Overcoming Challenges Posed by Rising Energy Costs: End-User Strategies
This IDC Perspective analyzes the impact of energy shortages as they continue to affect IT environments. Organizations can take several measures outlined in this report to minimize the impact and mitigate risks. "Inflation, energy crises, and labor shortages remain the top 3 greatest concerns of European organizations, even beyond the first quarter of 2023," said Archana Venkatraman, research director, CloudOps and Cloud Data Management, IDC Europe. "The industry should not be quick to assume the energy crisis is over. Like everything else in the tech industry, this needs to be a shared responsibility, and IT savings and efficiency efforts must be continuous."
Please Note: Extended description available upon request.
Executive Snapshot
Situation Overview
Ongoing Impact of High Power Costs
Is There a Power Purchaser-User Disconnect?
Beyond Legacy Workloads: Impact on Innovation Projects