KPIs and Metrics That Need to Be Assessed During Finance Transformation
This IDC Perspective discusses KPIs and metrics that need to be assessed during finance transformation. It is more and more essential for BI tools and metrics/KPI dashboards to be implemented in the office of the CFO. BI tools and dashboards allow CFOs to track key financial performance indicators in real time, helping them swiftly detect trends, seize opportunities, and recognize potential threats. The office of the CFOs sets them and often does not revamp them on a recurring basis. We discuss the most opportune time to revamp as well as which metrics and KPIs are important for each area of the office of the CFO."You need to know where you start from to see if your investments in people, process, and technology are paying off for finance transformation. There are a lot of vendors that have vanity measurements which are hard to prove internally once a system or process has been changed and showing its effect on the goals of finance transformation at your company, so start measuring before you start any process or technology changes." — Heather Herbst, research director, Worldwide Office of the CFO, IDC
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