Worldwide and U.S. Business Consulting Services Forecast, 2023–2027
This IDC study provides an analysis of the worldwide business consulting services market for the 2023–2027 forecast period."We have moved to an instability economy where consumers continue to spend but less predictably. There is less trust in what is coming next for businesses, causing buyers to have less assurance about when and where to invest in provider support. Businesses and consumers both are concerned with local as well as global economic and political uncertainty. Business consulting providers will continue to thrive during these times as they support their clients in becoming more adaptable, agile, and innovative. This is true up to a point. If organizations were to face a sizable-enough shock to their business model, some would look to their providers for guidance, while others will be quick to retreat, reducing all but the most vital consulting spend. Providers that take advantage of the current instability will increasingly turn to efficiency, innovation, and growth solutions through combined tech and people solutions for their client needs." — Bill Latshaw, research director, Worldwide Business Consulting Services at IDC
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IDC Market Forecast Figure
Executive Summary
Advice for Technology Suppliers
Market Forecast
Worldwide Business Consulting by Macroregion and Service Line