This IDC Perspective examines UltimateSuite's task mining software. UltimateSuite is a privately held provider of task mining software. Its focus is helping organizations identify task automation opportunities to improve overall performance across business operations. UltimateSuite had high scores and differentiating capabilities in the core activities of task mining: data privacy, polices applied during capture, and data preparation. "UltimateSuite is well suited for enterprises with an automation strategy aimed at systematically identifying automation opportunities and executing the automation. These organizations should adopt task mining and look at UltimateSuite as a serious partner in these efforts," according to Maureen Fleming, program vice president, AI and Automation Research Practice at IDC.
Please Note: Extended description available upon request.
Executive Snapshot
Situation Overview
UltimateSuite Task Mining Capabilities
UltimateSuite Architecture
Task Recorder
UltimateSuite Server-Side Capabilities
Key Features of UltimateSuite Task Mining Software
Stage 1: Prepare
Configure Policies and Templates
Test Runs
Stage 2: Capture
Data Preparation
Stage 3: Discover
Task Identification
Task Analysis
As-Is Documentation
Stage 4: Improve
Stage 5: Generate
Stage 6: Measure
Advice for the Technology Buyer
Comparing UltimateSuite with the Competitive Benchmark