This IDC study presents a five-year forecast for the U.S. managed network services market for the 2024–2028 period."The U.S. managed network services market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.5%, expanding from $36.8 billion in 2023 to $48.2 billion by 2028," says Peter Chahal, research director for Telecommunications at IDC. "This growth reflects a shift in investment priorities as enterprises increasingly adopt managed network services to achieve flexible consumption of network connectivity solutions that integrate hardware, software, and life-cycle services."
IDC Market Forecast Figure
Executive Summary
Advice for Technology Suppliers
Market Forecast
Market Context
Drivers and Inhibitors
Greater Need for Data Security and Privacy
Monetizing 5G Investments
The Shift to Cloud to Accelerate Digital Transformation
Higher Initial Investment and Emerging Technologies That Could Limit Private 5G Growth