This IDC study presents a five-year forecast for the worldwide virtual client computing software market."IDC forecasts strong growth in client virtualization over the next five years, particularly as organizations start to adapt their endpoint and digital workspace strategies to their talent and operational excellence needs," said Shannon Kalvar, research director, IT Service Management and Client Virtualization Program, IDC. "This creates opportunities in all segments of the market, opportunities which companies of all sizes have already started to explore."
Please Note: Extended description available upon request.
IDC Market Forecast Figure
Executive Summary
Advice for Technology Suppliers
Broadly Integrate Intelligence Across the Spectrum of Work
Manage the Fractionalization of the Market
Consider the Approaching AI Shift in the Endpoint Context
Assist with the Talent Strategy
Market Forecast
Market Context
Drivers and Inhibitors
>Digital-First Enterprises
>Hybrid-First Enterprises
>Trifold Market Structure
>Operational Resource Restraints
Significant Market Developments
Changes from Prior Forecast
Market Definition
Historical and Forecast Market Values and Exchange Rates