Considerations for Scaling Cloud-Native Application Delivery
The IDC Perspective on cloud-native application delivery at scale highlights the evolution of cloud-native technologies, emphasizing the importance of architectural planning, organizational alignment, and continuous improvement approaches. The document provides strategic guidance on how to address the challenges facing organizations as they seek to expand their cloud-native delivery engines."For most organizations, transitioning to cloud-native application delivery models requires planning and intentional effort. This is because moving to high-cadence, increment-based product development and operational improvement approaches is not yet nailed by most organizations at the technical, process, organizational, and cultural level." George Mironescu, IDC research lead for Cloud Native Engineering Practices.
Executive Snapshot
Situation Overview
What is Cloud Native (After All)?
State of the Market: Cloud-Native Application Delivery Penetration and Maturity
The Biggest Challenges to Cloud-Native Scaling
Architecture Becomes Key in Scaling Systems and Processes