Are Consumers Visiting Retail Clinics? What For? How Satisfied are Retail Clinic Customers?
These questions and many others are answered in this report from Kalorama Information. Kalorama has covered the market for clinics located within a retail health setting since 2007, and has recently concluded a web-based survey of 2000 U.S. adults, where hundreds of retail clinic users were interviewed. This report provides the results of this survey.
Questions Asked Include:
Have You Ever Visited A Retail Clinic?
Gender Of Visitors
Income Of Visitors
Marital Status
Children (Y/N) and Age
Area (Urban, Suburban, Rural)
Education Level
Specific questions were asked about the visit, including:
Was Your Visit To A Retail Clinic Only For A Flu Shot And No Other Purpose? In Which Store Was The Retail Clinic You Visited Located?
For What Purposes Did You Visit A Retail Clinic? (Prescription, Follow-Up, Health Screening, Took Child)
For Which Health Conditions Or Concerns Did You Visit A Retail Clinic?
Were Any Of The Following Actions Taken During Your Visit To A Retail Clinic (Prescription, Blood Drawn, Other)
Other Questions of Retail Clinic Visitors Included:
Do You Have A Regular Physician?
Are You Going To Physician Less? Satisfied With Visit?
Do You Have A Pet?
Do You Own A Smartphone? A Smart Speaker (Echo, Alexa)
Kalorama Information Insight - "Advanced Retail Clinic Users"
The report breaks out statistics for retail clinics visiting just for a shot, and those who have more of a purpose for their visit. These customers are labeled as "Advanced Retail Clinic Users." The report contains the following information about these customers.
% Advanced Retail Clinic Users – (Visited For Purpose Other Than Flu Shot)
Advanced Retail Clinic Users: Age, Education And Gender
Advanced Retail Clinic Users: Gender In Comparison To All Retail Clinic Visitors
Advanced Retail Clinic Users By Store Location
Advanced Retail Clinic Users By State
Retail clinics, clinics located within a retail health setting, are a quickly growing segment of the U.S. health care marketplace, and an important means of providing health care services to the public. This report looks at retail clinics’ impact and growth over the next five years, focusing particularly on the health care products they purchase and the suppliers of those products.
Executive Summary
Retail Clinics History/Business Model
Differences between Retail Clinics and Urgent Care
Status of Retail Clinic Locations
Table Number of Clinic Locations (2009-2022)
2018 Retail Clinic Survey Conclusions
Retail Clinic Survey Demographics
Survey Questions
Have You Ever Visited a Retail Clinic?
Table Have You Visited a Retail Clinic? Have you ever visited a retail medical clinic, defined as a clinic that is inside a retail store such as a drug store or a grocery store, and that is not an urgent care center or a doctor's office?
Gender of Visitors
Table (Yes )– What is Your Gender?
Income of Visitors
Table Income of retail clinic customers
Was your visit to a retail clinic only for a flu shot and no other purpose?
Table Flu Shot Visit Only? Was your visit to a retail clinic only for a flu shot and no other purpose?
In which store was the retail clinic you visited located?
Table Store? In which store was the retail clinic you visited located?
For What Purposes Did You Visit a Retail Clinic?
Table Purpose of Visit? For what purposes did you visit a retail clinic? (Prescription, Follow-up, Health Screening, Took Child)
For which health conditions or concerns did you visit a retail clinic?
Table Conditions For which health conditions or concerns did you visit a retail clinic?
Were any of the following actions taken during your visit to a retail clinic?
Table Actions Taken Were any of the following actions taken during your visit to a retail clinic?
Multiple Questions: Do You Have a Regular Physician? Going to Physician Less? Satisfied with visit?
Table Retail clinic visit vs. regular physician's office visit, and overall satisfaction. Please check ANY of the following that are true: I have a regular physician that I've seen at least once in the last 12 months; I am visiting the physician's office less because retail clinics are available; I can see visits to a retail clinic replacing visits to a regular doctor; I am satisfied with my experiences visiting a retail clinic; None of the above.
Retail Clinic Customers: What is Your Marital status
Table Retail clinic customers, marital status
Retail clinic customers: Number of children
Table Retail clinic customers with children, male vs. female Customers with children
Retail Clinic Customers: Children Ages
Table Retail clinic customers with children, age Age (yrs)
Was Retail Clinic Visit for child?
Table Retail clinic customers with children, male vs. female Was the visit to the retail clinic for you or for your child?
Retail Clinic Customers: Area You Live (Urban, Suburban, Rural)
Table You would describe the area you live as…
Retail Clinic Customers: Describe Your House (Single Family, Apartment/Townhouse)
Table You would describe the area you live as…
Retail Clinic Customers: What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Table What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Retail Clinic Customers: Ethnicity
Table You would describe your race/ethnicity as…
Retail Clinic Customers: Do You Have a Pet?
Table Do You Have a Dog? A Cat?
Retail Clinic Customers: Do You Own a Smartphone? A Smart Speaker (Echo, Alexa)
Table Do You Own a Smartphone? A Smart Speaker such as Alexa or Echo?
Advanced Retail Clinic Users – (visited for purpose other than flu shot)
Advanced Retail Clinic Users: Age, Education and Gender
Table Advanced retail Clinic Customer Demographics (Those at a retail clinic for more than a flu shot) Age
Advanced Retail Clinic Users: Gender in Comparison to All Retail Clinic Visitors