IDC PeerScape: Peer Insights for Value Stream Management Implementation
This IDC PeerScape describes the experiences and best practices of three VSM leaders that have made excellent progress in their journey to implement VSM in their businesses.“Many organizations are implementing some level of VSM into their digital management practices to improve their focus on creating real business value. Since VSM can be nicely integrated with existing Agile methods, companies can move forward at their own pace,” says Robert Multhaup, adjunct research advisor with IDC’s IT Executive Programs (IEP).
IDC PeerScape Figure
Executive Summary
Peer Insights
Practice 1: Bring VSM into the Organization and Culture
Large Fintech Processing Company
TD Bank
Large U.S. Regional Bank
Practice 2: Define and Optimize Value Streams
Large Fintech Processing Company
TD Bank
Practice 3: Connect the Enterprise with End-to-End Value Streams