This IDC study presents a five-year forecast for the worldwide augmented, extended, mixed, and virtual reality headset market.“The worldwide AR/VR market had been teetering on the edge of another year of decline in 2024, but warming interest in two key areas — extended reality headsets and mixed reality headsets — will result in a return to growth,” says Ramon T. Llamas research director with IDC’s Augmented Reality team. “We continue to monitor how the different major platforms are developing, most ostensibly including various devices on the same platform. This will drive synergies and efficiencies, providing users with a common experience. Eventually, this will lead to greater interest and adoption.”
IDC Market Forecast Figure
Executive Summary
Advice for Technology Suppliers
Market Forecast
Augmented Reality Headset Forecast
Extended Reality Headset Forecast
Mixed Reality Headset Forecast
Virtual Reality Headset Forecast
Market Context
Drivers and Inhibitors
Warming Consumer and Commercial Interest
Entrance of New Vendors
Impact of Artificial Intelligence
Use of Smartphones and Tablets for AR
Exodus of Vendors
Significant Market Developments
Changes from Prior Forecast
Market Definition
Related Research
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