2024 Fixed C-arm Market Outlook Report

2024 Fixed C-arm Market Outlook Report

The 2024 IMV Fixed C-arm Market Outlook report provides an overview of the fixed C-arm market. The report provides detailed information about the priorities and outlook of departments with fixed C-arms, information about procedure volumes and the mix of procedures performed using fixed C-arms. The report also covers installed base information and future purchase plans, including information about which manufacturers are present and being considered for purchase over the next few years. In addition, the report covers installed base and purchase plan information for portable C-arm units and a section providing details on site operations for hospitals. The report includes detailed information about the departments in the hospital where the equipment is currently located including in cardiology, radiology/interventional radiology, surgery, hybrid OR and other departments with fixed C-arm equipment. The procedure types examined in this report include radiology, interventional radiology, cardiology, interventional cardiology, minimally invasive procedures, surgery and hybrid procedures. The report includes a wide variety of charts and graphs that breakout the above information along a number of dimensions including department type and hospital size. The key features and findings of these charts are highlighted in the report and where appropriate comparisons to previous data are noted for context.

The information in this report is useful to inform planning and decision making for imaging equipment manufacturers, hospital systems, medical software development companies as well as companies that serve those industries. Specifically strategy, marketing, sales and market research departments can make use of the information in this report.

Respondents participated in an IMV-hosted online survey from March 11 to April 25, 2024.

Key topics include:
  • Department Priorities & Future Outlook
  • Procedure Volume in Hospitals with Fixed C-arms
  • Installed Base of Fixed C-arm Systems in Hospitals
  • Purchase Plans for Fixed C-arm Systems
  • Installed Base & Purchase Plans for Portable C-arm Units
  • Site Operations Characteristics

I. Background and Objectives
II. Fixed C-arm Market Outlook Executive Summary
III. Methodology
IV. Findings
Patient Case Volume in Hospitals with Fixed C-arm Systems
Installed Base of Fixed C-arm Systems in Hospitals
Purchase Plans for Fixed C-arm Systems
Installed Base & Purchase Plans for Portable C-arm Units
Site Operations Characteristics of Hospitals with Fixed C-arm Equipment
About IMV
1. Comparison of Sample vs. Identified Universe in IMV 2024 Fixed C-arm Market Outlook Report
2. Comparison of Surveyed Departments vs. Identified Universe of Departments with Fixed C-arms
3. Distribution of Respondents to 2024 Fixed C-arm Survey, by Respondent’s Department, by Hospital Bed Size
4. Respondents Department Has at Least One Fixed C-arm System
5. Whether Resondent’s Deparmtent has or is Considering Purchase of Fixed C-arm Systems
6. Respondent’s Department Does Not Currently Have a Fixed C-arm System, but is Considering
7. Distribution of Sample vs. Universe of Hospitals, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
8. Distribution of Surveyed Hospitals, by Hospital Bed Size
9. Distribution of Hospitals in 2024 Fixed C-arm Survey Sample, by Hospital Ownership Type, by Hospital Bed Size
10. Percentage of Hospitals that are Academic/University Hospitals in 2024 Fixed C-arm Survey Sample, by Hospital Bed Size
11. Distribution of Hospitals in 2024 Fixed C-arm Survey Sample, by Location Type and Hospital Bed Size
A.Department Priorities & Future Outlook
1. Priorities to the Mission of Departments with Fixed C-arms Over the Next Year, as of 2024 Survey
2. Priorities to the Mission of Departments with Fixed C-arms Over the Next Year, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
3. Priorities to the Mission of Departments with Fixed C-arms Over the Next Year, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
4. Factors Affecting the Future Outlook for Fixed C-arms at your Hospital Over the Next Few Years, as of 2024 Survey
5. Factors Affecting the Future Outlook for Fixed C-arms Over the Next Few Years, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
6. Factors Affecting the Future Outlook for Fixed C-arms Over the Next Few Years, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
7. 2024 Fixed C-arm Outlook for Procedure Volume, Reimbursement, Revenue, and Net Income/Profits
8. 2024 Fixed C-arm Outlook for Procedure Volume, by Hospital Bed Size
9. 2024 Fixed C-arm Outlook for Reimbursement Levels, by Hospital Bed Size
10. 2024 Fixed C-arm Outlook for Revenue, by Hospital Bed Size
11. 2024 Fixed C-arm Outlook for Net Income/Profits, by Hospital Bed Size
12. 2024 Fixed C-arm Outlook for Procedure Volume, by Respondent Department Type
13. 2024 Fixed C-arm Outlook for Reimbursement Levels, by Respondent Department Type
14. 2024 Fixed C-arm Outlook for Revenue, by Respondent Department Type
15. 2024 Fixed C-arm Outlook for Net Income/Profits, by Respondent Department Type
16. Comparison of Fixed C-arm Outlook for Procedure Volume, Reimbursement, Revenue and Net Income/Profits, by IMV Study Year, 2019 to 2024
17. Fixed C-Arm Suggestions for Product Improvements – Open-Ended Responses
B.Patient Case Volume in Hospitals with Fixed C-arm Systems
1.Whether Respondent Provided Estimates for the Number of Patients and Procedures Performed in at Least One Hospital Department Using Fixed C-arms, as of 2024 Survey
2.Departments Respondents Provided Estimates for, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024
3.Distribution of Respondent Estimates for 2023 Patient Cases Performed on Fixed C-arms, and Sites
Performing, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
4.Distribution of Respondent Estimates for 2023 Patient Cases Performed on Fixed C-arms, by Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
5.Distribution of Respondent Estimates for 2023 Patient Cases Performed on Fixed C-arms, and Sites Performing, by Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
6.Average 2023 Patient Cases Performed per Department on Fixed C-arms, by Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
7.Distribution of Projected Estimates for 2023 Patient Cases Performed on Fixed C-arms, and Sites Performing, by Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
8.Distribution of Respondent Estimates for 2023 & 2024 Patient Cases Performed on Fixed C-arms, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
9.Distribution of Hospitals, by 2023 Patient Cases Performed per Hospital on Fixed C-arms, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
10.Percent Distribution of 2023 Patient Cases Performed using Fixed C-arms, by Procedure Type
11.Percent Distribution of 2023 Patient Cases Performed using Fixed C-arms, by Procedure Type and Department Type
12.Percent of Hospitals Performing Procedures using Fixed C-arms, by Procedure Type, as of 2024 Survey
13.Percent of Hospitals Performing Procedures using Fixed C-arms, by Procedure Type and Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
14.Average Number of 2023 Patient Cases Performed per Site Performing Specific Studies on Fixed C-arms
15.Average Number of 2023 Patient Cases Performed per Site Performing Specific Studies on Fixed C-arms, by Department Type
16.Percentage of Adult vs. Pediatric 2023 Patient Cases Performed using Fixed C-arms
17.Percentage of 2023 Patient Cases Performed on Obese Patients using Fixed C-arms
18.Mix of 2023 Inpatient vs. Outpatient vs. Emergency Fixed C-arm Patient Cases, as of 2024 Survey
19.Physician Types Currently Performing Procedures using Fixed C-arms, as of 2024 Survey
20.Physician Types Currently Performing Procedures using Fixed C-arms, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
21.Physician Types Currently Performing Procedures Using Fixed C-arms, as of 2024 Survey
22.Issues Currently Limiting Hospital’s Ability to Offer Minimally Invasive Procedures using Fixed C-arms, as of 2024 Survey
23.Issues Currently Limiting Hospital’s Ability to Offer Minimally Invasive Procedures using Fixed
C-arms, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
24.Issues Currently Limiting Hospital’s Ability to Offer Minimally Invasive Procedures using Fixed C-arms, by Fixed C-arm Status, as of 2024 Survey
25.Physician Types Hospitals are Seeking to Attract or Retain, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
26.Physician Types Hospitals are Seeking to Attract or Retain, by Fixed C-arm Status, as of 2024 Survey 48
27.Types of Clinical Programs Hospitals Have or are Considering to Develop Over the Next Few Years, as of 2024 Survey
28.Whether Hospitals Currently Have or are Considering Developing a Vascular Surgery Program Over the Next Few Years, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
29.Whether Hospitals Currently Have or are Considering Developing a Vascular Surgery Program Over the Next Few Years, by Fixed C-arm Status of Respondent’s Department, as of 2024 Survey
30.Whether Hospitals Currently Have or are Considering Developing a Cardiac Surgery Program Over the Next Few Years, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
31.Whether Hospitals Currently Have or are Considering Developing a Cardiac Surgery Program Over the Next Few Years, by Fixed C-arm Status of Respondent’s Department, as of 2024 Survey
32.Whether Hospitals Currently Have or are Considering Developing a Structural Heart Disease Program Over the Next Few Years, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
33.Whether Hospitals Currently Have or are Considering Developing a Structural Heart Disease Program Over the Next Few Years, by Fixed C-arm Status of Respondent’s Department, as of 2024 Survey
C.Installed Base of Fixed C-arm Systems in Hospitals
1.Hospital Department Where Fixed C-arms are Installed, as of 2024 Survey
2.Hospital Department Where Fixed C-arms are Installed, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
3.Trend in Hospital Departments Where Fixed C-arms are Installed, by IMV Survey Year, 2019 to 2024
4.Distribution of Sites, by Number of Departments with Fixed C-arm Systems, by Hospital Bed Size,as of 2024 Survey
5.Distribution of Sites, by Number of Fixed C-arm Systems Installed, by Hospital Bed Size,as of 2024 Survey
6.Distribution of Fixed C-arm Sites and Systems, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
7.Mix of Departments Fixed C-arm Systems are Installed in, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
8.Mix of Departments Fixed C-arm Systems are Installed in, by Academic/University Status, as of 2024 Survey
9.Average Number of Fixed C-arms per Department, by Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
10.Distribution of Projected Estimates for Installed Fixed C-arm Systems, by Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
11.Distribution of Fixed C-arm Systems Installed in Hospitals, by Year of Installation, as of 2024 Survey
12.Distribution of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Year of Installation, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
13.Distribution of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Year of Installation, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
14.Total Fixed C-arm System Installed Base Market Share, as of 2024 Survey
15.Percent of Sites Having at Least One Fixed C-arm System Installed, by Manufacturer, as of 2024 Survey
16.Fixed C-arm System Installed Base Market Share, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
17.Fixed C-arm System Installed Base Market Share, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
Installed Base Market Share of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Installation Time Frame, as of 2024 Survey .. 64
19.Mix of Single- vs. Bi-plane Fixed C-arm Systems, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
20.Mix of Single- vs. Bi-plane Fixed C-arm Systems, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
21.Mix of Single- vs. Bi-plane Fixed C-arm Systems, by Academic/University Status, as of 2024 Survey . 65
22.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Floor/Ceiling/Wall Mounted, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
23.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Floor/Ceiling/Wall Mounted, by Department Location,as of 2024 Survey
24.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Floor/Ceiling/Wall Mounted, by Academic/University Status, as of 2024 Survey
25.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Floor/Ceiling/Wall Mounted, by Survey Year and Hospital Bed Size, 2019 to 2024
26.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Floor/Ceiling/Wall Mounted, by Survey Year and Department Location, 2029 to 2024
27.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Table Type, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
28.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Table Type, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
29.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Table Type, by Academic/University Status, as of 2024 Survey
30.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems by Table Type, by Survey Year and Hospital Bed Sized,2019 to 2024
31.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems by Table Type, by Survey Year and Department Location,2019 to 2024
32.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Installed in a Surgical Environment, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
33.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Installed in a Surgical Environment, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
34.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Installed in a Surgical Environment, by Academic/ University Status, as of 2024 Survey
35.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Installed in a Surgical Environment, by Survey Year and Hospital Bed Size, 2019 to 2024
36.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Installed in a Surgical Environment, by Survey Year and Department Location, 2019 to 2024
37.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Utilized for Hybrid OR Procedures, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
38.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Utilized for Hybrid OR Procedures, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
39.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Utilized for Hybrid OR Procedures, by Academic/ University Status, as of 2024 Survey
40.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Utilized for Hybrid OR Procedures, by Survey Year and Hospital Bed Size, 2019 to 2024
41.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether Utilized for Hybrid OR Procedures, by Survey Year and Department Location, 2019 to 2024
42.Mix of Sites, by Whether the Fixed C-arms have CT Technology in the Same Room, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
43.Mix of Sites, by Whether the Fixed C-arms have CT Technology in the Same Room, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
44.Mix of Sites, by Whether the Fixed C-arms Use MRI Technology During Interventional Procedures,as of 2024 Survey
45.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether the Fixed C-arms Use MRI Technology During Interventional Procedures, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
46.Mix of Sites, by Whether the Fixed C-arms have CT Technology in the Same Room, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
47.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether the Fixed C-arms have CT Technology in the Same Room, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
48.Mix of Sites, by Whether Fixed C-arms Use MRI Technology During Interventional Procedures, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
49.Mix of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Whether the Fixed C-arms Use MRI Technology During Interventional Procedures, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
50.Mix of Sites, by Whether IVUS Technology IS Used in Fixed C-arm Rooms During Interventional Procedures, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
51.Mix of Sites, by Whether IVUS Technology IS Used in Fixed C-arm Rooms During Interventional Procedures, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
52.Trend in Use of CT, MRI and IVUS Technology in Fixed C-arm Rooms, by Survey Year and Hospital Bed Size, 2019 to 2024
53.Trend in Fixed C-arm Rooms Using CT, MRI and IVUS Technology, by Survey Year and Department, 2019 to 2024
54.How Fixed C-arms are Used in Respondents’ Departments, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
55.How Fixed C-arms are Used in Respondents’ Departments, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
56.How Fixed C-arms are Used in Respondent’s Departments, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2019 to 2024 Survey
57.First Call Service Support Sources, for Fixed C-arm Systems, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
58.First Call Service Support Sources, for Fixed C-arm Systems, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
59.First Call Service Support Sources, for Fixed C-arm Systems, by Hospital Ownership, as of 2024 Survey
60.First Call Service Support Sources, for Fixed C-arm Systems, by Geographic Location, as of 2024 Survey
61.Type of Contractual Arrangement Used When Service Support is Needed from an Outside Service Provider for Fixed C-arm Systems, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
62.Type of Contractual Arrangement Used When Service Support is Needed from an Outside Service Provider for Fixed C-arm Systems, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
63.Type of Contractual Arrangement Used When Service Support is Needed from an Outside Service Provider for Fixed C-arm Systems, by Hospital Ownership, as of 2024 Survey
64.Type of Contractual Arrangement Used When Service Support is Needed from an Outside Service Provider for Fixed C-arm Systems, by Geographic Location, as of 2024 Survey
65.Contractual Arrangements with Outside Service Providers, by Primary Source of Service for Fixed C-arm Systems, as of 2024 Survey
D.Purchase Plans for Fixed C-arm Systems
1.Hospitals Planning to Acquire Fixed C-arm Systems from 2024 Through 2025, as of 2024 Survey
2.Projected Hospitals Planning to Acquire Fixed C-arm Systems in the Next Three Years, as of 2024 Survey
3.Percent of Sites Planning to Purchase Fixed C-arm Systems Over the Next Three Years, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
4.Percent of Sites Planning to Purchase Fixed C-arm Systems Over the Next Three Years, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
5.Trend in Percent of Sites Planning to Purchase Fixed C-arm Systems by IMV Study Year, 2019 to 2024
6.Distribution of Sites, by Number of Fixed C-arm Systems Planned for Purchase, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
7.Mix of Departments the Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Installed in, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
8.Plans for Purchasing Replacement vs. Additional vs. First-Time Placements of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
9.Plans for Purchasing Replacement vs. Additional vs. First-Time Placements of Fixed C-arm Systems, by Planned Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
10.Age of Fixed C-arm Systems Being Replaced, as of 2024 Survey
11.Average and Median Age of Fixed C-arm Systems Being Replaced, by Survey Year,2019 to 2024
12.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Installed in Surgical Environments, by Hospital Bed Size,as of 2024 Survey
13.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Installed in Surgical Environments, by Planned Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
14.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Utilized to Perform Hybrid OR Procedures, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
15.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Utilized to Perform Hybrid OR Procedures, by Planned Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
16.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Single-plane or Bi-plane Configurations, by Hospital Bed
Size, as of 2024 Survey
17.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Single-plane or Bi-plane Configurations, by Planned Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
18.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Ceiling- or Floor-Mounted, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
19.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Ceiling- or Floor-Mounted, by Planned Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
20.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will Use an OR Table or an Interventional Table, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
21.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will Use an OR Table or an Interventional Table, by Planned Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
22.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Brand New or Refurbished/Used Units, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
23.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will be Brand New or Refurbished/Used Units, by Planned Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
24.Departments Having Budget Responsibility for Planned Fixed C-arms, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
25.Mix of Sites, by Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will Have CT Technology in the Same Room, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
26.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will have CT Technology in the Same Room, by Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
27.Mix of Sites, by Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will Use MR Technology During Interventional Procedures, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
28.Whether Planned Fixed C-arms Will Use MRI Technology During Interventional Procedures, by Department Location as of 2024 Survey
29.Mix of Sites, by Whether IVUS Technology Will be Used in Planned Fixed C-arm Rooms During Interventional Procedures, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
30.Whether IVUS Technology Will be Used in Planned Fixed C-arm Rooms During Interventional Procedures, by Planned Department Location, as of 2024 Survey
31.Percent of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Considered for Next Fixed C-arm System Purchase, as of 2024 Survey
32.Percent of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Considered for Next Fixed C-arm System Purchase, 2019 to 2024
33.Brand Loyalty: Vendors Being Considered by Current Fixed C-arm Installed Base, as of 2024 Survey
34.Mix of Sites, by Whether Sites Plan to Stay With or Switch From their Most Recently Installed Fixed C-arm Manufacturer, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
35.Mix of Sites, by Whether Sites Plan to Stay With or Switch From their Most Recently Installed Fixed C-arm Manufacturer, by Respondent’s Department, as of 2024 Survey
36.Whether Sites Plan to Stay With or Switch From their Most Recently Installed Fixed C-arm Manufacturer, by Most Recently Installed Manufacturer, as of 2024 Survey
37.Physicians: Key Decision Makers for Go/No-go Decisions on Whether and When to Purchase Fixed C-arm Systems, as of 2024 Survey
38.Administrators: Key Decision Makers for Go/No-go Decisions on Whether and When to Purchase Fixed C-arm Systems, as of 2024 Survey
39.Physicians: Key Decision Makers for Go/No-go Decisions on Whether and When to Purchase Fixed C-arm Systems, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
40.Administrators: Key Decision Makers for Go/No-go Decisions on Whether and When to Purchase
Fixed C-arm Systems, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
41.Whether Decisions for Purchasing Fixed C-arm Systems are Made at the Corporate HQ or at the Individual Facility Level, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
42.Whether the Influence of Corporate HQ in Purchase Decisions for Fixed C-arm Systems is Increasing, Staying the Same, or Decreasing in 2024, Compared to 2-3 Years Ago, by Hospital Bed Size,as of 2024 Survey
43.Preferred Fixed C-arm Manufacturers in Healthcare System/Organization, as of 2024 Survey
E.Installed Base & Purchase Plans for Portable C-arm Units
1.Whether Hospital Has Portable/Mobile C-arm Units, as of 2024 Survey
2.Whether Hospital Has Portable/Mobile C-arm Units, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
3.Departments Where Portable/Mobile C-arms are Used, as of 2024 Survey
4.Departments Where Portable/Mobile C-arms are Used, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
5.Distribution of Sites, by Number of Portable/Mobile C-arm Units, by Hospital Bed Size,as of 2024 Survey
6.Distribution of Portable/Mobile C-arm Units in Hospitals, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
7.Percent of Sites Having at Least One Portable/Mobile C-arm Unit, by Manufacturer, as of 2024 Survey
8.Departments Primarily Responsible for Managing the X-ray Technologists wo run the Portable/Mobile C-arms Used in Hospital, as of 2024 Survey
9.Departments Primarily Responsible for Managing the X-ray Technologists wo run the Portable/
Mobile C-arms Used in Hospital, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
10.Physician Types Routinely Using Portable/Mobile C-arms in Hospital, as of 2024 Survey
11.Physician Types Routinely Using Portable/Mobile C-arms in Hospital, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
12.How Portable/Mobile C-arms are Utilized, as of 2024 Survey
13.How Portable/Mobile C-arms are Utilized, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
14.Hospital Sites Planning to Acquire Portable/Mobile C-arm Units Over the Next Three Years, as of 2024 Survey
15.Percent of Sites Planning to Purchase Portable/Mobile C-arm Units Over the Next Three Years, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
16.Percent of Sites Planning to Purchase Portable/Mobile C-arm Units Over the Next Three Years, Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
17.Distribution of Sites, by Number of Portable/Mobile C-arm Units Planned for Purchase, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
18.Plans for Purchasing Replacement vs. Additional vs. First-time Purchase of Portable/Mobile C-arms, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
19.Plans for Purchasing Replacement vs. Additional vs. First-time Purchase of Portable/Mobile C-arms, by Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
20.Percent of Sites Mentioning Manufacturers Being Considered for Next Portable/Mobile C-arm
Purchase, as of 2024 Survey
21.Departments Where Planned Portable/Mobile C-arms Will be Used, as of 2024 Survey
22.Whether Any of the Planned Portable/Mobile C-arms Will Have the Capability to Perform Intraoperative 3D Scans, as of 2024 Survey
23.Whether Any of the Planned Portable/Mobile C-arms Will Have the Capability to Perform Intraoperative 3D Scans, Respondent Department Type, as of 2024 Survey
24.Percent of Sites Having at Least One 3D Portable/Mobile C-arm Unit, By Manufacturer, as of 2024 Survey
25.Percent of Sites Having at Least One Portable/Mobile Mini C-arm Unit, by Manufacture, as of 2024 Survey
26.Percent of Sites Having at Least One Portable/Mobile C-arm Unit with Flat-Panel Detector, by Manufacturer, as of 2024 Survey
27.Percent of Sites Having at Least One Portable/Mobile C-arm Unit with Image Intensifier by Manufacturer, as of 2024 Survey
F.Site Operations Characteristics of Hospitals with Fixed C-arm Equipment
1.Percent of Fixed C-arm Sites with Staff Types, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
2.Average FTE Staff per Site Having that Type, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
3.Distribution of Sites, by Number of Technologists Performing/Preparing Patients for Exams perFixed C-arm System, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
4.Trend in Distribution of Sites, by Number of Technologists Performing/Preparing Patients for Exams per Fixed C-arm System, by IMV Survey Year, 2019 to 2024
5.Weekly Operating Hours of Respondent’s Department for Scheduled Fixed C-arm Procedures(Monday-Friday), as of 2024 Survey
6.Weekend Hours of Respondent’s Department for Scheduled Fixed C-arm Procedures (Saturday& Sunday), as of 2024 Survey
7.Weekly Operating Hours of Respondent’s Department for Fixed C-arm Procedures, Including
Unscheduled and On-Call (Monday-Friday), as of 2024 Survey
8.Weekend Operating Hours of Respondent’s Department for Fixed C-arm Procedures, Including
Unscheduled and On-Call (Saturday & Sunday), as of 2024 Survey
1.Other Department Priorities Mentioned by Respondents – Open Ended Responses
2.Other Future Outlook Factors - Open Ended Responses
3.Recommendations for Fixed C-arm Product Improvements - Open Ended Responses
4.Future Minimally Invasive Procedures mentioned by respondents – Open Ended Responses
5.About IMV

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