The World Market for Vaccines, 2024

The World Market for Vaccines, 2024

Vaccines offer long-term or permanent immunity against diseases. They have been a cornerstone of preventive medicine for over 70 years, stimulating an immune response to specific diseases. The widespread adoption of effective vaccines has led to the near-elimination of many deadly diseases, making vaccination one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.

Thanks to public vaccination programs, vaccine-preventable diseases and related deaths are now rare in developed nations and decreasing globally. Smallpox has been eradicated, polio eliminated in the Americas, and diseases like measles, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, and Haemophilus influenzae type b controlled. Beyond preventing illness and death, vaccines also improve quality of life and productivity. They help prevent disease outbreaks and reduce healthcare costs, providing significant societal benefits.

Kalorama Information's latest report, The World Market for Vaccines, 2024, offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive analysis of adult and pediatric preventative vaccines. Since the early 2000s, Kalorama has consistently published new editions of The World Market for Vaccines every two years. The report includes market forecasts, company market share data, and expert market estimates for different vaccine categories.

The World Market for Vaccines, 2024 also examines market trends for human vaccines used to prevent various diseases. It specifically focuses on both commercialized vaccines and developmental vaccines for diseases that are already vaccine-preventable. Additionally, the report discusses selected emerging vaccines in development.

Vaccines covered in the report with sizing and market share include:
  • Combinations (tetanus, pertussis, Hib, Hepatitis, polio)
  • Hepatitis
  • HPV
  • Influenza
  • Meningitis
  • Pandemic vaccines/COVID-19
  • Pneumococcal
  • Rotavirus
  • RSV
  • Shingles
  • Others (travel, endemic, etc.)
The report also examines key companies involved in the market. Companies profiled in the report include:
  • Bavarian Nordic, A/S
  • Bharat Biotech International Ltd.
  • Bio Farma
  • BioNTech SE
  • CSL Limited/Seqirus
  • Dynavax Technologies
  • Emergent BioSolutions, Inc.
  • GlaxoSmithKline, Inc.
  • Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  • Johnson & Johnson/Crucell/Janssen
  • Merck & Co, Inc.
  • Moderna, Inc
  • Novavax, Inc.
  • Pfizer, Inc.
  • Sanofi Pasteur
  • Serum Institute, Inc.
  • Sinovac Biotech Ltd.
  • Soligenix, Inc.
  • Takeda Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd.
  • Valneva SE
Scope and Methodology

The World Market for Vaccines, 2024 examines the market for human vaccines used to prevent various types of disease. It focuses on commercialized vaccines and developmental vaccines for diseases that are already vaccine-preventable, with a discussion of selected emerging vaccines. It also covers the COVID-19 vaccine market landscape and estimated market opportunity during the forecast period. This report does not include therapeutic vaccines such as allergy and cancer vaccines.

Sales estimates for each market segment represent global revenues and are expressed in current dollars. Estimates are provided for the 2023 year and forecasts are provided for 2028. Information for this report was gathered from a wide variety of published sources including company reports and filings, government documents, legal filings, trade journals, newspapers and business press, analysts’ reports and other sources. Interviews with company representatives and other experts were conducted to capture the perspectives from industry participants’ point of view and assess trends and form the basis of the forecasting and competitive analysis.

It should also be noted that due to the very broad scope of this report, with the exception of healthcare spending forecasts, data provided is representative but is not intended to be exhaustive. This includes, for example, tables of vaccines in development and regional economic indicators, etc. Additionally, some statistics, such as those related to venture capital investment, are subject to wide divergences across different sources; where data could not be confidently obtained, trends were discussed rather than absolute numerical values.

  • Executive Summary
    • The Global Vaccines Industry
    • Scope and Methodology
    • Market Estimates and Forecasts
      • Table Global Vaccine Market (Non-COVID Vaccine Market; COVID Vaccine Market), 2023-2028 ($M)
      • Table Regional Non-COVID vs COVID Vaccine Markets, 2018-2028 ($)
    • Competitive Analysis
  • Introduction to Vaccines
    • Introduction
      • Table Global Reported Cases of Vaccine Preventable Diseases, 2000 vs. 2022
      • Table CDC Infographic: Global Impact of Vaccines in Reducing Vaccine-Preventable Disease Morbidity and Mortality
    • A Brief History: The Development of Vaccines
    • The Human Immune System
    • Vaccine Mechanism of Action
    • Types of Vaccines
      • Attenuated (Weakened) Live Viruses
        • Table Attenuated Virus Production
      • Killed (Inactivated) Viruses
      • Toxoid Vaccines
      • Genetically Engineered/Modified Vaccines
    • Classification of Vaccines
    • Vaccine Approval Process
      • Table Global Vaccine Sales by Region, 2023
      • FDA EUA Approval
    • World Health Organization Prequalified Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified BCG Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Cholera Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Diphtheria-Tetanus Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis-Hemophilus influenzae type b Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Hepatitis B Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis-Hepatitis B-Hemophilus influenzae type b Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Hemophilus influenzae type b Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Hepatitis A Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Hepatitis B Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Human Papillomavirus Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Influenza Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Japanese Encephalitis Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Measles Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Measles and Rubella Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Meningococcal A Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Pneumococcal Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Polio Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Rabies Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Rotavirus Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Rubella Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Tetanus Toxoid Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Typhoid Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Varicella Vaccine
      • Table WHO Prequalified Yellow Fever Vaccines
      • Table WHO Prequalified Other Vaccines
    • Pandemics
      • HIN1 Pandemic of 2009/2010
      • Coronavirus Pandemic
        • Table Leading COVID-19 Vaccines: Supplied Dose Estimates
      • Ebola Epidemics
      • Manufacturing Incentives
      • Synthetic Vaccines
    • Artificial Intelligence Development
  • Pediatric Preventative Vaccines
    • Introduction
      • Table Immunization Rates for Vaccines Recommended by the WHO, 2022
    • Childhood Immunization in the United States
      • Childhood Immunization Rates
      • Challenges to the Vaccine Delivery System
      • Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule
        • Table CDC Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for Ages 18 Years or Younger, United States, 2024
        • Table CDC Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule by Medical Indication, United States, 2024
      • State Immunization Recommendations
        • Table Exemptions Permitted for State Childcare and School (Grades PreK-12) Immunization Requirements, United States, March 2023
      • COVID-19 Vaccination Schedule
      • United Nations Initiatives
    • Pediatric Vaccine Markets
      • Table Global Market for Pediatric Preventive Vaccines, by Type (Hepatitis, Pediatric Routine [HiB, MMR, Combinations, Polio, Varicella], Meningitis, Pneumococcal Disease, Rotavirus, Influenza, HPV, Pandemic, Others), 2023-2028 ($M)
      • Table Global Market for Pediatric Preventive Vaccines, by Type (Hepatitis, Pediatric Routine [HiB, MMR, Combinations, Polio, Varicella], Meningitis, Pneumococcal Disease, Rotavirus, Influenza, HPV, Pandemic, Others), 2023-2028 (%)
      • Table Market Share of Pediatric Preventive Vaccines, by Type (Hepatitis, Pediatric Routine [HiB, MMR, Combinations, Polio, Varicella], Meningitis, Pneumococcal Disease, Rotavirus, Influenza, HPV, Pandemic, Others), 2023 (%)
    • Competitive Summary
      • Table Major Manufacturers' Shares of the Global Pediatric Preventative Vaccine Market, by Leading Competitors (AstraZeneca, BioNTech, CSL, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Moderna, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, Sinovac, Others), 2023 (%, $M)
      • Table Global Pediatric Preventative Vaccines Market Share, by Leading Competitors (AstraZeneca, BioNTech, CSL, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Moderna, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, Sinovac, Others), 2023, (%)
  • Adult Preventative Vaccines
    • Introduction
    • Recommended Adult Immunizations
      • Table CDC Recommended Immunization Schedule: Adults, 19 years and over
    • Global Influenza Surveillance Program
      • U.S. Surveillance
        • Table U.S. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness, 2004-2023 (%)
        • Table U.S. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness, by Season, 2009-2023, (%)
      • WHO International Health Regulations
    • Adult Preventive Vaccine Markets
      • Table Global Market for Adult Preventive Vaccines, by Type (Hepatitis, HPV, Influenza, Pneumococcal, Tetanus and combinations, Shingles, Pandemic, Travel & Other) 2023-2028 ($M)
      • Table Global Market for Adult Preventive Vaccines, by Type (Hepatitis, HPV, Influenza, Pneumococcal, Tetanus and combinations, Shingles, Pandemic, Travel & Other), 2023-2028 (%)
      • Table Market Share of Adult Preventive Vaccines, by Type (Hepatitis, HPV, Influenza, Pneumococcal, Tetanus and combinations, Shingles, Pandemic, Travel & Other) 2023 (%)
      • Market: Generating 26% of Total Adult Non-COVID Vaccine Sales
        • Table U.S. Seasonal Influenza Vaccination, by Age Group and Season, 2010-2023 (%)
        • Table U.S. Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage and HP 2020 Target - Total Population - Seasons, 2010-2023 (%)
      • Influenza
        • Table Estimated U.S. Flu Burden, by Season 2010-2023
        • Table Estimated Number of Influenza Illnesses Averted by Vaccination, by Age Group - United States, 2022-2023 Influenza Season
        • Table Estimated Number of Influenza Medical Visits Averted by Vaccination, by Age Group – United States, 2022-2023 Influenza Season
        • Table Estimated Number and Fraction of Influenza Hospitalizations Averted by Vaccination, by Age Group - United States, 2022-2023 Influenza Season
        • Table Estimated Number of Influenza Deaths Averted by Vaccination, by Age Group - United States, 2022-2023 Influenza Season
        • Table Estimated U.S. Flu Burden Prevented by Vaccination (Deaths, Hospitalizations, Medical Visits, Symptomatic Illness), 2010-2023
        • Table WHO Pandemic Classification Schedule
    • Competitive Summary
      • Table Major Manufacturers' Shares of the Global Adult Preventative Vaccine Market, by Company (AstraZeneca, BioNTech, CSL, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, Sinovac, Others), 2023 (%, $M)
      • Table Global Adult Preventative Vaccines Market Share, by Leading Competitors (AstraZeneca, BioNTech, CSL, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, Sinovac, Others), 2023 (%)
  • Total Vaccines Market
    • Trends Driving the Vaccines Market
      • Table Sales Growth of Vaccines vs. Pharmaceuticals, 2015-2025
    • Market Size and Forecast
      • Table Total Global Market for Preventive Vaccines, by Type (Combinations [tetanus, pertussis, Hib, Hepatitis, polio], Hepatitis, HPV, Influenza, Meningitis, Pandemic vaccines/COVID-19, Pneumococcal, Rotavirus, RSV, Shingles, Others [travel, endemic, etc.]), 2023-2028 ($M)
      • Table Total World Market for Vaccines, by Type (Combinations [tetanus, pertussis, Hib, Hepatitis, polio], Hepatitis, HPV, Influenza, Meningitis, Pandemic vaccines/COVID-19, Pneumococcal, Rotavirus, RSV, Shingles, Others [travel, endemic, etc.]),, 2023-2028 (Pediatric, Adult) (SM)
      • Table Total World Vaccine Market, Non-COVID and COVID Vaccine, 2023-2028 ($M)
      • Pediatric Vaccines
      • Adult Vaccines
        • Table Global Preventive Vaccine Market, by Broad Segment (Pediatric, Adult), Trend 2018-2028 ($M)
      • COVID-19 Market Size Estimates and Forecast
        • Table Global COVID-19 Vaccine Market Cumulative Value, 2020-2023 ($M)
        • Table Global COVID-19 Vaccine by Unit Volume, Cumulative 2020-2023, Estimated Distribution by Country (Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, European Union, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, United States, Other Countries)
      • Vaccine Sales by Region
        • Table Total ROW Market for Preventive Vaccines, by Type (Combinations [tetanus, pertussis, Hib, Hepatitis, polio], Hepatitis, HPV, Influenza, Meningitis, Pandemic vaccines/COVID-19, Pneumococcal, Rotavirus, Shingles, Others [travel, endemic, etc.]), 2023-2028 ($M)
        • Table Total U.S. Market for Preventive Vaccines, by Type (Combinations [tetanus, pertussis, Hib, Hepatitis, polio], Hepatitis, HPV, Influenza, Meningitis, Pandemic vaccines/COVID-19, Pneumococcal, Rotavirus, RSV, Shingles, Others [travel, endemic, etc.]), 2023-2028 ($M)
        • Table Total Europe Market for Preventive Vaccines, by Type (Combinations [tetanus, pertussis, Hib, Hepatitis, polio], Hepatitis, HPV, Influenza, Meningitis, Pandemic vaccines/COVID-19, Pneumococcal, Rotavirus, Shingles, Others [travel, endemic, etc.]), 2023-2028 ($M)
    • Vaccine Market Competitors
      • Table Major Manufacturers' Shares of the Global Vaccine Market, by Leading Competitors (AstraZeneca, BioNTech, CSL, GlaxoSmithKline, J&J/Janssen, Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, Sinova, Other), 2023 (%, $M)
      • Table Global Vaccines Market Share, by Leading Competitors (AstraZeneca, BioNTech, CSL, GlaxoSmithKline, J&J/Janssen, Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, Sanofi Pasteur, Sinova, Other), 2023 (%)
    • Vaccine Industry News
    • Vaccines in Development
      • COVID-19 Vaccine Development
        • Table Regional Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccine Development, by Country and Region (Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Middle East, Philippines, Rest of Africa, Rest of Pacific, Rest of Europe, Rest of Latin America, South Africa, South Korea, United Kingdom, United States)
        • Table Selected Vaccines in Development, 2023
  • Company Profiles
    • AstraZeneca
      • Table AstraZeneca Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Bavarian Nordic, A/S
      • Table Bavarian Nordic A/S Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Bharat Biotech International Ltd.
      • Table Bharat Biotech Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Bio Farma
      • Table Bio Farma Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • BioNTech SE
      • Table BioNTech Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • CSL Limited/Seqirus
      • Table CSL/Seqirus Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Dynavax Technologies
      • Table Dynavax Technologies Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Emergent BioSolutions, Inc.
      • Table Emergent BioSolutions Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • GlaxoSmithKline, Inc.
      • Table GlaxoSmithKline Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
        • Table GSK Marketed Vaccines, 2024
    • Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
      • Table Inovio Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Johnson & Johnson/Crucell/Janssen
      • Table Johnson & Johnson Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Merck & Co, Inc.
      • Table Merck Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Moderna, Inc
      • Table Moderna Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Novavax, Inc.
      • Table Novavax Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Pfizer, Inc.
      • Table Pfizer Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Sanofi Pasteur
      • Table Sanofi Pasteur Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Serum Institute, Inc.
      • Table Serum Institute of India Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Sinovac Biotech Ltd.
      • Table Sinovac Biotech Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Soligenix, Inc.
      • Table Soligenix Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Takeda Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd.
      • Table Takeda Pharmaceutical Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products
    • Valneva SE
      • Table Valneva Corporate Summary
      • Company Summary
      • Products

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