2023-2024 Radiation Therapy Market Summary Report

2023-2024 Radiation Therapy Market Summary Report

IMV’s 2023-2024 Radiation Therapy Market Summary Report provides a department-wide view of the key radiation therapy (RT) technologies used in treating cancer patients, including external beam radiation therapy (EBRT), image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), brachytherapy equipment, treatment planning systems, simulators (X-ray, CT, PET, and MRI), and oncology information systems. This report monitors trends over the past decade in the top cancer types treated with radiation, patient volume, installed equipment, market share, and technology adoption rates. Future plans for acquiring such technologies are estimated, including capital budgets for RT equipment. A wide variety of manufacturers providing hardware and software solutions for therapy systems are covered in this report.

Key Features

Radiation Therapy Treatment Volume
  • Total courses of treatment using radiation therapy?
  • What is the trend in total annual treatment visits?
  • What are the top cancer types treated with radiation?
  • What are the key radiation treatment methods provided?
  • What is the trend in the imaging modalities used for treatment plans?
External Beam Installed Base, OEM Share, and Purchase Plans
  • How many external beam units are installed, by facility type (including LINACS and proton therapy)?
  • What type of features are being purchased for external beam units?
  • What is the brand loyalty of current external beam users?
Installed Base, OEM Share, and Purchase Plans for Related RT Technology
  • Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT)
  • Brachytherapy
  • Treatment planning units
  • Simulators (X-ray, CT, PET/CT and MR)
  • Record & Verify / Oncology Information Systems
  • Site Operations Characteristics
  • How many FTE radiation oncologists, radiation therapists, nurses, physicists, dosimetrists, and secretaries are on staff per site?
  • What is the average number of new patients treated per linear accelerator and per staff type?

I. Objectives
II. Executive Summary
III. Methodology
IV. Findings
A. Radiation Therapy Treatment Volume
B. External Beam Therapy Equipment
C. Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT)
D. Brachytherapy Equipment
E. Treatment Planning Systems
F. Treatment Planning Practices Using Imaging
G. Simulators (X-ray, CT, MR, and PET)
H. Record & Verify / Oncology Information Systems
I. Capital Equipment Budgets
J. Demographics & Site Operations Characteristics
K. Appendix
L. About IMV
A. Radiation Therapy Treatment Volume
1. Total Radiation Therapy Treatment Visit Volume, 2013-2023
2. Distribution of Treatment Visits, by Site Type, 2017-2023
3. Average Treatment Visits per Site, by Site Type, 2023
4. Average Treatment Visits per Site, by Site Type, 2018-2023
5. Total Radiation Therapy Courses of Treatment, 2013-2023
6. Ratio of Radiation Therapy Treatment Visits per Course of Treatment, 2015-2023
7. Distribution of Radiation Therapy Sites, Treatment Visits, and Courses of Treatment,by Site Type, 2023
8. Average Annual Radiation Therapy Courses of Treatment per Site, 2023
9. Average Annual Radiation Therapy Courses of Treatment per Site, by Site Type, 2017-2023
10. Total Courses of Treatment, New vs. Prior, 2016-2023
11. Average Annual New Radiation Therapy Courses of Treatment per Site, 2023
12. Average Annual New Radiation Therapy Courses of Treatment per Site, by Site Type, 2018-2023
13. Distribution of 2023 Courses of Treatment, by Cancer Type Treated
14. Distribution of 2023 Courses of Treatment, by Cancer Type Treated, by Site Type
15. Trend in the Distribution of Courses of Treatment, by Cancer Type Treated, 2017-2023
16. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Performing Courses of Treatment, by Cancer Type, as of2023 Survey
17. Average Number of 2023 Courses of Treatment Performed per Radiation Therapy Site,by Cancer Type, for Sites Treating that Type, as of 2023 Survey
18. Percent of Sites Performing External Beam vs Other Treatment methods for Prostate Cancer,by Cancer Type, as of 2023 Survey
19. Percent of 2023 Courses of Treatment Using External Beam vs. Brachytherapy Using RemoteAfterloaders, by Cancer Type, as of 2023 Survey
20. Percent of Courses of Treatment Treated with External Beam vs. Other Treatment Methods for ProstateCancer, as of 2023 Survey
21. Percent of 2023 Courses of Treatment Using External Beam vs. Brachytherapy Using Remote Afterloaders,by Cancer Type, as of 2023 Survey
22. Percent of Sites Performing External Beam vs. other treatment methods for Prostate Cancer,2016-2023
23. Percent of Courses of Treatment Using External Beam vs. other treatment methods for Prostate Cancer,2016-2023
24. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Performing Specific Treatment Methods,, by Census Survey Year of 2023 Census Survey
25. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Performing Specific Treatment Methods,, Hospitals vs. Non-Hospitals, as of 2023 Census Survey
26. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Performing Specific Treatment Methods,, Hospital Bed Size, as of 2023 Census Survey
27. Trend in Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Providing vs. Planning to Provide Specific TreatmentMethods, as of 2023 Census Survey
28. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Providing vs. Planning to Provide Specific Treatment Methods, as of2023 Census Survey
B. External Beam Therapy Equipment
27. Radiation Therapy Courses of Treatment Treated with External Beam vs. Brachytherapy, by Site Type,As of 2023-4 Survey
28. Radiation Therapy Courses of Treatment with External Beam vs. Brachytherapy,2017 to 2023
29. Distribution of Total External Beam Therapy Sites and Units, by Census Survey Year,2017 to 2023
30. Site Type Mix of External Beam Therapy Sites and Units, as of 2023 Census Survey
31. Distribution of Sites, by Number of External Beam Therapy Units Installed, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
32. Percent Mix of External Beam Therapy Unit Installed Base, by Manufacturer, as of 2023-4Census Survey
33. External Beam Therapy Units Installed Base Market Share, by Census SurveyYear, 2014 to 2023
34. Percent Mix of External Beam Therapy Unit Installed Base, by Manufacturer, by Site Type,As of 2023 Census Survey
35. Percent of Sites Having at Least One External Beam Therapy Manufacturer Installed, as of2023 Census Survey
36. Proton Therapy System Installed Base Share, by Manufacturer, as of April 2023
37. Proton Therapy System Installed Base Share, by IMV Census Study Year, 2017 to 2023
38. External Beam Therapy Unit Installed Base, by Year of Installation, as of 2023 Census Survey
39. External Beam Therapy Unit Installed Base Market Share, by Installation Time Frames,as of 2023 Census Survey
40. Percent of External Beam Therapy Units with Stereotactic Treatment Capability,as of 2023 Census Survey
41. Percent of External Beam Therapy Units with Stereotactic Treatment Capability, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
42. Distribution of Service Support Sources for External Beam Therapy Units, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
43. Distribution of Service Support Sources for External Beam Therapy Units, by Manufacturerof Installed Units, as of 2023 Census Survey
44. Site Type Mix of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase External Beam Therapy UnitsOver the Next Three Years, as of 2023 Census Survey
45. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase External Beam Therapy UnitsOver the Next Three Years, by Census Survey Year, 2017 to 2023
46. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase External Beam Therapy Units
Over the Next Three Years, by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
47. Plans for New vs. Refurbished External Beam Therapy Unit Acquisitions, by Site Type,as of 20233 Census Survey
48. Plans for Additional vs. Replacement External Beam Therapy Units, by Site Type, as of2023 Census Survey
49. Current Replacement Cycle for External Beam Therapy Systems, Based on 2020 RadiationTherapy Census Survey Responses
50. Purchase Plans for External Beam Therapy Units with Stereotactic Treatment Capability, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
51. Purchase Plans for External Beam Therapy Units Used for Cranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery(SRS) Treatments, as of 2023 Census Survey
52. Purchase Plans for External Beam Therapy Units Used for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy(SBRT) Treatments, as of 2023 Census Survey
53. Percent Distribution of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Considered for External BeamTherapy Unit Acquisitions, as of 2023 Census Survey
54. Brand Loyalty: External Beam Therapy Vendors Being Considered, by CurrentExternal Beam Therapy Installed Base, as of 2023 Census Survey Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT)
55. Site Type Mix of Radiation Therapy Sites Providing Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT),as of 2023 Census Survey
56. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Providing Image Guided Radiotherapy, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
57. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Providing Image Guided Radiotherapy, by Census Survey Year,2016 to 2023
58. Distribution of Sites by Number of Installed IGRT Systems, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
59. Type of Guidance System Used for IGRT, as of 2023 Census Survey
60. Type of Guidance System Used for IGRT, by Census Survey Year, 2018 to 2023
61. Percent Mix of IGRT Imaging Device Installed Base, by Manufacturer, as of 2023Census Survey
62. Percent Mix of IGRT Imaging Device Installed Base, by Manufacturer, by Site Type,
as of 2023 Census Survey
63. Percent of Sites Having at Least One IGRT Manufacturer Installed, as of 2023 Census Survey
64. Percent Mix of IGRT Units using CT or Cone Beam CT, by Manufacturer,as of 2023 Census Survey
65. Percent Mix of IGRT Installed Base using X-ray, by Manufacturer,
as of 2023 Census Survey
66. Image Guided Radiotherapy Systems Installed Base, by Year of Installation,
as of 2023 Census Survey
67. IGRT Systems Installed Base Market Share, by Installation Time Frames,as of 2023 Census Survey
68. Site Type Mix of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase IGRT UnitsOver the Next Three Years, as of 2023 Census Survey
69. Planned Type of Guidance Systems for IGRT, as of 2023 Census Survey
70. Percent Distribution of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Considered for IGRT Acquisitions,as of 2023 Census Survey
C. Brachytherapy Equipment
70. Site Type Mix of Radiation Therapy Sites with Brachytherapy Equipment,as of 2023 Census Survey
71. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites with Brachytherapy Equipment, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
72. Percent of Brachytherapy Units by Equipment Type, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
73. Percent Mix of Brachytherapy Equipment Installed Base, by Manufacturer, 2023Census Survey
74. Percent Mix of Brachytherapy Equipment Installed Base, by Manufacturer, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
75. Percent of Sites Having at Least One Brachytherapy Equipment Manufacturer Installed,as of 2023 Census Survey
76. Brachytherapy Equipment Unit Installed Base, and Percent of Sites Having,By Census Year, 2016 to 2023
77. Brachytherapy Units Installed Base, by Year of Installation,as of 2023 Census Survey
78. Brachytherapy Units Installed Base Market Share, by Installation Time Frame, as of2023 Census Survey
79. Site Type Mix of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase Brachytherapy Equipment Over the NextThree Years, as of 2023 Census Survey
80. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase Brachytherapy Equipment Over the Next ThreeYears, by Census Survey Year, 2017 to 2023
81. Purchase Plans for Brachytherapy Units by Equipment Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
82. Mix of Planned Acquisitions of Low Dose vs. High Dose Remote Afterloaders, as of 2023Census Survey
83. Brachytherapy Applicator Types Being Planned for Purchase, by Sites Currently Performingor Planning to Perform Brachytherapy, as of 2023 Census Survey
84. Percent Distribution of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Considered for BrachytherapyUnit Acquisitions, as of 2023 Census Survey
D. Treatment Planning Systems
85. Site Type Mix of Radiation Therapy Sites with Treatment Planning Systems,as of 2023 Census Survey
86. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites with Treatment Planning Systems, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
87. Treatment Planning Equipment Unit Installed Base, and Percent of Sites Having, by Census SurveyYear, 2016 to 2023
88. Distribution of Sites by Number of Treatment Planning Systems Installed, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
89. Percent Mix of Treatment Planning Unit Installed Base, by Manufacturer,as of 2023 Census Survey
90. Percent Mix of Treatment Planning Systems Installed Base, by Manufacturer, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
91. Treatment Planning Systems Installed Base Market Share, by Manufacturer, by Census SurveyYear, 2013 to 2023
92. Percent of Sites Having at Least One Treatment Planning Manufacturer Installed,as of 2023 Census Survey
93. Treatment Planning Systems Installed Base, by Year of Installation,as of 2023 Census Survey
94. Treatment Planning Systems Installed Base Market Share, by Installation Time Frame,as of 2023 Census Survey
95. Distribution of Sites, by Number of Treatment Planning Seats Installed, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
96. Average Number of Treatment Planning Seats Installed per Site and per Treatment PlanningSystem, by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
97. Current Uses of Treatment Planning Units, as of 2023 Census Survey
98. Percent of Treatment Planning Systems Used for External Beam Therapy, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
99. Percent of Treatment Planning Systems Used for External Beam Therapy,by Census Survey Year, 2014 to 2023
100. Percent Mix of Treatment Planning Units Used for External Beam Therapy, by Manufacturer,as of 2023 Census Survey
101. Percent of Treatment Planning Systems Providing Planning for Electron Therapy,by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
102. Percent of Treatment Planning Units Providing Planning for Electron Therapy,by Census Survey Year, 2014 to 2023
103. Percent Mix of Treatment Planning Units Providing Planning for Electron Therapy, by Manufacturer,as of 2023 Census Survey
104. Percent of Treatment Planning Systems Used for Brachytherapy, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
105. Percent of Treatment Planning Systems Used for Brachytherapy, by Census Survey Year2014 to 2023
106. Percent Mix of Treatment Planning Units Used for Brachytherapy, by Manufacturer,as of 2023 Census Survey
107. Percent of Treatment Planning Systems Used for Prostate Seed Therapy, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
108. Percent of Treatment Planning Systems Used for Prostate Seed Therapy,by Census Survey Year, 2014 to 2023
109. Percent Mix of Treatment Planning Units Used for Prostate Seed Therapy, by Manufacturer,as of 2023 Census Survey
110. Site Type Mix of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase Treatment Planning Units,Over the Next Three Years, as of 2023 Census Survey
111. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase Treatment Planning UnitsOver the Next Three Years, by Census Survey Year, 2017 to 2023
112. Number of Seats Planned for Future Treatment Planning Systems, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
113. Planned Uses of Future Treatment Planning Units, as of 2023 Census Survey
114. Percent Distribution of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Consideredfor Treatment Planning Systems Acquisitions, 2023 Census Survey
115. Trend in Percent of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Considered for Treatment Planning
116. Acquisitions by Census Survey Year, 2016 to 2023
117. Brand Loyalty: Treatment Planning Manufacturer Being Considered, by Current TreatmentPlanning Installed Base, as of 2023 Census Survey
118. Brand Preference: Treatment Planning Manufacturers Being Used by Current LINACInstalled Base, as of 2023 Census Survey
E. Treatment Planning Practices Using Imaging
132. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Using Images in Treatment Plans,by Imaging Modality, by Census Survey Year, 2017 to 2023
133. Distribution of Sites Using Images for Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning, by Imaging Modality,as of 2023 Census Survey
134. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase PET or MR in the Next Three Years,as of 2023 Census Survey Simulators (X-ray, CT, MR, and PET)
135. Site Type Mix of Radiation Therapy Sites with Simulators, as of 2023 Census Survey
136. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites with Simulators, by Census Survey Year,2016 to 2023
137. Simulator Equipment Unit Installed Base and Percent of Sites Having, by Census Survey Year,2016 to 2023
138. Distribution of Sites by Number of Simulators Installed, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
139. Percent Mix of Simulator Installed Base, by Manufacturer, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
140. Simulator Installed Base Share, by Census Survey Year, 2014 to 2023
141. Percent of Sites Having at Least One Simulator Manufacturer Installed,as of 2023 Census Survey
142. Simulator Installed Base, by Year of Installation, as of 2023 Census Survey
143. Percent of Simulators by Imaging Modality, by Census Survey Year, 2017 to 2023
144. Percent Mix of CT Simulators, by Manufacturer, as of 2023 Census Survey
145. Percent Mix of MR Simulators, by Manufacturer, as of 2023 Census Survey
146. Percent Mix of PET/CT Simulators, by Manufacturer, as of 2023 Census Survey
147. Percent Mix of X-ray Simulators, by Manufacturer, as of 2023 Census Survey
148. Simulator Installed Base Market Share, by Installation Time Frames,as of 2023 Census Survey
149. Number of CT Slices for Simulators, by Simulator Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
150. Whether the Simulators have a Wide Bore, by Simulator Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
G. 151. Percent Distribution of Simulators, by Department Location,
By Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
152. Percent of Simulator Software with Virtual Simulation Software Capability, by Census Survey Year,2017 to 2023
153. Whether Simulators have Virtual Simulation Software, by Simulator Hardware Vendor,as of 2023 Census Survey
154. Site Type Mix of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase SimulatorsOver the Next Three Years, as of 2023 Census Survey
155. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase Simulators Over the Next ThreeYears, by Census Survey Year, 2017 to 2023
156. Plans for New vs. Refurbished Simulators Acquisitions,by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
157. Whether the Planned Simulator Acquisition will be New or Refurbished, by IMV Census SurveyYear, 2013 to 2023
158. Purchase Plans for Simulators by Imaging Modality, as of 2023 Census Survey
159. Number of CT Slices for Planned Simulators, by Simulator Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
160. Whether the Planned Simulators Will Have a Wide Bore, by Simulator Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
161. Purchase Plans for Simulator Software with Virtual Simulation Software Capability,as of 2021 Census Survey
162. Percent Distribution of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Considered for Simulator Acquisitions,as of 2023 Census Survey
163. Trend in Percent of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Considered for SimulatorsAcquisitions, by Census Survey Year, 2013 to 2023
164. Brand Loyalty: Simulator Vendor Being Considered, by Current Simulator InstalledBase, as of 2023 Census Survey Record & Verify / Oncology Information Systems
177. Site Type Mix of Radiation Therapy Sites with Record & Verify/Oncology InformationSystems, as of 2023 Census Survey
178. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites with Record & Verify/Oncology InformationSystems, by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
179. Record & Verify/Oncology Information System Installed Base and Percent of SitesHaving, by Census Survey Year, 2016 to 2023
180. Percent of Record & Verify/Oncology Information systems by System Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
181. Whether Record & Verify Systems are Part of LINAC
182. Percent of Record & Verify/Oncology Information Systems Interfaced with IMS or HIS,by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
183. Type of Data Available on Oncology Information Systems,as of 2023 Census Survey
184. Type of Data Available on Oncology Information Systems, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
185. Record & Verify/Oncology Information Systems Installed Base Share,by Census Survey Year, 2014 to 2023
186. Record & Verify/Oncology Information System Installed Base, by Year of Installation,as of 2023 Census Survey
187. Status of Image Management Systems in Radiation Therapy Sites, by Site Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
188. Trend in Percentage of Radiation Therapy Sites Having Image Management Systems,by Census Survey Year, 2015/16 to 2023
189. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites Planning to Purchase or Upgrade Record &Verify/Oncology Information Systems, by Census Survey Year, 2017 to 2023
190. Plans for New vs. Upgrade Purchases of Record & Verify/Oncology InformationSystems Over the Next Three Years, by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
191. Plans for New vs. Upgrade Purchases of Record & Verify/Oncology InformationSystems Over the Next Three Years, as of 2023 Census Survey
192. Purchase Plans for Record & Verify/Oncology Information Systems by System Type,as of 2023 Census Survey
193. Type of Data Being Planned for Availability on Oncology Information Systems,as of 2023 Census Survey
194. Percent Distribution of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Considered for Record &Verify/Oncology Information System Acquisitions, as of 2023 Census Survey
H. Capital Equipment Budgets
199. Distribution of 2023 Radiation Therapy Capital Equipment Budgets, All Sites
200. Distribution of 2023 Radiation Therapy Capital Equipment Budgets,by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
201. Radiation Therapy Capital Equipment Budget Trend, 2016-2023
202. Radiation Therapy Capital Equipment Budget Trend, from 2023 to 2025,as of 2023 Census Survey
203. Trend in Reported 2023 Radiation Therapy Capital Equipment Budget, by Census Survey Year,2020 to 2023
204. Average Radiation Therapy Capital Equipment Budget per Site, for Sites with Budgets >$0,by Site Type, 2018-2023
I. Demographics & Site Operations Characteristics
205. 2023 Radiation Therapy Census Sites, by Site Type
206. Site Type of 2023 Radiation Therapy Census Non-Hospital Sites
207. 2023 Radiation Therapy Census Sites, by Site Type
208. Hospital Type, as a Percentage of Hospital Sites in 2023 Radiation Therapy Census, by Bed Size
209. Whether Other Departments Perform Radiation Therapy at Facility, as of 2023 Census Survey
210. Other Departments Performing Radiation Treatments in Addition to Responding Department,as of 2023 Census Survey
211. Whether Facility Belongs to a Larger Provider Network of Radiation Therapy Sites,by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
212. Whether Physicians Belong to a Physician-Owned Network Serving More Than OneRadiation Therapy Site, by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
213. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites with Staff Types, All Sites, as of 2023 Census Survey
214. Average Number of FTE Staff per Site Having That Type, All Sites, as of 2023 Census Survey
215. Percent of Radiation Therapy Sites with Staff Types, by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
216. Average Number of FTE Staff per Site Having That Type, by Site Type, as of 2023 Census Survey
217. 2023 Utilization Statistics, as of 2023 Census Survey
a) Productivity per External Beam Treatment Unit
b) Average FTEs per Site, by Staff Category
c) Average Total Treatment Visits per Staff Type
d) Average New Radiation Therapy Patients per Staff Type
e) Average Total External Beam Radiation Therapy Patients per Staff Type
218. Whether Site Provides Medical Oncology Servicesas of 2023 Census Survey
219. Whether Facility Provides Medical Oncology Services, by Site Typeas of 2023 Census Survey
220. Whether Site Provides Surgical Oncology Servicesas of 2023 Census Survey
221. Whether Facility Provides Surgical Oncology Services, by Site Typeas of 2023 Census Survey
J. Appendix
K. About IMV

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