Channels and Alliances Predictions in Latin America, 2023 and Beyond
Vendors continue to express interest in the distribution channel. Especially, cloud platform vendors are interested in securing cloud commits that enhance their value and attract third-party intellectual property (IP) that complements their offers. Co-selling and co-creation at scale require vendors and partners to work together and share customer insights to drive value for the client with a unique value proposition. Reduce inefficiencies by automating and simplifying processes in order to increase revenues and avoid unnecessary delays and errors. This IDC Market Perspective provides IDC's predictions discussing the market forces that will shape IT channels and alliances in Latin America through 2023 and beyond. IDC anticipates new disruptions due to emerging cloud marketplaces, more demanding customers, and a shortage of talent. Channels and alliances are evolving towards customer-centric ecosystems, co-selling, collaborative technologies, and co-innovating technologies, as well as implementing new value and metric parameters, along with optimized, sustainable, and data-driven business models that respond to dynamic market conditions. Channels and all IT partner ecosystems must fundamentally modernize their business models. I recommend that distributors and partners of all types of solutions adhere to the best modernization practices to help the Latin American IT buyers support present and future business models. "In a customer-obsessed world with over increasing complexity, ecosystems become customer-centric and intertwined through strong co-selling, collaboration, and co-innovation. New data-driven business models require new metrics and value-based performance parameters." – Danielle Ibran, Senior Market Research Analyst.Increasing volumes opportunities through cloud marketplaces will require vendors to rebalance priorities and skills to leverage these new routes to market. - Pietro Delai, Director, Enterprise, Latin America Data and Analytics
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2023 Latin America channels and alliances Predictions