Procure to Pay — Why CFOs Are Paying More Attention
This IDC Perspective discusses why procure to pay (P2P) has emerged as a key area of improvement for CFOs and their teams. In recent years, the "procure-to-pay" process has earned the attention of CFOs due to its significant financial implications. This will shed light on the growing involvement of CFOs in the technology decision-making processes related to this domain."The CFOs and their teams should be actively involved in the decision-making process regarding procure-to-pay technology. Not only can it impact their daily operations, but it also has the potential to influence the financial health and stability of the company," Heather Herbst, research director, IDC's Worldwide Office of the CFO.
Please Note: Extended description available upon request.
Executive Snapshot
Situation Overview
Five Areas That the CFOs Are Concerned Within the Procure-to-Pay Process