The One-Stop Shop Versus Focused Solutions: How Many Platforms Is Too Many?
This IDC Perspective looks at one-stop shop versus focused solutions. It is clear that composability and, more specifically, the advent of niche/expert technology vendors offer significant opportunity to tailor-make solutions without excess customization. By combining best-fit solutions across functions, it is possible to enable highly sophisticated, tailored solutions for any industry or business.It cannot be ignored that larger players have significant resources to bring to bear and also offer composable solutions and integration.Considering all angles (TCO, functional needs, industry fit, and complexity versus benefits) is critical. The good news is this decision can now be approached strategically rather than being forced into one given answer."While composability is indeed promising, a rush to niche/expert solution providers should not necessarily be commenced hastily … this is not a binary decision. Many companies have implemented the largest tech vendors' solutions and niche solutions. In fact, this is the point of composability — the ability to mix and match." — Eric Thompson, research director, Worldwide Supply Chain Planning, IDC
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