Gauging Generative AI's Impact on Service Provider Network Infrastructure
This IDC Market Perspective offers an analysis on the impact of generative AI on the service provider's broadband network infrastructure due to additional bandwidth requirements and new traffic patterns to support various use cases. It also provides strategy recommendations to service providers for upgrading their network infrastructure to support GenAI-enabled use cases."As GenAI use cases proliferate and gain adoption, the amount of traffic traversing the network will increase tremendously and will have a significant impact on broadband capacity, latency, and throughput requirements in the core and edge network." — Ajeet Das, research director, Telecom Network Infrastructure at IDC
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Executive Snapshot
New Market Developments and Dynamics
GenAI-Generated Traffic Between Datacenters
GenAI-Generated Traffic Between On Premises and Cloud
Elastic Bandwidth for GenAI Traffic Burst
Ultra Broadband Everywhere
GenAI Divide
Service Providers Are Already Using AI for Their Network and Operational Efficiency, But GenAI Slowly Gaining Momentum