Musical Instrument Manufacturing in China - Industry Market Research Report
Musical Instrument Manufacturing in China
Revenue for the Musical Instrument Manufacturing industry is expected to grow at an annualized 0.1% over the five years to 2022, to $7.9 billion. This trend includes a 11.9% decrease in the current year. The industry was previously highly export-oriented, with exports reaching a high of 69.0% of industry revenue in 2005. This share has substantially declined over the subsequent decade. Exports are expected to account for just 25.5% of industry revenue in 2022. Exports are forecast to increase at an annualized 5% over the five years through 2027. Domestic demand for musical instruments is steadily increasing as people pay more attention to leisure and entertainment. In addition, children's education in art and culture has become increasingly important for young parents.
Musical instrument manufacturers in China produce Chinese musical instruments, Western musical instruments, electronic and other musical instruments, and related parts and components.
This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.
Industry Definition Main Activities Similar Industries Additional Resources
Executive Summary Key External Drivers Current Performance Industry Outlook Industry Life Cycle
Supply Chain Products & Services Demand Determinants Major Markets International Trade Business Locations
Market Share Concentration Key Success Factors Cost Structure Benchmarks Basis of Competition Barriers to Entry Industry Globalization
Capital Intensity Technology & Systems Revenue Volatility Regulation & Policy Industry Assistance