Latin America and e-Invoicing: Lessons to Be Learned and Why It’s Not Talked About in the Broader Conversation
This IDC Perspective discusses e-invoicing in Latin America and the lessons to be learned from its implementation and examines why it isn’t talked about in broader conversation. Latin America has been a pioneer in implementing e-invoicing, driven by the need to improve tax collection and combat evasion, with countries like Brazil, Mexico, and Chile leading the way. Despite its success and the lessons it offers, the region’s advancements have been underrepresented in global discussions and overshadowed by developments in regions like the EU. This disparity is attributed to factors such as the early adoption of e-invoicing in Latin America, language barriers, and a focus on Western economies by international media.“Latin America’s e-invoicing revolution offers invaluable lessons on enhancing tax compliance and business efficiency for the global stage, but it is often not discussed in the media.” — Heather Herbst, research director, Worldwide Office of the CFO at IDC