza; Malaria; Other respiratory; STD; Other)
    • Market Analysis - Molecular Microbiology
      • Table Global Molecular Microbiology Sales Distribution by Region, 2024 (%) (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW)
      • Table Global Molecular Microbiology Market, by Pathogen/Disease Indication, 2024-2029 ($ million) (COVID-19; GC/Chlamydia; HAI; Hepatitis; HIV; Mycobacteria/TB; Organism ID; Respiratory; Others)
      • Lab Automation and Molecular Diagnostics
        • Table Selected Automated Molecular Test Instrument Platforms
      • Molecular Respiratory Infection Testing
      • The Respiratory Trio – Flu, Strep, RSV
        • Table Selected COVID-19, Flu, RSV Tests
      • Molecular Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases
      • Molecular Hepatitis Testing
      • Molecular HIV Testing
        • Table Innovations in Molecular POC Diagnostics for HIV
      • Molecular Tests for Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs)
        • Table Frequency of the Most Common Nosocomial Infections
      • Assessing the Problem: Nosocomial Infection Statistics
      • Clostridium Difficile
      • MRSA
      • Molecular TB Testing
      • Limitations of Molecular Microbiology Testing
    • Mass Spectrometry
      • Table Selected Companies Marketing Mass Spectrometers and/or Assays for the Clinical Laboratory [CE-Marked and/or 510(k) cleared]
    • The Future Outlook for Microbiology
  • Blood Banking Services
    • Overview
      • The Current Status of Global Blood Collection
    • Global Blood Safety
      • Table Laboratory Screening of Blood Donations for Transfusion-Transmissible Infections, Number of Countries (Chagas; HBV; HCV; HIV; HTLV I/II1; Malaria; Syphilis)
      • Table Prevalence of TTIs in Blood Donations [Median (Interquartile range)], by Income Group
      • Zika Virus
      • Blood and Component Collection
        • Table Blood Component Usage for Selected Conditions
      • Reevaluating Blood Transfusions
        • Table Impact of Alloimmunization (% of Patients Screening Positive for One or More Antibodies)
    • Blood Typing and Grouping Market
      • Manual Blood Typing Methods
      • Automated Blood Typing and Screening Methods
      • Molecular Methods
        • Table Selected Blood Typing and Grouping Innovations
      • Size and Growth of Typing Markets
        • Table Global Blood Typing Market, 2024-2029 ($ million)
      • Blood Typing Market by Geography
        • Table Global Blood Typing Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
    • Blood Testing Market
      • Table Selected Blood Testing Innovations
      • Preventing Bacterial Infections
      • Immunoassays
      • Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT)
      • Size and Growth of the Market
        • Table Global Blood Banking Diagnostics Market, 2024-2029 ($ million) (Immunoassay Screen; NAT Screens)
      • Blood Testing Market by Geography
        • Table Global Blood Testing Market, by Geography, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
    • The Commercial Outlook for Blood Banking Testing
  • Histology and Cytology
    • Overview
    • Special Topics
      • Histology Automation
        • Table Selected Histology Lab Automation
        • Table Histology Information Technology Tools
      • Advanced Analysis Solutions
        • Table Selected Advanced Histology Techniques
      • HPV meets Core Lab
        • Table Global HPV Test Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
        • Table Selected HPV Test Innovations
    • Market Analysis
      • Total Market
        • Table Global Histology/Cytology Sales by Type, 2024-2029 ($ million) (HPV; Immunohistochemistry; in situ hybridization; Pap Tests; traditional non-Pap stains)
      • Regional Market Analysis
        • Table Global Histology/Cytology Sales Distribution, by Region, 2024 (%) (Asia Pacific; Europe; North America; RoW)
        • Table Revenues of the Major Histology Companies, 2018-2024 ($ million, estimated)
        • Table Selected Vendors of Traditional Histology Stains
      • Pap Testing
        • Table Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cervical Cancer, Screening Responses, by Country, 2021
      • Immunohistochemistry and In Situ Hybridization
        • Table Selected In Situ Hybridization-based Tests
        • Table Selected IHC Test Innovations
      • Pharmacodiagnostic Histology
        • Table Major Pharmacodiagnostic Markers
        • Table Selected Pharmacodiagnostic Histology Tests
      • Digital Imaging and Computational Pathology
        • Table Selected Digital Pathology Image Capture and Viewing Solutions
      • COVID-19 and Digital Pathology
        • Table Selected Digital Imaging Innovations
      • Circulating Tumor Cells
        • Table Selected Innovations in CTC Technology
      • Flow Cytometry
    • The Commercial Outlook for Histology and Cytology Tests
  • Company Profiles: The Top Tier
    • Abbott Diagnostics
      • Table Abbott Diagnostics Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Table Abbott Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Core Lab
      • Hematology
      • Blood Banking
      • Infectious Diseases - Molecular
      • Diabetes
      • HIV Point of Care
      • i-STAT Business
      • Companion Diagnostic Testing
      • Liquid Biopsy
      • COVID-19
    • Agilent Technologies
      • Table Agilent Revenue History Diagnostics and Genomics, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Genomics
      • Cytogenetic Analysis
      • Sequencing
      • CRISPR
      • Flow Cytometry
      • Companion Diagnostics - Dako
      • COVID-19
    • Beckman Coulter / Danaher
      • Table Beckman Coulter Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Table Beckman Coulter Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2019-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Hematology
      • Hematology IT
      • Clinical Chemistry
      • Immunoassays
      • Microbiology
      • IT Clinical
      • Flow Cytometry
      • Blood Banking
      • Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
      • COVID-19
    • Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD)
      • Table BD Clinical Diagnostic Systems Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated) FYE Sept 30
      • Table BD Clinical Flow Cytometry Revenues, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Cytology
      • Molecular Microbiology
      • Traditional Microbiology - ID/AST
      • Blood Culture
      • Hospital Acquired Infections
      • Blood Collection
      • Mass Spectrometry
      • Flow Cytometry
      • COVID-19
    • bioMérieux Inc.
      • Table bioMérieux Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Table bioMérieux Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Traditional Microbiology
      • Blood Culture
      • Immunoassays
      • Mass Spectrometry
      • BIOFIRE Diagnostics Business
      • Expansion
      • COVID-19
    • Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
      • Table Bio-Rad Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Table Bio-Rad Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Quality Control
      • Blood Bank
      • Diabetes
      • Immunoassays
      • Liquid Biopsy
      • Droplet Digital PCR
      • Sequencing
      • COVID-19
    • Bruker Corporation
      • Table Bruker Revenue History Product Revenue, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Acquisitions and Collaborations
      • Mass Spectrometry
      • Microbiology
      • Molecular PCR
      • COVID-19
    • Cepheid / Danaher
      • Table Cepheid Revenue History, Clinical Product Sales, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • GeneXpert/ Xpress Line
      • Tuberculosis
      • Microbiology
      • POC Testing
      • Cancer
      • COVID-19
    • Danaher Corporation
      • Table Danaher Revenue History, Diagnostics Segment, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Acquisitions
    • Dexcom
      • Table Dexcom Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
    • DiaSorin S.p.A
      • Table DiaSorin Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Development Plan
      • Expansion
      • Immunoassays
      • Molecular
      • Molecular Oncology
      • COVID-19
    • Exact Sciences
      • Table Exact Sciences Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • COVID-19
    • Hologic, Inc.
      • Table Hologic Revenue History, Diagnostic Product Revenue, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Table Hologic Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Acquisitions
      • PANTHER Molecular System
      • HIV Testing
      • Sexually Transmitted Infections
      • Infectious Diseases
      • Panther Fusion
      • Cytology
      • COVID-19
    • Illumina
      • Table Illumina Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million, not all revenues are for clinical products and services; estimated)
      • Table Illumina Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment ($ million, estimated)
      • China
      • COVID-19
    • Instrumentation Laboratory (IL) / Werfen
      • Expansion
      • Coagulation
      • Acute Care
      • Information Technology
    • Leica Biosystems/Danaher
      • Table Leica Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Digital Pathology
      • Companion Diagnostics
      • Stain Reagents
      • Lab Systems
      • Sample Handling
      • Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs)
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • COVID-19
    • Natera
      • Table Natera Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
    • QuidelOrtho Corporation
      • Table QuidelOrtho Revenue History, 2018-2023 ($ million)
      • Table QuidelOrtho Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2020-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Immunoassays
      • Rapid Immunoassays
      • The Solana Business
      • Molecular – Savanna
      • Blood Bank
      • COVID-19
    • Radiometer A/S / Danaher
      • Table Radiometer A/S Revenue History, 2017-2023 (estimated, $ million)
      • Critical Care
      • Immunoassays
      • HemoCue
      • Transcutaneous Monitoring
    • Revvity
      • Table Revvity Revenue History, 2021-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Table Revvity Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2021-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • COVID-19
    • Roche Diagnostics
      • Table Roche Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Table Roche Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment ($ million, estimated)
      • Hematology
      • Immunoassays
      • HIV
      • Molecular Expansion
      • Core Molecular
      • Digital PCR
      • Diabetes Care
      • Coagulation
      • cobas Liat System – POC
      • HPV
      • Blood Bank
      • Transplant Medicine
      • Cancer Companion Testing
      • IT in Anatomical Pathology
      • Information Technology
      • Digital Pathology
      • COVID-19
    • Roche Tissue Diagnostics
      • Table Ventana Medical Systems Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Immunohistochemistry - IHC
      • Cervical Cancer Screening
      • Companion Diagnostics
    • Siemens Healthineers (Siemens)
      • Table Siemens Healthineers Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million), estimated)
      • Table Siemens Healthineers Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2021-2023 ($ million)
      • Core Lab
      • Lab Automation
      • Immunoassays
      • Hematology
      • Urinalysis
      • Molecular
      • Expansion to Support Molecular Diagnostics – Fast Track Diagnostics
      • Sequencing with Artificial Intelligence
      • Acute Care – POC
      • POC Connectivity
      • Business Expansion
      • COVID-19
    • Sysmex Corporation
      • Table Sysmex Revenue History, 2018-2023 ($ million) FYE March 31
      • Table Sysmex Diagnostic Revenues by Segment ($ million, estimated)
      • Hematology
      • Coagulation
      • Urinalysis and Infectious Disease
      • Immunoassays
      • Lab Information System
      • Information Technology
      • Flow Cytometry
      • Precision Medicine / Companion Test Diagnostics
      • Liquid Biopsy
      • Oncology
      • Sysmex Inostics
      • Forging New Markets
      • COVID-19
    • Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
      • Table Thermo Fisher Revenue History, Clinical Diagnostics, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Table Thermo Fisher Scientific Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Immunoassays
      • Microbiology
      • Molecular Test Business
      • Next Generation Sequencing
      • qPCR
      • Oncology Companion Diagnostics
      • Transplant Medicine
      • Microbiome
      • Mass Spectrometry
      • Collaborations
      • Gene Editing and Cell Therapy
      • China
      • COVID-19
    • Werfen
      • Table Werfen Recent Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million) estimated)
  • Company Profiles: The Second Tier
    • BGI Genomics (formerly Beijing Genome Institute)
      • Table BGI Genomics Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • PCR and Fluorescence
      • MGI Tech Co., Limited, China
      • Prenatal Testing
      • Test Services
      • Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)
      • NGS Sequencing
      • Collaborations
      • COVID-19
    • Biocartis
      • Table Biocartis Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • COVID-19
    • Diagnostica Stago S.A.S.
    • Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd
      • Table Eiken Chemical Revenue History, 2017-2023, FYE March 31 ($ million)
      • Product News
      • COVID-19
    • Fujirebio Diagnostics, Inc.
      • Table Fujirebio Diagnostics Revenue History, 2017-2023, FYE March 31 ($ million)
    • Fulgent Genetics, Inc
      • Table Fulgent Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • COVID-19
    • Grifols S.A.
      • Table Grifols Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Table Grifols Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Blood Transfusion Business
      • ABO Blood Typing
      • Molecular ABO Blood Typing
      • Immunoassays
      • Market Expansion
      • Self-Testing
    • Guardant Health, Inc.
      • Table Guardant Health Revenue History, 2019-2023 ($ million)
    • Horiba Medical
      • Table Horiba Medical Revenue History, Medical Diagnostic Sales, 2017-2023 ($ millions)
    • Invitae
    • Menarini Diagnostics
      • COVID-19
    • Meridian Bioscience, Inc.
      • Table Meridian Bioscience Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated) FYE Sept 30
      • Immunoassays
      • Molecular Tests
      • COVID-19
    • Mindray - Shenzhen Mindray Bio-medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
    • Myriad Genetics, Inc.
      • Table Myriad Genetics Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million) FYE June 30
    • Nihon Kohden
      • Table Nihon Kohden Revenues History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
    • OraSure Technologies, Inc.
      • Table OraSure Technologies Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Table OraSure Technologies Product Revenue History, by Segment, 2020-2023 ($ thousands)
      • COVID-19
    • QIAGEN
      • Table QIAGEN Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Table QIAGEN Diagnostic Revenues, by Segment, 2017-2023 ($ million, estimated)
      • Tuberculosis.
      • Molecular Expansion
      • Precision Medicine / Companion Diagnostics
      • Molecular Microbiology
      • Prenatal Testing
      • Next Generation Sequencing
      • Sample Prep, Informatics
      • Digital PCR
      • Liquid Biopsy
      • Cervical Cancer
      • Expansion
      • COVID-19
    • Randox Laboratories Ltd.
      • Clinical Chemistries
      • POC
      • Controls
      • Evidence Series - Multistat Biochip Analyzers
      • Molecular
      • COVID-19
    • Sekisui Diagnostics LLC
      • COVID-19
    • Veracyte, Inc.
      • Table Veracyte Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
  • Company Profiles: Blood Bank Specialists
    • AliveDx
      • COVID-19
    • Cerus Corporation
      • Table Cerus Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • COVID-19
  • Company Profiles: Core Lab and Other Companies
    • AB SCIEX Pte Ltd.
    • ARKRAY
      • Dry Chemistry / Immunoassays
      • Urinalysis
      • Diabetes
      • Molecular
    • EKF Diagnostics Holdings Plc
      • COVID-19
    • ELITech Group S.A.S.
      • COVID-19
    • Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
    • Snibe Co. Ltd., (Shenzhen New Industries Biomedical Engineering Co. Ltd.)
      • COVID-19
    • Tosoh Bioscience
      • COVID-19
    • Trinity Biotech Plc
      • Table Trinity Biotech Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • COVID-19
  • Company Profiles: CTC & Liquid Biopsy Test Providers
    • Biocept, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • Biodesix
      • COVID-19
    • Epic Sciences
    • Epigenomics AG
    • Foundation Medicine, Inc.
    • Menarini-Silicon Biosystems
      • COVID-19
    • NeoGenomics
  • Company Profiles: Specialists
    • Ascensia Diabetes Care Holdings AG
    • Bigfoot Biomedical Inc. (Abbott)
    • Debiotech SA
      • COVID-19
    • Glooko Inc.
    • Insulet Corporation
      • Table Insulet Corp Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
    • Lifescan Inc.
    • Medtronic plc
    • Nemaura Medical Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • Verily Life Sciences LLC
      • COVID-19
  • Company Profiles: Hematology (Cell Analysis) and Coagulation Specialists
    • CellaVision AB
    • Masimo Corporation
      • Table Masimo Revenues History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
    • Nova Biomedical Corporation (Nova)
  • Company Profiles: Histopathology Specialists
    • Amoy Diagnostics Co. Ltd.
    • Applied Spectral Imaging Inc. (ASI)
    • BioGenex Laboratories, Inc.
    • BioView Ltd.
    • Visiopharm
  • Company Profiles: Immunoassay Specialists
    • Biohit Healthcare
    • Biomerica Inc.
      • Table Biomerica Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • COVID-19
    • Bio-Techne Corporation
      • Table Bio-Techne Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • COVID-19
    • Eurobio Scientific
      • COVID-19
    • EUROIMMUN AG (Revvity)
      • COVID-19
    • Immunodiagnostic Systems (IDS)
    • INOVA Diagnostics, Inc.
    • One Lambda, Inc
    • Response Biomedical Corp.
      • COVID-19
    • Theradiag
      • COVID-19
    • VolitionRx Limited
      • COVID-19
  • Company Profiles: Microbiology Specialists
    • Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc.
      • Table Accelerate Diagnostics Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ thousands)
      • COVID-19
    • Advanced Biological Laboratories, S.A. (ABL)
      • COVID-19
    • altona Diagnostics
      • COVID-19
    • ArcDia International Oy Ltd.
      • COVID-19
    • BIOFIRE Diagnostics, LLC. (Acquired by bioMérieux)
    • COPAN ITALIA S.p.A. and COPAN Diagnostics, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • Curetis
      • COVID-19
    • Genetic Analysis AS
      • COVID-19
    • Greiner Bio-One International GmbH
    • Mast Group
      • COVID-19
    • Mobidiag
      • COVID-19
    • Q-linea AB
    • OpGen, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • Seegene, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • T2 Biosystems
      • COVID-19
  • Company Profiles: Molecular Test Specialists
    • Enzo Biochem Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • NanoString Technologies, Inc. (Bruker)
      • COVID-19
    • Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. (PacBio)
      • Table PacBio Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • COVID-19
    • Standard BioTools
      • COVID-19
    • Takara Bio Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • Vela Diagnostics
      • COVID-19
  • Company Profiles: Point of Care Test Specialists
    • Abingdon Health Ltd.
      • COVID-19
    • binx Health
      • COVID-19
    • Biomeme, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • Co-Diagnostics, Inc.
      • Table Co-diagnostics Revenue History, 2020-2023 ($ million)
    • Cue Health
      • Test to Treat
    • Diazyme
      • COVID-19
    • DNA Electronics Ltd (DNAe)
    • DxGen Corp
    • Genedrive plc (formerly Epistem Holdings)
      • COVID-19
    • Immunostics, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • MedMira, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • QuantuMDx Group, Ltd.
      • COVID-19
    • Rheonix, Inc.
      • COVID-19
  • Company Profiles: Prenatal Test Service Providers
    • Berry Genomics Co. ltd.
    • CooperGenomics (Division of CooperSurgical)
    • INEX Innovate
      • COVID-19
    • Oxford Gene Technology
    • Yourgene Health
      • COVID-19
  • Company Profiles: Quality Control & Sample Pretreatment Specialists
    • 10x Genomics
    • Agena Bioscience, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • Biotype Diagnostic GmbH
      • COVID-19
    • DxTerity Diagnostics Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • Horizon Discovery Group plc
    • IncellDx
    • LGC SeraCare Life Sciences, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • PreAnalytiX GmbH
    • Precipio, Inc.
      • COVID-19
    • Quanterix Corporation
      • COVID-19
    • Streck Inc.
  • Test Service Providers
    • 23andMe
    • Agendia BV
    • Ambry Genetics
      • COVID-19
    • ARUP Laboratories
      • COVID-19
    • Aspira Women’s Health
      • Table Aspira Women’s Health Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
    • BioReference Laboratories
      • COVID-19
    • Biotheranostics
    • BluePrint Genetics Oy
    • Boston Heart Diagnostics
    • CareDx, Inc.
      • Table CareDx Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ in thousands)
    • Predictive Oncology
    • Labcorp, Laboratory Corporation of America
      • Table Labcorp Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • COVID-19
    • Mayo Clinic Laboratories
    • MDxHealth SA
      • Table MDxHealth Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
    • OPKO Diagnostics
      • Table OPKO Diagnostics Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • COVID-19
    • Quest Diagnostics
      • Table Quest Diagnostics Revenue History, 2017-2023 ($ million)
      • Diagnostic Services
      • Oncology
      • Infectious Diseases
      • Prenatal and Women’s Health
      • Retail / Consumer Health
      • Expansion
      • COVID-19
    • Sonic Healthcare

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