Japan 3rd Platform Forecast Update by Vertical Segment and Company Size, 2024–2028
This IDC study classifies Japan industries into 21 industry sectors, including 17 categories of businesses and four categories of non-businesses: central government, local governments, education, and consumers, and reports the actual (2023) and forecast (2024–2028) 3rd Platform spending in each sector. The study also analyzes the market across five company sizes and provides forecast data for the 3rd Platform spending by industry and company size. The market forecasts used in this document take into account the impact of regional conflicts in Ukraine and Israel and economic trends, such as inflation and the weak yen.Ko Shikita, research manager of Vertical and Cross Technologies at IDC Japan, takes into account the growing trend of accepting reasonable price passes on of cost increases by selling companies in B2B transactions, and the expected amendments to the Subcontract Act in 2025 that will create an environment in which it will be easier for small and medium-sized enterprises to pass on increases in procurement prices to their prices. He says, "With an eye toward healthy inflation taking root, IT suppliers should explore all business opportunities targeting companies that want to take advantage of this business environment to improve their performance, such as process management solutions that include procurement and pricing processes, data management systems that enable evidence-based price negotiations for selling companies, and dynamic pricing solutions that enable optimal pricing based on algorithms that incorporate a variety of conditions."This is the English translation of the Japanese document IDC #JPJ52154325.
IDC Market Forecast Figure
Executive Summary
Advice for Technology Suppliers
Market Forecast
Forecast of the 3rd Platform in the Japan ICT Market from 2023 to 2028
Japan 3rd Platform Spending by Industry Sector and Employee Size, 2023–2028
Market Context
Drivers and Inhibitors
Business Opportunities Arising from Efforts to Strengthen Resilience in Response to Various Risks
DX/Digital Business Development
Decreasing Working Population and Increasing Automation to Address Labor Shortages
Geopolitical and Economic Risks
Lack of Digital Talent and Business Consulting Talent
Significant Market Developments
Trends in the Financial Segment
Manufacturing Trends
Trends in the Distribution Segment
Trends in the Social Infrastructure Segment
Trends in the Services Segment
Trends in Public Organizations/Other Fields
Changes from Prior Forecast
Market Definition
Cloud Services Market
Mobility Market
Big Data Technology and Service Market
Social Market
IDC's Definition of Industrial Sector Classification
Scope of Study
Product Types Covered in This Study
Industry Classifications
Company Size Categories
Points to Keep in Mind on Company Classification Methods