Dassault Systèmes: Experiencing the Virtual Universe Through a Healthcare and Life Science's Lens
This IDC Market Note summarizes the highlights of Dassault Systèmes' (DS') Industry Analyst Days, with a life science and healthcare lens, which took place from May 28 to 30, 2024, at Paris."Dassault Systèmes' focus on life sciences was very evident. One could clearly see that the much-awaited deepening of the integration between Dassault Systèmes and Medidata was now in motion. What was fascinating was Dassault Systèmes' futuristic vision of a virtual universe, encompassing interactions between virtual twins of the patient, product, process, and plant, weaving in technology to amplify the experiences of all stakeholders within this ecosystem. While Dassault Systèmes and Medidata are both innovating, what remains to be seen is how they bring the different pieces together to truly connect the dots between the virtual and the real world to transform the life science industry," said Dr. Nimita Limaye, research vice president, Life Sciences R&D Strategy and Technology at IDC."Dassault Systèmes is advancing to set new standards in the healthcare and life science industries, empowering organizations to efficiently tackle complex challenges through holistic innovation and problem solving. By dismantling data and process silos and democratizing access to intelligence, knowledge, and expertise in new virtual environments, the company is driving transformative progress. Clear articulation of KPIs and KVIs across short- and long-term industry timelines will be essential to ensure that life sciences and healthcare customers grasp the benefits of the evolving value propositions and engagement models," says Silvia Piai, research director, IDC Health Insights.
Executive Snapshot
In This Market Note
The Evolution of Dassault Systèmes' Strategy
Stepping Up in a Generative Economy with Virtual Twins
Executing the Growth Strategy
IDC's Point of View
Dassault Systèmes' Strategy for Healthcare and Life Sciences
Dassault Systèmes' Healthcare and Life Sciences Offering Evolution and Integration