This IDC study discusses the forecast for the worldwide supply chain warehousing and inventory management applications software market. This market is expected to see good growth through 2028 as organizations look to both better optimize their supply chain fulfillment operations for efficiency in the short term while ensuring they are resilient to market disruptions in the longer term. “In today’s disruptive environment, the supply chain is critical for businesses to meet their performance targets. Without the use of modern tools, supply chains simply cannot compete at the levels necessary for sustainable supply chain differentiation. Ensuring a competitive level of investment in managing the warehousing and inventory management process is key to driving a differentiating edge over peers,” says Simon Ellis, group VP, Manufacturing Insights and Worldwide Supply Chain Strategies, IDC.
IDC Market Forecast Figure
Executive Summary
Advice for Technology Suppliers
Market Forecast
Supply Chain Warehousing and Inventory Management Applications Software
Market Context
Drivers and Inhibitors
Microservices Architecture/Composability
IT Talent/Skill Set Shortage
Underlying Market Health
Significant Market Developments
Changes from Prior Forecast
Market Definition
Supply Chain Management Applications
Warehouse and Inventory Management Applications
Logistics Applications
Supply Chain Planning Applications
Historical and Forecast Market Values and Exchange Rates