Polyurethane Chemcials & Products in EMEA

Polyurethane Chemicals And Products In Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) - 17th Edition

IAL Consultants has updated its in-depth market report on Polyurethane Chemicals and Products in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Geographical coverage of the report is as follows:

Western Europe (12 countries/regions)
  • Austria, Benelux, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Nordic Region, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
Central & Eastern Europe (10 countries/regions)
  • Czech Republic, CIS, Hungary, Other (Baltic States, Bulgaria), Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey.
Middle East and Africa (10 countries/regions)
  • East Africa, Iran, Levant, North Africa, Other GCC, Other ME, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UAE, West Africa.
Raw material coverage:
  • Acrylic Polyol
  • TDI
  • Specialty Isocyanates
  • Standard Polyether Polyol
  • Polyether Graft Copolymer Polyol
  • Polyester Polyol
  • PTHF Polyol
For each country, production data is provided for the following end-use market sectors:

Flexible Foam

Polyether Slabstock, HR/CMHR Slabstock, Polyester Slabstock, Viscoelastic Foam, Moulded Foam for Automotive Seating, Moulded Foam for Commercial Vehicles, Other Transport Foam, Carpet Backing & NVH, Furniture Components, Semi-rigid Foam, Integral Skin Foam.

Further regional segmentation for slabstock into furniture component foam, bedding foam, vehicle foam, recycled foam.

Rigid Foam

Rigid-Faced Sandwich Panels (Continuous & Discontinuous), Flexible-Faced Panels, Slabstock, Sprayed Foam (SPF), Commercial Refrigeration, Domestic Refrigeration, Water heaters, One-Component Foam (OCF), Moulded Rigid Foam, Pipe-in-Pipe Insulation, Other.

Further regional segmentation for PUR/PIR for relevant rigid foam products


Architectural Coatings (interior/exterior), Auto OEM, Auto Refinish, Commercial Vehicles, Industrial Coatings, Maintenance Coatings, Marine Coatings, Plastic (non-automotive) Coatings, Roof, Tank & Deck Coatings, Textile & Leather Coatings, Wood/Furniture Coatings, Other.


Automotive, Construction, Flexible Packaging, Footwear, General Assembly, Other.


Auto Direct Glazing, Construction, Insulated Glazing, Other Transport.


Cast Elastomers, Fibres/Spandex, Microcellular Footwear, RIM/RRIM, Technical Microcellular, TPU, Synthetic Leather Resin, Other.


Forest Products, Foundry Core, Rubber Crumb, Other.

Volume 1 Raw Material
1. Introduction - Raw Material
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Abbreviations
2. Market Review - Isocyanate
2.1 Isocyanates Introduction & Technical Background
2.2 Aliphatic Isocyanates Production Capacity
2.3 Aromatic Isocyanates Production Capacity
2.4 Isocyanates Market Trends
3. Market Review - Polyol
3.1 Polyols Introduction & Technical Background
3.2 Polyether Polyols Production Capacity
3.2.1 Polyether Polyols Production Capacity - Cont
3.3 Polyester Polyols Production Capacity
3.3.1 Polyester Polyols Production Capacity - Cont
3.4 Polyols Trends
4. Emea Raw Material Consumption By Produc
4.1 Emea - Forecast Growth Of All Pu Products
4.2 Total Pu Production & Raw Mat. Consumption
4.3 Forecast Production & Raw Mat. Consumption
4.4 Current Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
4.5 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
4.6 Current Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
4.7 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
4.8 Current Pu Coatings Raw Material Consumption
4.9 Forecast Pu Coatings Raw Material Consumption
4.10 Current Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
4.11 Forecast Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
4.12 Current Pu Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
4.13 Forecast Pu Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
4.14 Current Pu Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.15 Forecast Pu Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.1 We Raw Material Consumption By Produc
5.1.1 We - Forecast Growth Of All Pu Products
5.1.2 Total Pu Production & Raw Mat. Consumption
5.1.3 Forecast Production & Raw Mat. Consumption
5.1.4 Current Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.1.5 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.1.6 Current Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.1.7 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.1.8 Current Pu Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.1.9 Forecast Pu Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.1.10 Current Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
5.1.11 Forecast Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
5.1.12 Current Pu Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.1.13 Forecast Pu Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.1.14 Current Pu Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.1.15 Forecast Pu Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.2 We Raw Mat. Consumption By Type & Countr
5.2.1 Pu Raw Material Consumption By Country
5.2.2 Forecast Pu Raw Material Consumption By Country
5.2.3 Flexible Foam Related Raw Mat. Consumption
5.2.4 Rigid Foam Related Raw Mat. Consumption
5.2.5 Pu Coatings Related Raw Mat. Consumption
5.2.6 Pu Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
5.2.7 Pu Elastomers Related Raw Mat. Consumption
5.2.8 Pu Binders Related Raw Mat. Consumption
6.1 Ce & Ee Raw Material Consumption By Produc
6.1.1 Cee - Forecast Growth Of All Pu Products
6.1.2 Total Pu Production & Raw Mat. Consumption
6.1.3 Forecast Production & Raw Mat. Consumption
6.1.4 Current Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.1.5 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.1.6 Current Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.1.7 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.1.8 Current Pu Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.1.9 Forecast Pu Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.1.10 Current Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
6.1.11 Forecast Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
6.1.12 Current Pu Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.1.13 Forecast Pu Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.1.14 Current Pu Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.1.15 Forecast Pu Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.2 Ce & Ee Raw Mat. Consumption Type & Countr
6.2.1 Pu Raw Material Consumption By Country
6.2.2 Forecast Pu Raw Material Consumption By Country
6.2.3 Flexible Foam Related Raw Mat. Consumption
6.2.4 Rigid Foam Related Raw Mat. Consumption
6.2.5 Pu Coatings Related Raw Mat. Consumption
6.2.6 Pu Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
6.2.7 Pu Elastomers Related Raw Mat. Consumption
6.2.8 Pu Binders Related Raw Mat. Consumption
7.1 Mea Raw Material Consumption By Produc
7.1.1 Mea - Forecast Growth Of All Pu Products
7.1.2 Total Pu Production & Raw Mat. Consumption
7.1.3 Forecast Production & Raw Mat. Consumption
7.1.4 Current Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.1.5 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.1.6 Current Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.1.7 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.1.8 Current Pu Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.1.9 Forecast Pu Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.1.10 Current Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
7.1.11 Forecast Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
7.1.12 Current Pu Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.1.13 Forecast Pu Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.1.14 Current Pu Binders Raw Material Consumption
7.1.15 Forecast Pu Binders Raw Material Consumption
7.2 Mea Raw Material Consumption Type & Countr
7.2.1 Pu Raw Material Consumption By Country
7.2.2 Forecast Pu Raw Material Consumption By Country
7.2.3 Flexible Foam Related Raw Mat. Consumption
7.2.4 Rigid Foam Related Raw Mat. Consumption
7.2.5 Pu Coatings Related Raw Mat. Consumption
7.2.6 Pu Adhesives & Sealants Raw Mat. Consumption
7.2.7 Pu Elastomers Related Raw Mat. Consumption
7.2.8 Pu Binders Related Raw Mat. Consumption
8. Profiles Of Major Raw Material Manufacturer
8.1 Basf Polyurethanes
8.1.1 Basf Polyurethanes - Cont
8.1.2 Basf Polyurethanes - Cont
8.1.3 Basf Polyurethanes - Cont
8.1.4 Basf Polyurethanes - Cont
8.1.5 Basf Polyurethanes - Cont
8.1.6 Basf Polyurethanes - Cont
8.1.7 Basf Polyurethanes - Cont
8.2 Covestro
8.2.1 Covestro - Cont
8.2.2 Covestro - Cont
8.2.3 Covestro - Cont
8.3 Dow Chemical
8.3.1 Dow Chemical - Cont
8.3.2 Dow Chemical - Cont
8.3.3 Dow Chemical - Cont
8.3.4 Dow Chemical - Cont
8.4 Huntsman Polyurethanes
8.4.1 Huntsman Polyurethanes - Cont
8.4.2 Huntsman Polyurethanes - Cont
8.4.3 Huntsman Polyurethanes - Cont
8.4.4 Huntsman Polyurethanes - Cont
8.5 Borsodchem Zrt
8.5.1 Borsodchem Zrt - Cont
8.6 Shell Plc
8.6.1 Shell Plc - Cont
8.6.2 Shell Plc - Cont
Volume 2 Flexible Foam Product
1. Introduction Flexible Foam Product
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Indicative Formulations
1.3 Abbreviations
2. Flexible Foam Product Descriptio
2.1 Product Description
3. Key Market Player
3.1 Major Producers Of Flexible Slabstock Foam
3.2 Major Producers Of Flexible Moulded Foam
4. Total Emea Flexible Foa
4.1 Flexible Foam Trends - Emea
4.2 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
4.3 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam By End Use
4.4 Pu Production By Type And Country - Western Europe
4.5 Pu Production By Type And Country - Cee
4.6 Pu Production By Type And Country - Mea
4.7 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
4.8 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
5.1 Western Europe Flexible Foa
5.1.1 Flexible Foam Trends - Western Europe
5.1.2 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.1.3 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam By End Use
5.1.4 Pu Production By Type And Country
5.1.5 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
5.1.6 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.1.7 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
5.2 Austri
5.2.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.2.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.2.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.3 Benelu
5.3.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.3.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.3.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.4 Franc
5.4.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.4.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.4.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.5 German
5.5.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.5.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.5.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.6 Greec
5.6.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.6.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.6.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.7 Irelan
5.7.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.7.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.7.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.8 Ital
5.8.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.8.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.8.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.9 Nordic
5.9.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.9.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.9.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.10 Portuga
5.10.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.10.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.10.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.11 Spai
5.11.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.11.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.11.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.12 Switzerlan
5.12.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.12.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.12.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.13.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.13.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.13.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.1 Central And Eastern Europe Flexible Foa
6.1.1 Flexible Foam Trends - Central And Eastern Europe
6.1.2 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.1.3 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam By End Use
6.1.4 Pu Production By Type And Country
6.1.5 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
6.1.6 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.1.7 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
6.2 Cis (Excl Russia
6.2.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.2.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.2.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.3 Czech Republi
6.3.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.3.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.3.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.4 Hungar
6.4.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.4.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.4.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.5 Other Eastern Europ
6.5.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.5.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.5.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.6 Polan
6.6.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.6.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.6.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.7 Romani
6.7.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.7.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.7.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.8 Russi
6.8.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.8.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.8.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.9 Slovaki
6.9.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.9.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.9.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.10 Sloveni
6.10.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.10.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.10.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.11 Turke
6.11.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.11.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.11.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.1 Middle East And Africa Flexible Foa
7.1.1 Flexible Foam Trends - Middle East And Africa
7.1.2 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.1.3 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam By End Use
7.1.4 Pu Production By Type And Country
7.1.5 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
7.1.6 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.1.7 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
7.2 East Afric
7.2.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.2.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.2.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.3 Ira
7.3.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.3.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.3.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.4 Levan
7.4.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.4.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.4.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.5 North Afric
7.5.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.5.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.5.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.6 Other Gc
7.6.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.6.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.6.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.7 Other Middle Eas
7.7.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.7.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.7.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.8 Saudi Arabi
7.8.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.8.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.8.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.9 South Afric
7.9.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.9.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.9.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.10 Ua
7.10.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.10.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.10.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.11 West Afric
7.11.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
7.11.2 Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.11.3 Forecast Flexible Foam Raw Material Consumption
Volume 3 Rigid Foam Product
1. Introduction Rigid Foam Product
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Indicative Formulations
1.3 Abbreviations
2. Rigid Foam Product Descriptio
2.1 Product Description
3. Key Market Player
3.1 Major Producers Of Rigid-faced Panels
3.2 Major Producers Of Flexible-faced Panels
3.3 Major Producers Of Rigid Slabstock
3.4 Major Producers Of Spf
3.5 Major Producers Of Ocf
3.6 Major Producers Of Pre-insulated Pipe Insulation
3.7 Major Users Of Rigid Pour-in-place Systems
3.8 Major Producers Of Rigid Polyurethane Systems
4. Total Emea Rigid Foa
4.1 Rigid Foam Trends - Emea
4.2 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
4.3 Pu Production By Type And Country - Western Europe
4.4 Pu Production By Type & Country - Cee
4.5 Pu Production By Type And Country - Mea
4.6 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
4.7 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
4.8 Growth By Type Of Rigid Foam Technology (Pur/Pir)
5.1 Western Europe Rigid Foa
5.1.1 Rigid Foam Trends - Western Europe
5.1.2 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.1.3 Pu Production By Type And Country
5.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
5.1.5 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
5.1.7 Growth By Type Of Rigid Foam Technology (Pur/Pir)
5.2 Austri
5.2.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.2.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.2.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.3 Benelu
5.3.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.3.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.3.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.4 Franc
5.4.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.4.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.4.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.5 German
5.5.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.5.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.5.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.6 Greec
5.6.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.6.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.6.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.7 Irelan
5.7.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.7.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.7.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.8 Ital
5.8.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.8.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.8.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.9 Nordic
5.9.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.9.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.9.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.10 Portuga
5.10.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.10.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.10.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.11 Spai
5.11.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.11.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.11.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.12 Switzerlan
5.12.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.12.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.12.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.13.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.13.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
5.13.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.1 Central And Eastern Europe Rigid Foa
6.1.1 Rigid Foam Trends - Central And Eastern Europe
6.1.2 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.1.3 Pu Production By Type And Country
6.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
6.1.5 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
6.1.7 Growth By Type Of Rigid Foam Technology (Pur/Pir)
6.2 Cis (Excl Russia
6.2.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.2.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.2.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.3 Czech Republi
6.3.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.3.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.3.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.4 Hungar
6.4.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.4.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.4.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.5 Other Eastern Europ
6.5.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.5.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.5.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.6 Polan
6.6.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.6.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.6.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.7 Romani
6.7.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.7.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.7.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.8 Russi
6.8.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.8.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.8.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.9 Slovaki
6.9.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.9.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.9.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.10 Sloveni
6.10.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.10.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.10.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.11 Turke
6.11.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.11.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
6.11.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.1 Middle East And Africa Rigid Foa
7.1.1 Rigid Foam Trends - Middle East And Africa
7.1.2 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.1.3 Pu Production By Type And Country
7.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
7.1.5 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
7.1.7 Growth By Type Of Rigid Foam Technology (Pur/Pir)
7.2 East Afric
7.2.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.2.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.2.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.3 Ira
7.3.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.3.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.3.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.4 Levan
7.4.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.4.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.4.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.5 North Afric
7.5.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.5.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.5.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.6 Other Gc
7.6.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.6.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.6.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.7 Other Middle Eas
7.7.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.7.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.7.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.8 Saudi Arabi
7.8.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.8.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.8.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.9 South Afric
7.9.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.9.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.9.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.10 Ua
7.10.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.10.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.10.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.11 West Afric
7.11.1 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
7.11.2 Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
7.11.3 Forecast Rigid Foam Raw Material Consumption
Volume 4 - Coatings
1. Introduction Coating
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Indicative Formulations
1.3 Abbreviations
1.4 End-use Market Definitions
2. Coatings Product Descriptio
2.1 Product Description
3. Key Market Player
3.1 Major Producers Of Pu Coatings
4. Total Emea Coating
4.1 Coatings Trends - Emea
4.2 Growth In Production Of Coatings
4.3 Pu Production By Type And Country - Western Europe
4.4 Pu Production By Type & Country - Cee
4.5 Pu Production By Type And Country - Mea
4.6 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
4.7 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
5.1 Western Europe Coating
5.1.1 Coatings Trends - Western Europe
5.1.2 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.1.3 Pu Production By Type And Country
5.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
5.1.5 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
5.2 Austri
5.2.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.2.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.2.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.3 Benelu
5.3.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.3.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.3.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.4 Franc
5.4.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.4.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.4.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.5 German
5.5.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.5.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.5.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.6 Greec
5.6.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.6.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.6.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.7 Irelan
5.7.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.7.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.7.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.8 Ital
5.8.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.8.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.8.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.9 Nordic
5.9.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.9.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.9.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.10 Portuga
5.10.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.10.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.10.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.11 Spai
5.11.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.11.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.11.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.12 Switzerlan
5.12.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.12.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.12.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.13.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.13.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
5.13.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.1 Central And Eastern Europe Coating
6.1.1 Coatings Trends - Central And Eastern Europe
6.1.2 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.1.3 Pu Production By Type And Country
6.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
6.1.5 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
6.2 Cis (Excl Russia
6.2.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.2.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.2.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.3 Czech Republi
6.3.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.3.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.3.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.4 Hungar
6.4.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.4.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.4.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.5 Other Eastern Europ
6.5.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.5.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.5.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.6 Polan
6.6.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.6.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.6.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.7 Romani
6.7.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.7.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.7.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.8 Russi
6.8.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.8.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.8.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.9 Slovaki
6.9.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.9.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.9.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.10 Sloveni
6.10.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.10.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.10.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.11 Turke
6.11.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.11.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
6.11.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.1 Middle East And Africa Coating
7.1.1 Coatings Trends - Middle East And Africa
7.1.2 Growth In Production Of Coatings
7.1.3 Pu Production By Type And Country
7.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
7.1.5 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
7.2 East Afric
7.2.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
7.2.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.2.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.3 Ira
7.3.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
7.3.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.3.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.4 Levan
7.4.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
7.4.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.4.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.5 North Afric
7.5.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
7.5.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.5.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.6 Other Gc
7.6.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
7.6.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.6.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.7 Saudi Arabi
7.7.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
7.7.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.7.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.8 South Afric
7.8.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
7.8.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.8.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.9 Ua
7.9.1 Growth In Production Of Coatings
7.9.2 Coatings Raw Material Consumption
7.9.3 Forecast Coatings Raw Material Consumption
Volume 5 Adhesives & Sealant
1. Introduction Adhesives & Sealant
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Indicative Formulations
1.3 Abbreviations
2. Adhesives And Sealants Product Descriptio
2.1 Adhesives
2.2 Sealants
3. Key Market Player
3.1 Major Producers Of Adhesives & Sealants - Emea
4. Total Emea Adhesives & Sealant
4.1 Adhesives & Sealants Trends - Emea
4.2 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
4.3 Pu Production By Type And Country - Western Europe
4.4 Pu Production By Type & Country - Cee
4.5 Pu Production By Type & Country - Mea
4.6 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
4.7 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
5.1 Western Europe Adhesives & Sealant
5.1.1 Adhesives & Sealants Trends - Western Europe
5.1.2 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.1.3 Pu Production By Type And Country
5.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
5.1.5 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
5.2 Austri
5.2.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.2.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.2.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.3 Benelu
5.3.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.3.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.3.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.4 Franc
5.4.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.4.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.4.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.5 German
5.5.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.5.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.5.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.6 Irelan
5.6.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.6.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.6.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.7 Ital
5.7.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.7.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.7.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.8 Nordic
5.8.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.8.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.8.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.9 Portuga
5.9.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.9.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.9.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.10 Spai
5.10.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.10.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.10.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.11 Switzerlan
5.11.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.11.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.11.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.12.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
5.12.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
5.12.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
6.1 Central & Eastern Europe Adhesives & Sealant
6.1.1 Adh. & Sealants Trends - Central & Eastern Europe
6.1.2 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
6.1.3 Pu Production By Type And Country
6.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
6.1.5 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
6.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
6.2 Polan
6.2.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
6.2.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
6.2.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
6.3 Russi
6.3.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
6.3.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
6.3.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
6.4 Sloveni
6.4.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
6.4.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
6.4.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
6.5 Turke
6.5.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
6.5.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
6.5.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.1 Middle East And Africa Adhesives & Sealant
7.1.1 Adhesives & Sealants Trends - Middle East & Africa
7.1.2 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
7.1.3 Pu Production By Type And Country
7.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Type And Country
7.1.5 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
7.2 East Afric
7.2.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
7.2.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.2.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.3 Ira
7.3.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
7.3.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.3.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.4 Levan
7.4.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives And Sealants
7.4.2 Adhesives And Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.4.3 Forecast Adh. & Seal Raw Material Consumption
7.5 North Afric
7.5.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives And Sealants
7.5.2 Adhesives And Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.5.3 Forecast Adh. & Seal Raw Material Consumption
7.6 Saudi Arabi
7.6.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
7.6.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.6.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.7 South Afric
7.7.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
7.7.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.7.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.8 Ua
7.8.1 Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
7.8.2 Adhesives & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
7.8.3 Forecast Adh. & Sealants Raw Material Consumption
Volume 6 Elastomer
1. Introduction Elastomer
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Indicative Formulations
1.3 Abbreviations
1.4 End-use Market Definitions
2. Elastomers Product Descriptio
2.1 Product Description
3. Key Market Player
3.1 Major Producers Of Elastomers
3.1.1 Major Producers Of Elastomers - Cont
4. Total Emea Elastomer
4.1 Elastomers Trends - Emea
4.2 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
4.3 Pu Production By Country - Western Europe
4.4 Pu Production By Country - Cee
4.5 Pu Production By Country - Mea
4.6 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
4.7 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
5.1 Western Europe Elastomer
5.1.1 Elastomers Trends - Western Europe
5.1.2 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.1.3 Pu Production By Country
5.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Country
5.1.5 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
5.2 Austri
5.2.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.2.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.2.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.3 Benelu
5.3.2 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.3.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.3.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.4 Franc
5.4.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.4.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.4.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.5 German
5.5.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.5.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.5.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.6 Greec
5.6.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.6.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.6.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.7 Ital
5.7.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.7.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.7.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.8 Nordic
5.8.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.8.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.8.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.9 Portuga
5.9.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.9.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.9.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.10 Spai
5.10.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.10.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.10.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.11 Switzerlan
5.11.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.11.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.11.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.12.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.12.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
5.12.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.1 Central & Eastern Europe Elastomer
6.1.1 Elastomers Trends - Central And Eastern Europe
6.1.2 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.1.3 Pu Production By Country
6.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Country
6.1.5 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
6.2 Cis (Excl Russia
6.2.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.2.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.2.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.3 Czech Republi
6.3.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.3.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.3.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.4 Hungar
6.4.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.4.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.4.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.5 Other Eastern Europ
6.5.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.5.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.5.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.6 Polan
6.6.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.6.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.6.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.7 Romani
6.7.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.7.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.7.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.8 Russi
6.8.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.8.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.8.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.9 Slovaki
6.9.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.9.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.9.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.10 Sloveni
6.10.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.10.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.10.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.11 Turke
6.11.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.11.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
6.11.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.1 Middle East And Africa Elastomer
7.1.1 Elastomers Trends - Middle East And Africa
7.1.2 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
7.1.3 Pu Production By Country
7.1.4 Forecast Pu Production By Country
7.1.5 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.1.6 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
7.2 East Afric
7.2.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
7.2.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.2.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.3 Ira
7.3.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
7.3.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.3.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.4 Levan
7.4.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
7.4.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.4.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.5 North Afric
7.5.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
7.5.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.5.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.6 Saudi Arabi
7.6.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
7.6.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.6.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.7 South Afric
7.7.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
7.7.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.7.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.8 Ua
7.8.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
7.8.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.8.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.9 West Afric
7.9.1 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
7.9.2 Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
7.9.3 Forecast Elastomers Raw Material Consumption
Volume 7 Binder
1. Introduction Binder
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Indicative Formulations
1.3 Abbreviations
2. Binders Product Descriptio
2.1 Product Description
3. Total Emea Binder
3.1 Binders Trends - Emea
3.2 Growth In Production Of Binders
3.3 Pu Production By Country - Western Europe
3.4 Pu Production By Country - Cee
3.5 Pu Production By Country - Mea
3.6 Binders Raw Material Consumption
3.7 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
4.1 Western Europe Binder
4.1.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
4.1.2 Pu Production By Country
4.1.3 Forecast Pu Production By Country
4.1.4 Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.1.5 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
4.2 Benelu
4.2.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
4.2.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.2.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.3 Franc
4.3.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
4.3.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.3.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.4 German
4.4.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
4.4.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.4.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.5 Ital
4.5.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
4.5.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.5.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.6 Nordic
4.6.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
4.6.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.6.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.7 Portuga
4.7.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
4.7.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.7.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.8 Spai
4.8.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
4.8.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.8.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.9 Switzerlan
4.9.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
4.9.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.9.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.10.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
4.10.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
4.10.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.1 Central And Eastern Europe Binder
5.1.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
5.1.2 Pu Production By Country
5.1.3 Forecast Pu Production By Country
5.1.4 Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.1.5 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
5.2 Cis (Excl Russia
5.2.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
5.2.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.2.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.3 Czech Republi
5.3.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
5.3.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.3.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.4 Other Eastern Europ
5.4.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
5.4.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.4.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.5 Polan
5.5.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
5.5.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.5.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.6 Romani
5.6.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
5.6.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.6.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.7 Russi
5.7.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
5.7.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.7.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.8 Turke
5.8.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
5.8.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
5.8.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.1 Middle East And Africa Binder
6.1.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
6.1.2 Pu Production By Country
6.1.3 Forecast Pu Production By Country
6.1.4 Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.1.5 Forecast Raw Material Consumption
6.2 East Afric
6.2.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
6.2.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.2.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.3 Levan
6.3.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
6.3.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.3.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.4 North Afric
6.4.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
6.4.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.4.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.5 Other Middle Eas
6.5.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
6.5.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.5.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.6 Saudi Arabi
6.6.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
6.6.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.6.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.7 South Afric
6.7.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
6.7.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.7.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.8 Ua
6.8.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
6.8.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.8.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.9 West Afric
6.9.1 Growth In Production Of Binders
6.9.2 Binders Raw Material Consumption
6.9.3 Forecast Binders Raw Material Consumption
Volume 8 - Major End-use Markets
1. Introduction
1.1 Scope Of The Study
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Products And End Uses
1.4 Units Of Volume
1.5 Forecasts
1.6 Abbreviations Used
2. Automotive
2.1 World Automotive Industry Overview
2.2 Emea Automotive Industry Overview
2.3 Emea Passenger Car Production
2.4 Emea Commercial Vehicle Production
2.4.1 Light Commercial
2.4.2 Heavy Goods Vehicles
2.4.3 Buses And Coaches
2.5 Major Uses For Polyurethanes In The European Automotive Industry
2.5.1 Plastics Consumption In The Automotive Industry
2.5.2 Total Emea Production Of Polyurethane Used In The Automotive Industry By End Use
2.6 Market Trends & Influences
2.6.1 Automotive Production
2.6.2 Flexible And Moulded Foam
Western Europe
Central And Eastern Europe
The Middle East And Africa
2.6.3 Semi-rigid Foam
2.6.4 Integral Skin Foam
2.6.5 Coatings
Automotive Oem Coatings
2.6.6 Adhesives & Sealants
Automotive Adhesives
Automotive Direct Glazing Sealants
2.6.7 Elastomers
Technical Microcellular
3. Building & Construction
3.1 Industry Overview
3.1.1 Construction Sector Output – Europe
3.1.2 New Construction Output - Europe
3.1.3 New Residential Construction Output - Europe
3.1.4 New Non-residential Construction Output - Europe
3.1.5 New Civil Engineering Construction - Europe
3.1.6 Construction In The Middle East & Africa
3.2 Major Uses For Polyurethanes In The European Constructio
3.2.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Sandwich Panels
3.2.3 Spray Polyurethane Foam (Spf)
3.2.4 One-component Foam (Ocf)
3.2.5 Pre-insulated Pipe
3.2.6 Slabstock
3.2.7 Coatings
Polyurethane Chemicals & Products In Emea: Volume 8 - Major End-use Market
3.2.8 Adhesives & Sealants
Insulated Glazing
Construction Sealants.
Construction Adhesives
3.2.9 Total Emea Production Of Polyurethane Used In The Construction Industry By End Use
3.3 Market Trends & Influences
3.3.1 Sandwich Panels
Rigid-faced Panels
Flexible-faced Panels
3.3.2 Sprayed Foam
3.3.3 One-component Foam (Ocf)
3.3.4 Pre-insulated Pipes
3.3.5 Slabstock
3.3.6 Coatings, Adhesives & Sealants
Architectural/Construction Coatings
Roof, Tank And Deck Coatings
Construction Adhesives
Construction Sealants.
Insulated Glazing Sealants
3.3.7 Binders
4. Footwear
4.1 Industry Overview
4.1.1 Global Footwear Market
4.1.2 Global Footwear Production
4.1.3 Emea Footwear Industry
4.2 Major Uses For Polyurethanes Within The Footwear Industry In Emea
4.2.1 Total Emea Production Of Polyurethane Used In The Footwear Industry By End Use
4.3 Market Trends & Influences
4.3.1 Elastomers
4.3.2 Adhesives
5. Furniture & Bedding
5.1 Industry Overview
5.1.1 Global Furniture Industry
5.1.2 Emea Furniture Industry
The Middle East
5.1.3 Emea Mattress Industry
5.2 Major Uses Of Polyurethanes In The European Furniture & Beddin
5.2.1 Total Emea Production Of Polyurethane Used In The Furniture & Bedding Industry By En
5.3 Market Trends And Influences
5.3.1 Polyether Slabstock
5.3.2 Moulded Foam
5.3.3 Integral Skin Foam
5.3.4 Coatings & Adhesives
6. Appliances
6.1 Industry Overview
6.1.1 Introduction
6.1.2 Emea Refrigeration Industry
6.2 Major Uses For Polyurethane In The Appliance Industry In Emea
6.2.1 Total Emea Production Of Polyurethane Used In The Appliance Industry By End Use
6.3 Market Trends And Influences
EMEA Executive Summary
1. Introductio
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Overall Market Overview
1.3 Flexible Foam
1.4 Rigid Foam
1.5 Case Applications
1.6 Binders
2. Emea Overvie
2.1 Total Emea Overview
2.1.1 Emea Production And Raw Material Consumption 2023
2.1.2 Emea Production And Raw Material Consumption 2028
2.2 Emea Isocyanate Consumption 2023 And 2028
2.3 Emea Polyol Consumption 2023 And 2028
3. Emea Growth In Productio
3.1 Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
3.1.1 Raw Material Consumption Flexible Foam In Emea
3.2 Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
3.2.1 Raw Material Consumption Rigid Foam In Emea
3.3 Growth In Production Of Coatings
3.3.1 Raw Material Consumption Coatings In Emea
3.4 Growth In Production Of Adhesives And Sealants
3.4.1 Raw Mat. Consumption Adhesives & Sealants In Emea
3.5 Growth In Production Of Elastomers
3.5.1 Raw Material Consumption Elastomers In Emea
3.6 Growth In Production Of Binders
3.6.1 Raw Material Consumption Binders In Emea
4. Western Europe Growth In Productio
4.1 We - Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
4.1.1 We - Raw Material Consumption Flexible Foam
4.2 We - Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
4.2.1 We - Raw Material Consumption Rigid Foam
4.3 We - Growth In Production Of Coatings
4.3.1 We - Raw Material Consumption Coatings
4.4 We - Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
4.4.1 We - Raw Material Consumption Adhesives & Sealants
4.5 We - Growth In Production Of Elastomers
4.5.1 We - Raw Material Consumption Elastomers
4.6 We - Growth In Production Of Binders
4.6.1 We - Raw Material Consumption Binders
5. Central And Eastern Europe Growth In Productio
5.1 Ce & Ee - Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
5.1.1 Ce & Ee - Raw Material Consumption Flexible Foam
5.2 Ce & Ee - Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
5.2.1 Ce & Ee - Raw Material Consumption Rigid Foam
5.3 Ce & Ee - Growth In Production Of Coatings
5.3.1 Ce & Ee - Raw Material Consumption Coatings
5.4 Ce & Ee - Growth In Production Of Adh. & Sealants
5.4.1 Ce & Ee - Raw Mat. Consumption Adh. & Sealants
5.5 Ce & Ee - Growth In Production Of Elastomers
5.5.1 Ce & Ee - Raw Material Consumption Elastomers
5.6 Ce & Ee - Growth In Production Of Binders
5.6.1 Ce & Ee - Raw Material Consumption Binders
6. Middle East And Africa Growth In Productio
6.1 Mea - Growth In Production Of Flexible Foam
6.1.1 Mea - Raw Material Consumption Flexible Foam
6.2 Mea - Growth In Production Of Rigid Foam
6.2.1 Mea - Raw Material Consumption Rigid Foam
6.3 Mea - Growth In Production Of Coatings
6.3.1 Mea - Raw Material Consumption Coatings
6.4 Mea - Growth In Production Of Adhesives & Sealants
6.4.1 Mea - Raw Mat. Consumption Adhesives & Sealants
6.5 Mea - Growth In Production Of Elastomers
6.5.1 Mea - Raw Material Consumption Elastomers
6.6 Mea - Growth In Production Of Binders
6.6.1 Mea - Raw Material Consumption Binders

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