United Kingdom (UK) Mother's Day Market Analysis, Trends, Consumer Attitudes, Buying Dynamics and Major Players, 2023 Update
The Mother's Day 2023 report forms part of GlobalData's Retail Occasions series, and offers a comprehensive insight into the consumer dynamics and spending habits of British consumers on Mother's Day. The report analyses the market, the major players, the main trends, and consumer attitudes.
Key Highlights
Mother's Day provided a boost to retail, but it is yet to recover to pre-pandemic levels Despite consumers stating that they felt financially worse off this year, consumers have prioritised treating their mothers and other loved ones. The importance of price and value for money when selecting food & drink items has risen this Mother's Day, whereas the importance of quality to consumers decreased. Consumer spending on experience gifts exceeded pre-pandemic levels.
Reasons to Buy
Identify the key retailers used by consumers to purchase products for Mother's Day across various categories.
Understand the key drivers which consumers rate as the most important when choosing which retailers to shop for across different product categories.
Identify the different channels used by consumers to purchase and browse for Mother's Day products, and how consumers use of the online channel to purchase differs across product categories.
Identify the most popular products purchased for Mother's Day in 2023, and how this is changing to plan for 2024 Mother's Day product ranges.
Key findings
Chart of the month - Mother’s Day provides boost to retail, but the occasion is yet to recover to pre-pandemic levels