This IDC Market Perspective provides an overview of the latest IoT trends and developments in South Africa, maintaining a key focus on technology-driven IoT market opportunities. It also provides insights into the results of IDC's Telecom and IoT Survey conducted in January 2023."Organizations in South Africa that are digitally transforming their business operations increasingly recognize the importance of innovation accelerators such as cloud, AI, and IoT. They have consequently made IoT a fundamental component of their digital transformation initiatives, and this positioning is likely to remain unchanged over the coming years." — Mervin Miemoukanda, senior research analyst, telecommunications and IoT, IDC Sub-Saharan Africa
Please Note: Extended description available upon request.
Executive Snapshot
New Market Developments and Dynamics
IoT Market Trends and Developments
Top Five Current and Planned IoT Use Cases
Key Metrics for Measuring IoT Project Success
Preferred Procurement Sources in the IoT Value Chain