Cardiology in Diagnostic Imaging Market Outlook Report

Cardiology in Diagnostic Imaging Market Outlook Report

IMV’s 2024 Cardiology in Diagnostic Imaging Market Outlook Report explores cardiology-related imaging market factors across CT, MRI, PET, SPECT, C-Arm, Mammography, X-Ray and Ultrasound systems. The report examines aspects of market trends, procedure volume, installed base, equipment purchase plans, contrast utilization/budgets, and site operations characteristics. Survey results are projected to the identified universe of cardiology-related imaging facilities, and the report provides budget and purchase plans for cardiology-related imaging systems for 2024-2027.

Respondents participated in an IMV-hosted online survey from May 15 to June 14, 2024.

Key topics include:
  • Departments Priorities & Outlook for Cardiology-related imaging
  • Installed Base of equipment used in Cardiology-related imaging
  • Procedure Volumes
  • Benchmark Hospital Site Performance
  • Trends related to Cardiology-related imaging
  • Purchase Plans
  • Demographics & Site Operations
This report is ideal for anyone interested in learning more about how advancements in cardiology-related imaging are impacting the medical diagnostic imaging market. It is a great resource for:
  • Healthcare Administrators
  • Physicians
  • Marketing Managers
  • Product Managers
  • Marketing Directors
  • Sales Managers
  • Analysts
Basically, anyone that works in cardiology-related diagnostic imaging equipment manufacturing, hospital and healthcare systems, consulting, investment and finance industries. This report is a great way to get a quick overview of recent developments and help to plan for what lies ahead.

I. Background and Objectives
II. Executive Summary
III. Methodology
A.Priorities & Outlook
B.Installed Base
C.Procedure Volumes
D.Purchase Plans
F.Demographics & Site Operations Characteristics
VI.About IMV
A.Priorities & Outlook
1.Priorities to the Mission of Imaging Departments, with Regard to Cardiology-Related Imaging,as of 2024 Survey
2.Priorities to the Mission of Imaging Departments, with Regard to Cardiology-Related Imaging,by Site Type, as of 2024 Survey
3.Hospitals vs. Non-Hospitals: Priorities to the Mission of Imaging Departments,with Regard to Cardiology-Related Imaging, as of 2024 Survey
4.2024 Department Outlook for Cardiology-Related Procedure Volume, Reimbursement Levels, Revenue,And Net Income, Compared to 2023
5.2024 Imaging Department Outlook for Cardiology-Related Patients by Site Type, Compared to 2023
6.2024 Imaging Department Outlook for Cardiology-Related Procedures by Site Type, Compared to 2023
7.2024 Imaging Department Outlook for Cardiology-Related Reimbursement per patient by Site Type,Compared to 2023
8.2024 Imaging Department Outlook for Cardiology-Related Revenue by Site Type, Compared to 2023
9.2024 Imaging Department Outlook for Cardiology-Related Net Income/Profits by Site Type,Compared to 2023
B.Installed Base
1.Imaging Equipment Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures, as of 2024 Survey
2.Imaging Equipment Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures, by Hospital vs. Non-Hospital, as of 2024 Survey
3.Imaging Equipment Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures, by Hospital Bed Size,as of 2024 Survey
4.Imaging Equipment Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures, by Hospital Ownership Type,as of 2024 Survey
5.Distribution of Sites, by Number of Imaging Systems Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging,by Modality, by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
6.Average Units per Site Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures, by Equipment Type,by Site Type, as of 2024 Survey
7.Imaging Equipment Manufacturers Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging, All Modalities,as of 2024 Survey
8.Imaging Equipment Manufacturers Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging, All Modalities,by Site Type, as of 2024 Survey
9.Imaging Equipment Manufacturers Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures, by Modality,as of 2024 Survey
10.Contrast Media Power Injector Manufacturers Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures,as of 2024 Survey
C. Procedure Volumes
1.2024 Cardiology-Related Procedures per Site, by Modality, Hospitals
2.2024 Cardiology-Related Procedures per Site, by Modality, Non-Hospital Imaging Locations
3.Whether 2024 Cardiology-Related Procedures are Anticipated to Increase, Stay the Same,or Decrease Compared to 2024, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
4.Average Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures per Site, 2023 vs. 2024, by Modality
5.Mix of Hospital Screening vs. Diagnostic Cardiology Imaging Procedures, by Modality, 2024
6.Mix of Hospital Inpatient, Outpatient, and Emergency Cardiology Imaging Procedures by Modality, 2024
7.Cardiology-Related Procedures Performed with Stress, Either Exercise or Pharmacological, by Modality, 2024
8.Average Cardiology-Related Procedures Using CT per Site, 2023 vs. 2024, by Site Type
9.Whether 2024 Cardiology-Related Procedures Using CT are Anticipated to Increase,Stay the Same, or Decreased Compared to 2024, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
10.Mix of Hospital Inpatient, Outpatient, and Emergency Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using CT,by Hospital Bed Size, 2024
11.Mix of Screening vs. Diagnostic Cardiology Imaging Procedures using CT, by Site Type, 2024
Average Cardiology-Related Procedures Using MR per Site, 2023 vs. 2024, by Site Type
13.Whether 2024 Cardiology-Related Procedures Using MR are Anticipated to Increase,Stay the Same, or Decreased Compared to 2024, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
14.Mix of Hospital Inpatient, Outpatient, and Emergency Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using MR,by Hospital Bed Size, 2024
15.Mix of Screening vs. Diagnostic Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using MRI, by Site Type, 2024
16.Average Cardiology-Related Procedures Using PET per Site, 2023 vs. 2024, by Site Type
17.Whether 2024 Cardiology-Related Procedures Using PET are Anticipated to Increase,Stay the Same, or Decreased Compared to 2024, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
18.Mix of Hospital Inpatient, Outpatient, and Emergency Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using PET,by Hospital Bed Size, 2024
19.Mix of Screening vs. Diagnostic Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using PET, by Site Type, 2024
20.Average Cardiology-Related Procedures Using SPECT per Site, 2023 vs. 2024, by Site Type
21.Whether 2024 Cardiology-Related Procedures Using SPECT are Anticipated to Increase,Stay the Same, or Decreased Compared to 2024, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
22.Mix of Hospital Inpatient, Outpatient, and Emergency Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using SPECT,by Hospital Bed Size, 2024
23.Mix of Screening vs. Diagnostic Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using SPECT, by Site Type, 2024
24.Average Cardiology-Related Procedures Using C-Arm per Site, 2023 vs. 2024, by Site Type
25.Whether 2024 Cardiology-Related Procedures Using C-Arm are Anticipated to Increase,Stay the Same, or Decreased Compared to 2024, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
26.Mix of Hospital Inpatient, Outpatient, and Emergency Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using C-Arm,by Hospital Bed Size, 2024
27.Mix of Screening vs. Diagnostic Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using C-Arm, by Site Type, 2024
28.Average Cardiology-Related Procedures Using X-Ray per Site, 2023 vs. 2024, by Site Type
29.Whether 2024 Cardiology-Related Procedures Using X-Ray are Anticipated to Increase,Stay the Same, or Decreased Compared to 2024, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
30.Mix of Hospital Inpatient, Outpatient, and Emergency Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using X-Ray,by Hospital Bed Size, 2024
31.Mix of Screening vs. Diagnostic Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using X-Ray, by Site Type, 2024
32.Average Cardiology-Related Procedures Using Ultrasound per Site, 2023 vs. 2024, by Site Type
33.Whether 2024 Cardiology-Related Procedures Using Ultrasound are Anticipated to Increase,Stay the Same, or Decreased Compared to 2024, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
34.Mix of Hospital Inpatient, Outpatient, and Emergency Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using Ultrasound,by Hospital Bed Size, 2024
35.Mix of Screening vs. Diagnostic Cardiology Imaging Procedures Using Ultrasound, by Site Type, 2024
36.Contrast Usage in Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures, 2024
37.Percent of Cardiology Imaging Procedures Performed on Obese Patients, by Modality, 2024
38.Primary Reasons for Anticipated Increase in Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures in 2024,by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
39.Imaging Modalities Most Frequently Used in Cardiology-Related Imaging Exams, by Cancer Type,as of 2024 Survey
40.Primary Sources of Referrals for Cardiology-Related Imaging Exams, as of 2024 Survey
41.Ranking of Primary Sources of Referrals for Cardiology-Related Imaging Exams, as of 2024 Survey
42.Top 3 Ranking for Sources Referring Patients for Cardiology-Related Imaging, by Site Type,as of 2024 Survey
D. Purchase Plans
1.Percent of Sites Planning to Purchase Imaging Equipment for Use in Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures,from 2024 through 2027, by Modality, by Hospital vs. Non-Hospital, as of 2024 Survey
2.Percent of Sites Planning to Purchase Imaging Equipment for Use in Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures,from 2024 through 2027, by Modality, by Hospitals Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
3.Distribution of Planning to Purchase Imaging Equipment for Use in Cardiology-Related ImagingProcedures, by Number of Units Planned, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
4.Budget Status for Planned Imaging Equipment Purchases, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
5.Plans to Purchase New vs. Refurbished/Used Units, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
6.Plans to Purchase Additional vs. Replacement Units, by Modality, as of 2024 Modality
7.Average Age of Oldest Unit Being Replaced, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
8.Manufacturers Considered for Next Imaging Equipment Purchase, as of 2024 Survey
9.Distribution of 2024 Equipment Budgets to be used on Cardiology-Related Imaging Equipment
10.Distribution of Anticipated 2024-2026 Cardiology-Related Imaging Equipment Budgets, as of 2024 Survey 83
11.Distribution of 2024 Cardiology-Related Imaging Equipment Budgets by Site type E. Trends
1.Factors Affecting the Future Outlook for Cardiology-Related Imaging at Your Facility,Over the Next Few Years, as of 2024 Survey
2.Hospitals vs. Non-Hospitals: Factors Affecting the Future Outlook for Cardiology-Related Imagingat Your Facility Over the Next Few Years, as of 2024 Survey
3.Factors Affecting the Future Outlook for Cardiology-Related Imaging at Your Facility Over the NextFew Years, by Site Type, as of 2024 Survey
4.Current Use and Consideration of Artificial Intelligence, with Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures,as of 2024 Survey
5.Current Use and Consideration of Artificial Intelligence, with Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures,by Site Type, as of 2024 Survey
6.Primary Reasons Cardiology Patients are Referred to the Imaging Department, as of 2024 Survey
7.#1/#2 Ranking Reasons Patients are Referred to the Imaging Department, by Site Type,as of 2024 Survey
8.Types of Physicians Receiving Cardiology-Related Imaging Scans and Related Information,as of 2024 Survey
9.#1/#2 Ranked Types of Physicians Receiving Cardiology-Related Imaging Scans and Related Information,by Site Type, as of 2024 Survey
10.Primary Methods of Sharing Cardiology-Related Images and Patient Information with Physicians,as of 2024 Survey
11.#1/#2 Ranking for Primary Methods of Sharing Onclogy-Related Images and Patient Informationwith Physicians, by Site Type, as of 2024 Survey
16.Summary of Open-Ended Responses for Current 2024 Use of AI in Cardiology-Related Imaging
17.Summary of Open-Ended Responses for Future 2025 Use of AI in Cardiology-Related Imaging
18.Summary of Open-Ended Suggestions for Cardiology-Related Product Capabilities F. Demographics & Site Operations
1.Hospital vs. Non-Hospital Mix of Sites Performing Cardiology-Related Imaging, with Bed Size Mix ofHospital Locations, as of 2024 Survey
2.Location Type by Site Type, as of 2024 Survey
3.Ownership of Non-Hospital Imaging Facilities, as of 2024 Survey
4.Academic/University Hospital Status, as a Percentage of Hospital Sites, by Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
5.Hospital Ownership Type, as a Percentage of Hospitals Sites, by Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
6.Whether Patients are Scheduled Within Imaging Department or by Central Scheduling Department,as of 2024 Survey
7.Whether Patients are Scheduled Within Imaging Department or by Central Scheduling Department,By Site Type, Compared to 2023
8.Typical Waiting Time for Scheduled Imaging Appointment, by Modality, as of 2024 Survey
9.Typical Waiting Time for Scheduled Imaging Appointment, by Modality and Site Type,as of 2024 Survey
G. Appendix
1.Imaging Equipment Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging Procedures, by Site Type, as of 2024 Survey
2.Distribution of Sites, by Number of Imaging Systems Used for Cardiology-Related Imaging, by Modality,
by Hospital Bed Size, as of 2024 Survey
3.Current 2024 Uses of AI in Cardiology-Related Imaging – Open-Ended Responses
4.Future 2025 Uses of AI in Cardiology-Related Imaging – Open-Ended Responses
5.Suggestions for Cardiology-Related Product Capabilities –
Open-Ended Responses
6.About IMV

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