Advanced Remote Patient Monitoring Systems, 9th Edition (Telemedicine and Hospital Systems, Glucose, Blood Pressure, PT/INR, Cardiac Rhythm, EKG/ECG, Fetal Heart, EEG, Anesthesia, Pulse Oximeters, Sleep and Other Systems)
Advanced Remote Patient Monitoring Systems, 9th Edition (Telemedicine and Hospital Systems, Glucose, Blood Pressure, PT/INR, Cardiac Rhythm, EKG/ECG, Fetal Heart, EEG, Anesthesia, Pulse Oximeters, Sleep and Other Systems)
Advanced Remote Patient Monitoring Systems, in its 9th edition, specifically focuses on technologically advanced (including wireless and remote) patient monitors, monitors with patient data processing applications, and monitors which are capable of data transfer to an EMR system – including equipment and peripherals that coordinate the flow of data to hospital electronic medical record (EMR) systems. Analysis of the global market in this report includes market sizing and forecasts for the following:
- The Global Market for Advanced Patient Monitoring Systems, 2012-2021
- The Global Equipment and Device Market for Advanced Patient Monitoring Systems by Product Segment, 2012-2021 (Blood Management and Function, Cardiac Event and Function, Neurological Event, Respiratory Function, Others)
- The Global Blood Management and Function Monitor Market, 2012-2021
- Global Blood Pressure Monitor Outlook, 2012-2021
- Global Glucose Monitor Outlook, 2012-2021
- Distribution of Sales for Glucose Monitors by General Technology, 2016 (General Monitoring Technologies, Continuous Monitoring Technologies)
- Global Prothrombin Time Monitor Outlook, 2012-2021
- The Global Cardiac Event and Function Monitor Market, 2012-2021
- Global Cardiac Rhythm/Event Monitor Outlook, 2012-2021
- Global EKG/ECG Monitor Outlook, 2012-2021
- Global Fetal Heart Monitor Outlook, 2012-2021
- The Global Neurological Event Monitor Market, 2012-2021
- The Global Respiratory Function Monitor Market, 2012-2021
- Global Anesthesia Monitor Outlook, 2012-2021
- Global Capnograph Monitor Outlook, 2012-2021
- Global Pulse Oximeter Monitor Outlook, 2012-2021
- Global Sleep Disorder Monitor Outlook, 2012-2021
- The Global Telehealth and Telemonitoring Service Market, 2012-2021
- The Global Patient Monitoring Market by End User, 2012-2021
- The Global Advanced Patient Monitoring Market by End User, 2012-2021 (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Mobile Care)
- The Global Hospital and Acute Care Monitoring Market, 2012-2021
- Global Telemonitoring Market, 2012-2021
- Distribution of Telemonitoring Market by Disease, Estimated 2016 (Diabetes/Obesity, Heart Conditions, Sleep Disorders, Asthma, COPD, Others)
The report contains segmentation of the global market for the industry, including market estimates by region, with country level information as well. Information provided includes: the global advanced patient monitoring market by region, 2012-2021 (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Rest of World, Global Market); global market for advanced patient monitoring by country, estimated 2016 (United States, Germany, Japan, Canada, China, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Brazil, Mexico, ROW); the North American advanced patient monitoring market, 2012-2021; North American market for advanced patient monitoring by country, 2016 and 2021; the U.S. market for advanced patient monitoring systems, 2012-2021; U.S. advanced patient monitoring market by segment, 2016; the U.S. advanced patient monitoring market by end user (hospitals/acute care and home health/telehealth), 2012-2021; the European advanced patient monitoring market, 2012-2021; European market for advanced patient monitoring by country, 2016 and 2021 (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Rest of Europe); European advanced patient monitoring market by end user (hospitals/acute care and home health/telehealth), 2012-2021; the Asia Pacific advanced patient monitoring market, 2012-2021; Asia Pacific market for advanced patient monitoring by country, 2016 and 2021 (Japan, China, Rest of Asia Pacific); the ROW advanced patient monitoring market, 2012-2021; and rest of world market for advanced patient monitoring by country, 2016 and 2021 (Brazil, Mexico, Rest of World).
The corporate profiles section of Advanced Remote Patient Monitoring Systems describes companies providing leading products and some of the most interesting new technologies. There is a vast number of companies offering some form of advanced feature: wireless/remote technologies, patient data processing applications and equipment, and applications and equipment that transfer patient monitoring data to EMRs. Companies profiled include Boston Scientific, GE Healthcare, Medtronic, Philips Medical, and St. Jude Medical.
Market numbers discussed in this report are focused on the global patient monitoring market with special market coverage of the U.S. market. Additionally, there is select coverage for European, Asian and other world markets. All sales are displayed at the manufacturers’ level in U.S. dollars. Although the sales figures are displayed at the manufacturers’ level, in many instances, this figure represents a close comparison to the retail level as many end users are purchasing directly from the manufacturer.