European Managed Network and Communications Services Forecast, 2024–2028
This IDC Market Forecast presents IDC's view of managed services in Europe for WAN, LAN, and unified communications and collaborations (UC&C) at a high level. It breaks the WAN segment down into managed services related to software-defined (SD)-WAN and other WAN services (representing private IP, Internet, Ethernet, and others). Future editions of this forecast will provide a geographical split."Managed services answer a genuine need and are growing in popularity. However, service providers need to stay focused on quality, flexibility, and value for money to set their proposition apart from in-house IT teams." — James Eibisch, Research Director, IDC
IDC Market Forecast Figure
Executive Summary
Advice for Technology Suppliers
Market Forecast
Market Context
Drivers and Inhibitors
The Need for Flexible, Opex-Based Services
Increasing WAN Complexity
Digital Campus Transformation
UC&C Digital Hubs
Perception of Low Quality of Engagement
Significant Market Developments
Companies are Moving Toward Managed Services and Perceive Co-management as the Future
Managed Services are Encompassing a Growing Range of Technology Domains