Electricity Market: Energy Industry Research

Electricity markets are defined by equipment, services, technologies, retail sales, distribution and infrastructure maintenance relating to flow of electrical currents in an industry and consumption-effective manner. Most markets related to electricity are organized under the energy sector, with major players including engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractors for power plants, power generators (or power plant owners), electrical utilities providing transmission and distribution (T&D) services to ratepayers or endpoint consumers, with some utilities also owning and operating power plants. Electricity is produced on and off grids, with large electrical grids referred to as interconnections with only limited high voltage direct current (HVDC) or alternating current (AC) lines connecting via ties to other regionally-distinct T&D systems. Utilities and independent system operators (ISOs) are responsible for managing power grids and ensuring their stability by minimizing congestion on certain transmission lines and responding to greater demand (loads) through higher generation. Electricity retailing is conducted on spot and day-ahead markets as well as through contracting between independent power producers (IPPs) or merchant power plants and other utility- and government-owned generation resources and power providers, utilities, co-ops and other major consumers. Alternatively, electricity can provide rural electrification or off-grid energy through microgrids or small household circuits.

As an energy source, electricity does not directly result in air pollution or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Electricity generation however is associated with fuel combustion and GHGs, leading utilities and governments to make more use of zero-carbon renewable energy generation and to maximize grid efficiencies with minimal energy losses through a smart grid.

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