Mineral & Phosphate Mining in the US - Industry Market Research Report
Mineral & Phosphate Mining in the US
The Mineral and Phosphate Mining industry extracts and processes a range of minerals used in producing fertilizers, chemicals and a range of other downstream manufacturing applications, like glass, plastics and pharmaceuticals. The United States ranks among the leading producers of many industry-specific minerals. Though revenue has come under increasing pressure recently, commodity prices floundered and total production waned. Companies have also contended with a recent global slowdown, which stemmed from the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and has significantly reduced business activity, hampering demand for industrial goods. Despite a poor performance in the first half of the current period, industry revenue has been growing at an average annualized 2.0% over the past five years, and is expected to total $9.8 billion in 2023, while revenue will slip by an estimated 0.1%. Growth in the second half of the period comes amid improving macroeconomic conditions as the industry benefited from easing health and safety restrictions, a resurgence in demand from downstream industries and a more favorably priced commodity environment for sellers.
Operators in this industry primarily mine, mill and beneficiate nonmetallic minerals. Principal industry products and activities are potash and soda, as well as borate mineral mining, phosphate rock mining, mining other chemicals and mineral fertilizers (e.g. rock salt, native sulfur and barite) and other nonmetallic mineral mining (e.g. diatomite, gypsum, mica, pumice and talc).
This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.
Industry Definition Main Activities Similar Industries Additional Resources
Executive Summary Key External Drivers Current Performance Industry Outlook Industry Life Cycle
Supply Chain Products & Services Demand Determinants Major Markets International Trade Business Locations
Market Share Concentration Key Success Factors Cost Structure Benchmarks Basis of Competition Barriers to Entry Industry Globalization
Capital Intensity Technology & Systems Revenue Volatility Regulation & Policy Industry Assistance