This IDC Market Forecast provides a detailed view of the European public cloud services market size and growth over the next five years, based on IDC forecast assumptions, market trends, and numerous end-user conversations (as of June 2023). It also considers recent macroeconomic events in Europe, such as the Russia-Ukraine War, inflation, fear of recession, the energy crisis, skills shortages, and supply chain disruptions. The data derives from IDC's Worldwide Public Cloud Services Tracker, most recently updated in H1 2023."Public cloud adoption continues to accelerate in Europe, driven by the need to move to more sustainable IT delivery models, the pressure to succeed with digital business initiatives and digital innovation, and the focus on resilience. The tough macroeconomic environment is also pushing organizations to adopt the flexible consumption models of public cloud. However, European customers are more conscientious about controlling their cloud costs. Generative AI solutions delivered from public cloud will spur the next wave of adoption." — Associate Vice President Carla Arend, IDC European Cloud Research
Please Note: Extended description available upon request.
IDC Market Forecast Figure
Executive Summary
Advice for Technology Suppliers
Market Forecast
Market Context
Drivers and Inhibitors
Generative AI
Focus on Cloud Economics
Significant Market Developments
Changes from Prior Forecast
Market Definition
Infrastructure as a Service
Platform as a Service
Software-as-a-Service Applications
Software-as-a-Service Systems Infrastructure Software