Building a River Digital Twin: A Case Study of the Port de Bordeaux
This IDC Perspective provides an overview of a project led by the Port de Bordeaux in which a digital twin has been created of the Garonne River. IDC research highlights that there is an opportunity to use smart city thinking and emerging technology to instrument rivers to drive better economic, social, and environmental outcomes. This project is a leading example of this concept being implemented. This IDC Perspective highlights the funding mechanisms, governance model, cross-departmental use cases, and the technology leveraged in the innovative Port de Bordeaux project."The ability of the Port de Bordeaux to gather stakeholders to define the goals and key use cases upfront before the creation of technical specifications highlights that stakeholder collaboration and co-creating clear objectives are the key to successful and sustainable digital twin projects," said Remi Letemple, senior research analyst, IDC Government Insights.
Please Note: Extended description available upon request.
Executive Snapshot
Situation Overview
Funding Mechanisms
Objectives of the Digital Twin
Technical Capacities: Open Source and Open Framework