Red Hat OpenShift: The Cloud Application Deployment Platform with a Rich History of Open Source and Hybrid Cloud
This IDC study provides a deep dive into IBM’s Red Hat OpenShift, a cloud application deployment platform (CADP), and examines the key elements of the Red Hat OpenShift platform. In 2023, IDC found that IBM boasted a 14.2% market share, the second highest in the CADP space, and Red Hat OpenShift is a key component of IBM’s CADP offerings. Since being acquired by IBM in 2019, Red Hat has operated as an independent subsidiary with distinct branding products and partnerships.“Many organizations are grappling with the choice to build or buy a cloud application deployment platform,” said Matt Flug, research manager, Cloud Application Deployment Platforms at IDC. “However, it would benefit organizations that are considering an application platform to understand the commitment Red Hat has made to hybrid cloud and multicloud deployments as well as its open source heritage — both of which have driven the company’s success as they’ve garnered more cloud application deployment platform market share than all but one of the hyperscalers.”