IDC PeerScape: Lessons Learned in Measuring Customer Experience
This IDC PeerScape will describe how a digital leader measures customer experience value and how two other highly respected traditional businesses are adopting many of these customer-centric measurement best practices.There are three key best practices that an organization must learn and adopt if they are to deliver superior customer-centric digital products and services:Shifting to a customer-centric culture where the customer experience and journey are paramountSegmenting the customers in meaningful ways and defining the desired customer experiences Delivering digital products and services that measure and optimize customer experiences"Understanding the customer experience and meeting customers' needs have been the key to so many successful digital products and services. Not only are the digital giants increasing their expertise around measuring customer experience with quality data, but many traditional businesses are applying these same best practices to their own customer experience journeys," says Bob Multhaup, adjunct research advisor with IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP).
Please Note: Extended description available upon request.
IDC PeerScape Figure
Executive Summary
Peer Insights
Practice 1: Shift to a Customer-Centric Culture Where the Customer Experience and Journey Are Paramount
Large, Complex Financial Services Company
Practice 2: Segment the Customers and Define the Desired Customer Experiences
Large, Complex Financial Services Company
Practice 3: Deliver Digital Products and Services that Measure and Optimize Customer Experiences