The Netflix Culture: Value Stream Management Exemplified
This IDC Perspective delves into the digital business culture of Netflix as a fine example of a successful digital business with an extraordinary digital culture. Real-life examples are shared through the stories of Fonz Morris, lead product designer for global conversion and monetization at Netflix.As an enterprise evolves into a digital business, where digital technology is fully infused into both the finished good end product and the core business processes, company culture must also evolve into a digital business culture.The essence of a digital business culture is manifest in the cultures of the digital giants that have rewritten the corporate playbook on how to create superior business value by delighting customers with end-to-end products and services. And every company must create its own corporate playbook on how it can delight its own customer base and create superior business value. Value stream management (VSM) is a good foundation to help an organization reinvent its digital business culture where IT and the business become unified around creating customer value."A good start for an enterprise is to review its current digital business culture and digital business readiness against how the giants such as Netflix perform and ask the key questions: Do we need to change our culture to be successful in the digital business era? In what areas can we improve?" — Bob Multhaup, adjunct research advisor with IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP)
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