AI-Ready Infrastructure Building Blocks for Future Enterprise Innovation
This IDC Perspective explores how the computational and data management demands of emerging GenAI and other next-generation emerging workloads are being served by a new generation of fit-for-purpose processors, accelerators, storage platforms, and AI network fabrics. "IDC's research indicates most enterprise C-suite buyers worldwide are concerned about the cost, complexity, and potential risks associated with deploying AI workloads on a new generation of infrastructure resources while reducing tech debt and ensuring interoperability across existing data repositories and business process workflows," explains Mary Johnston Turner, research vice president for the Future of Digital Infrastructure Agenda program at IDC. "Enterprise IT architects and DevOps SRE teams need to understand the capabilities offered by the emerging generation of AI-ready infrastructure and take steps to optimize workload deployment, operations, security, and costs in ways that fully exploit these capabilities."
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Executive Snapshot
Situation Overview
Fit-for-Purpose Advanced Coprocessors and Accelerators