AVEVA World 2023 Reveals Data and Ecosystem-Centric Strategy
This IDC Market Note consolidates findings from AVEVA World 2023 event and what they mean for AVEVA's customers and partners moving forward. The event was held in San Francisco from October 23 to 26, 2023, boasting 2,500 attendees and over 250 presentations and track sessions segmented by industry, technology, and persona. Notably, the event illustrated AVEVA's adapted business strategy to capitalize on data-centric approaches to digital transformation being taken by AVEVA customers and partners."AVEVA recognized that customer emphasis is on building a connected digital backbone for data exchange and utilization," says Jonathan Lang, IDC research director responsible for IT/OT Convergence. "Through the acquisition of OSIsoft PI and the adaptation of its platform offering and product strategy, it is in an interesting position to provide these key data platform capabilities to its customers."
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