United States (US) Renewable Energy Policy Handbook, 2023 Update
United States (US) Renewable Energy Policy Handbook, 2023 Update” is among the latest country specific policy reports from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist. The report offers comprehensive information on major policies governing the renewable energy market in the country and provides information on renewable policies/developments at a regional/municipal level. The report discusses renewable energy targets and plans along with the present policy framework, giving a fair idea of overall growth potential of the renewable energy industry. The report also provides major technology specific policies and incentives provided in the country.
The report is built using data and information sourced from industry associations, government websites, and statutory bodies. The information is also sourced through other secondary research sources such as industry and trade magazines.
The report covers policy measures and incentives used by the US to promote renewable energy.
The report details promotional measures in the US both for the overall renewable energy industry and for specific renewable energy technologies that have potential in the country.
Reasons to Buy
The report will enhance your decision making capability in a more rapid and time sensitive manner. It will allow you to -
Develop business strategies with the help of specific insights about policy decisions being taken for different renewable energy sources.
Identify opportunities and challenges in exploiting various renewable technologies.
Compare the level of support provided to different renewable energy technologies in the country.
Be ahead of competition by keeping yourself abreast of all the latest policy changes.
1 About GlobalData
2 Renewable Energy Market, US, Overview
3 Federal Initiatives, US
3.1 Climate Goals in Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
3.2 Tax Cuts and New Jobs Act (TCJA)
3.3 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
3.4 Production Tax Credits
3.5 Investment Tax Credits
3.6 Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System
3.7 Solar Manufacturing for America Act (SEMA)
3.8 Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit
3.9 Renewable Energy Target
3.10 Rural Energy for America Program: Grants
3.11 Tribal Energy Program Grant
3.12 US Department of Energy – Loan Guarantee Program
3.13 Green Power Purchasing Goal
3.14 Federal Initiatives for Solar Power
SunShot Initiative, 2030
Solar Funding
3.15 Federal Initiatives for Wind Power
3.16 Federal Initiatives for Biopower and Biofuels
Energy Policy Act – Alternative Fuels
Biorefinery Assistance Program
3.17 DOE Funding for Renewables and Geothermal Energy
3.18 Hydrogen Energy – DOE Hydrogen Program
4 Common State-Level Incentives
4.1 Overview
4.2 Renewable Portfolio
4.3 Renewable Energy Certificates
4.4 Public Benefit Funds for Renewable Energy
4.5 Interconnection Standards
4.6 Standard Interconnection Agreements for Wind Power Plants
4.7 Net Metering
4.8 Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)
5 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Alabama
5.1 Alabama SAVES Revolving Loan Program
5.2 Local Government Energy Loan Program
5.3 Local Option- Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Facilities
6 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Alaska
6.1 Renewable Energy Targets
6.2 Net Metering
Alaska Railbelt Net Metering
6.3 Renewable Energy Grant Program
6.4 Local Option - Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Systems
6.5 Interconnection Standards
6.6 Power Project Loan Fund
6.7 Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) - Sustainable Natural Alternative Power (SNAP) program
6.8 Alaska Solar Easements
7 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Arizona
7.1 Renewable Energy Targets
7.2 Energy Modernization Plan
7.3 Renewable Portfolio Standards
7.4 Net Metering/Billing
7.5 Mohave Electric Cooperative - Renewable Energy Incentive Program
7.6 Residential Solar and Wind Energy Systems Tax Credit
7.7 Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit
7.8 Duncan Valley Electric Cooperative - Sun watts Rebate Program
7.9 Interconnection Standards
7.10 Solar Construction Permitting Standards
7.11 Solar & Wind Equipment Certification
7.12 Solar and Wind Equipment Sales Tax Exemption
7.13 Arizona Solar Rights
7.14 City of Phoenix - Renewable Energy Goal
7.15 Abandonment of 100% Clean Energy Rules
8 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Arkansas
8.1 Net Metering
Senate Bill 295
8.2 Interconnection Standards
8.3 Arkansas Energy Technology Loans for Green Technology
8.4 Wind Energy Manufacturing Tax Incentive
9 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, California
9.1 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Renewable Energy Sources, California
Marin Clean Energy Feed-in Tariff
LADWP Feed-in Tariff
Net Metering
Microgrid Incentive Program
California FIRST
Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (ReMAT)
Renewable Portfolio Standards
Interconnection Standards
California Energy Commission Geothermal Program
Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Electric Power Generation and Storage Equipment
Orange County - Development Standards for Small Wind Energy Systems
San Diego County - Wind Regulations
Santa Clara County - Zoning Ordinance
County Wind Ordinance Standards
Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP)
9.2 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar, California
New Solar Home Partnership
Building Energy Code and Solar Requirement
City of Lancaster - Mandatory Solar Requirement for New Homes
Partial Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Agricultural Solar Power Facilities
City of Sebastopol - Mandatory Solar Requirement for Residential and Commercial Buildings
SMUD - PV Residential Retrofit Buy-Down
City of Sebastopol - Solar Access
Ukiah Utilities - PV Buydown Program
9.3 Hydrogen Energy
10 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Colorado
10.1 Net Metering
10.2 Renewable Portfolio Standards
10.3 City of Boulder - Solar Sales and Use Tax Rebate
10.4 Community Solar Gardens (CSG) and Community Geothermal Gardens
Community Geothermal Gardens
10.5 Xcel Energy: Solar Reward Program
Solar Rewards Community Program
10.6 Interconnection Standards
10.7 Green Colorado Credit Reserve
10.8 Colorado Residential Energy Upgrade (RENU) Loan program
10.9 Property Tax Exemption for Residential Solar PV Plants
10.10 Energy Smart Colorado Renewable Energy Rebate Program
10.11 Local Option - PACE
10.12 Energy Storage-a consumer right
10.13 Other Utilities Renewable Energy Rebate Program
10.14 City of Boulder - Solar Access Ordinance
10.15 Property Tax Exemption for Residential Renewable Energy Equipment
10.16 Clean Energy Fund
10.17 Solar Construction Permitting Standards
11 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Connecticut
11.1 Renewable Energy Targets
11.2 Net Metering
11.3 Residential Solar Investment Program
11.4 Renewable Energy Certificates
11.5 Renewable Portfolio Standards
11.6 Clean Energy Fund
11.7 Local Option - PACE
11.8 Interconnection Standards
11.9 Property tax exemption for Renewable Energy Systems
11.10 Sales and Use Tax Exemption for solar and geothermal systems
11.11 Hydrogen Energy
11.12 Connecticut Community Solar - State-wide Shared Clean Energy Facility (SCEF) Program
11.13 Non-Residential Renewable Energy Solutions
12 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Delaware
12.1 Net Metering
12.2 Delaware Electric Cooperative- Green Energy Program Incentives
12.3 Delmarva Power - Green Energy Program Incentives
12.4 DEMEC Member Utilities - Green Energy Program Incentives
12.5 Renewable Portfolio Standards
12.6 Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) Procurement Program
12.7 Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) Spot Market Program
12.8 Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) - Revolving Loan Fund
12.9 Solar Rights Law
12.10 Wind Access and Permitting Law
12.11 Interconnection Standards
12.12 Delaware - Community Solar Rules
13 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Florida
13.1 Net Metering
13.2 City of Tallahassee Utilities - Solar Loans
13.3 Property Tax Abatement for Renewable Energy Property
13.4 Broward County Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP)
13.5 Miami-Dade County - Florida Green Lodging Program
13.6 Solar and CHP Sales Tax Exemption
13.7 Interconnection Standards
13.8 Residential Solar Leases
13.9 Local Option - PACE
13.10 Dunedin Solar Energy Grant Program
13.11 Florida Keys Electric Cooperative Solar Loan
13.12 Hydrogen Energy
13.13 Hillsborough County - Solar and Wind Standards
13.14 Solar Equipment Certification
13.15 Broward County - Rooftop Solar System Permit Standard
13.16 Broward County Online Solar Permitting
14 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Georgia
14.1 Net Metering
14.2 Central Georgia EMC - Photovoltaic Rebate Program
14.3 Jackson EMC - Right Choice Sun Power Rebate Program
14.4 Interconnection Standards
14.5 Local Option - PACE
14.6 Biomass Sales and Use Tax Exemption
14.7 Georgia Solar Easement Laws
14.8 Hydrogen Energy
15 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Hawaii
15.1 Distributed Generation Tariff
Customer Grid Supply Plus
Smart Export
Community-Based Renewable Energy
15.2 Solar and Wind Energy Credit
15.3 Renewable Portfolio Standards
15.4 Competitive Bidding
15.5 Schedule Q
15.6 Microgrid Tariff
15.7 Farm and Aquaculture Alternative Energy Loan
15.8 Interconnection Standards
15.9 GreenSun Hawaii
15.10 Green Energy Money $aver (GEM$) On-Bill Program
15.11 Property Tax Exemption for Alternative Energy Improvements
15.12 City and County of Honolulu - Solar Loan Program
15.13 Hawaii Solar Installation Rights
15.14 Green Infrastructure Bonds
15.15 Hydrogen Energy
16 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Idaho
16.1 Net Metering
Idaho Power
Rocky Mountain Power
Avista Utilities
16.2 Interconnection Standards
16.3 Property Tax Exemption for Wind, Solar, and Geothermal Energy Producers
16.4 Residential Alternative Energy Tax Deduction
16.5 Low-Interest Energy Loan Programs
16.6 Idaho Solar Easements & Access Laws
17 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Illinois
17.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
RPS for large IOUs
17.2 The Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA)
17.3 Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SREC’s)
17.4 Net Metering
17.5 Interconnection Standards
17.6 Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation Grants
17.7 Sales Tax Exemption for Wind Energy
17.8 City of Chicago - Green Building Permit Programs
17.9 Special Assessment for Solar Energy Systems
17.10 City of Chicago - Solar Express Permit Program
18 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Indiana
18.1 NIPSCO - Feed-In Tariff
18.2 Clean Energy Portfolio Standard
18.3 Net Metering
18.4 Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Equipment
Wind Energy
Solar PV
18.5 Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption
18.6 Interconnection Standards
18.7 Indiana Solar Easements & Rights Laws
19 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Iowa
19.1 Alternative Energy Law
19.2 Solar Easement
19.3 Solar Energy Systems Tax Credit
19.4 IADG Energy Bank Revolving Loan Program
19.5 Alternate Energy Revolving Loan Program
19.6 Renewable Energy Equipment Exemption
19.7 Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Systems
19.8 Mandatory Utility Green Power Option
19.9 Interconnection Standards
19.10 Net Metering
19.11 Local Option: Special Assessment of Wind Energy Devices
19.12 Energy Replacement Generation Tax Exemption
19.13 Small Wind Innovation Zone Program and Model Ordinance
20 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Kansas
20.1 Net Metering
Net Excess Generation
Parallel Generation
20.2 Renewable Energy Goal
20.3 Interconnection Standards
20.4 Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption
20.5 Kansas Solar Easement Laws
21 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Kentucky
21.1 Net Metering
21.2 Tax Exemption for Large-Scale Renewable Energy Projects
21.3 Interconnection Standards
21.4 Solar Easement
21.5 Incentives for Energy Independence
22 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Louisiana
22.1 Solar Energy System Exemption
22.2 Net Metering
City of New Orleans - Net Metering
22.3 Interconnection Standards
22.4 Home Energy Loan Program
22.5 Louisiana Solar Rights
23 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Maine
23.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
23.2 Net Metering/Billing and Distributed Generation
Net Energy Billing (NEB)
Distributed Generation (DG) Program
Community Solar
23.3 Renewable Energy Certificates
Maine Green Power Program
23.4 Interconnection Standards
23.5 Efficiency Maine Trust
23.6 Local Option - PACE
23.7 Solar and Wind Energy Property Tax Exemption
23.8 Maine Solar Easement Rights and Laws
24 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Maryland
24.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
Renewable Energy Certificates
Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC)
24.2 Net Metering
Virtual Net Metering and Solar Community Program
24.3 Interconnection Standards
24.4 Solar Easements & Rights Laws
24.5 Commercial Clean Energy Rebate Program
24.6 Parking Lot Solar PV with EV Charger Grant Program
24.7 Energy Storage Tax Credit
24.8 Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Equipment
24.9 Property Tax Exemption for Solar and Wind Energy Systems
24.10 Residential/Community Wind Grant Program
24.11 Local Option - Property Tax Credit for Renewables and Energy Conservation Devices
Anne Arundel County - Solar and Geothermal Equipment Property Tax Credits
Harford County - Property Tax Credit for Solar and Geothermal Devices
Baltimore County - Property Tax Credit for Solar and Geothermal Devices
Prince George's County - Solar and Geothermal Residential Property Tax Credit
24.12 Montgomery County - Green Power Purchasing
24.13 Montgomery County - Expedited Permitting for Solar PV
25 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Massachusetts
25.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
25.2 Solar Renewable Energy Credits
25.3 Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program
25.4 Net Metering
25.5 Interconnection Standards
25.6 Offshore Wind Auction
25.7 MLP Solar Rebate Program
25.8 Concord Municipal Light Plant - Solar PV Rebate Program
25.9 Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant - Residential PV Rebate Program
25.10 Residential Renewable Energy Income Tax Credit
25.11 Massachusetts Solar Easements & Rights Laws
25.12 Renewable Energy Trust Fund
25.13 Massachusetts Clean Energy Centre Commonwealth Programs
Commonwealth Organics-to-Energy Program
Commonwealth Hydropower Program
Commonwealth Wind Program
25.14 Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption
25.15 Local Option - PACE
25.16 Local Option - Energy Revolving Loan Fund
25.17 Green Communities Grant Program
25.18 Renewable Energy Equipment Sales Tax Exemption
26 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Michigan
26.1 Net Metering
Inflow/Outflow Distributed Generation Tariff
Recent Developments
26.2 Interconnection Standards
26.3 Renewable Portfolio Standards
26.4 Renewable Energy Certificates
Michigan Renewable Energy Certification System
26.5 Energy Efficiency Grants
26.6 Local Option - PACE
26.7 City of Ann Arbor - Green Power Purchasing
26.8 City of Grand Rapids - Green Power Purchasing Policy
26.9 Alternative Energy Tax Exemption
26.10 Renewable Energy Renaissance Zones
27 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Minnesota
27.1 Net Metering
Solar Rewards Community Program
27.2 Value of Solar Tariff (VOS Tariff)
27.3 Renewable Portfolio Standards
One Minnesota Path to Clean Energy
27.4 Minnesota Power - Power Grant Program
27.5 Minnesota Power - SolarSense Solar Rebate Program
27.6 Rochester Public Utilities, Owatonna Public Utilities, Austin Utilities - Solar Rebate Program
27.7 Interconnection Standards
27.8 Community-Based Energy Development Tariff
27.9 Solar Energy Sales Tax Exemption
27.10 Wind Energy Sales Tax Exemption
27.11 Local Option - PACE
27.12 Rural Minnesota Energy Board PACE Program
27.13 Wind and Solar PV Systems Exemption
27.14 Renewable Development Fund
27.15 Agricultural Improvement Loan Program
27.16 Minnesota Solar/Wind Easement Law & Local Law Options
27.17 City of Minneapolis - Solar Access and Easement Laws
27.18 City of Minneapolis - Wind Energy Conversion Systems
28 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Mississippi
28.1 Net Metering
Renewable Energy Certificates
Excess Generation
Third-Party Ownership (TPO)
Incentive for Low-Income Customers
28.2 Interconnection Standards
28.3 Mississippi Clean Energy Initiative
29 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Missouri
29.1 Net Metering
Renewable Energy Certificates
29.2 Renewable Portfolio Standards
29.3 City of Columbia - Renewable Portfolio Standards
29.4 Interconnection Standards
29.5 Empire District Electric - Solar PV Rebates
29.6 Columbia Water & Light - Solar Energy Loans
29.7 Columbia Water & Light - Solar Rebates
29.8 Wood Energy Production Credit
29.9 Energy Loan Program
29.10 Local Option - PACE
Show me PACE
29.11 Solar Property Tax Exemption and Solar Easement & Rights Laws
29.12 Evergy Solar Rebate Program
30 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Montana
30.1 Net Metering
30.2 Renewable Portfolio Standards
30.3 NorthWestern Energy - USB Renewable Energy Fund
E+ Renewable Energy Program
30.4 Interconnection Standards
30.5 Montana Renewables Development Action Plan
30.6 Residential Alternative Energy System Tax Credit