Databricks Dolly 2.0 and MLflow 2.3: Open Source to the Rescue?
This IDC Market Note details the release of MLflow 2.3 and Databricks Dolly 2.0 by Databricks in April 2023. The latest version of Databricks' popular open source MLflow machine learning platform is being used for developing and monitoring machine learning models. In addition, Databricks developed and released Databricks Dolly 2.0, an open source large language model designed specifically for enterprises that is available for commercial use, both in terms of the data used to train the model and in terms of the source code for the model itself."Databricks has released two very important open source projects focused on enhancing and enabling organizational use of AI and machine learning," said Dave Schubmehl, research vice president for Conversational AI Tools and Technologies at IDC. "Organizations will be able to make quick use of these tools to develop and deploy large language models more quickly and easily, thereby taking advantage of the latest capabilities to improve ROI, increase sales, and improve customer satisfaction.""MLflow is one of the most popular open source MLOps tools," said Kathy Lange, research director for Machine Learning Life-Cycle Tools and Technologies at IDC. "With the enhancements provided in MLflow 2.3, Databricks further expands its integrated ecosystem to navigate the complexity of the machine learning life cycle and attract new users to its platform."
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