Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber (SBR) Industry Installed Capacity and Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Market Forecast by Region and Countries including details of All Active Plants, Planned and Announced Projects, 2022-2026

Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber (SBR) Industry Installed Capacity and Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Market Forecast by Region and Countries including details of All Active Plants, Planned and Announced Projects, 2022-2026


Global Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber (SBR) capacity is poised to see considerable growth over the next five years, potentially increasing from 8.27 mtpa in 2021 to 15.30 mtpa in 2026. Around eight planned and announced SBR projects are expected to come online by 2026, predominantly in Asia followed by the Middle East over the upcoming years. Among countries, India is expected to lead SBR capacity additions by 2026, followed by Iran and China. Reliance Industries Ltd, Sadaf Petrochemical Assaluyeh Co and Indian Oil Corp Ltd are the top three companies by planned and announced capacity additions globally over the upcoming years.


  • Global SBR capacity outlook by region
  • Global SBR outlook by country
  • SBR planned and announced projects details
  • Capacity share of the major SBR producers globally
  • Global SBR capital expenditure outlook by region
  • Global SBR capital expenditure outlook by country
Reasons to Buy
  • Obtain the most up to date information available on all active, planned, and announced SBR plants globally
  • Identify opportunities in the global SBR industry with the help of upcoming projects and capital expenditure outlook
  • Facilitate decision making on the basis of strong historical and forecast of SBR capacity data

  • About GlobalData
  • Introduction
    • What is This Report About?
    • Market Definition
  • Global Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber (SBR) Capacity and Capital Expenditure Review
    • Global Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber (SBR) Industry, An Overview
      • Table Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber (SBR) industry, global, key statistics, 2021
    • Global SBR Industry, Capacity by Key Countries, 2016-2026
      • Table SBR industry, global, capacity by key countries (mtpa), 2016-2026
    • Global SBR Industry, Capacity Share vis-à -vis Growth by Key Countries, 2016-2021
      • Table Figure 1: Global SBR industry, capacity share vis-à -vis growth by key countries, 2016-2021
    • Global SBR Industry, Top 10 Planned and Announced Projects
      • Table SBR industry, global, top 10 planned and announced projects details, 2022-2026
    • Global SBR Capacity Contribution by Region
      • Table Figure 2: SBR industry, global, capacity by region (mtpa), 2021-2026
      • Table SBR industry, global, capacity by region (mtpa), 2021-2026
    • Key Companies by SBR Capacity Contribution (% Share), 2021
      • Table Figure 3: SBR industry, global, capacity share of top 10 companies (%), 2021
      • Table SBR industry, global, capacity share of top 10 companies (%), 2021
    • Key Countries by Active Global Capacity Contribution to SBR Industry
      • Table Figure 4: SBR industry, global, active SBR capacity of top 10 countries (mtpa), 2021
      • Table SBR industry, global, active SBR capacity of top 10 countries (mtpa), 2021
    • Global SBR Industry, Installed Plant Capacity by Production Process, 2021
      • Table Figure 5: Global SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table Global SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table Global SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Emulsion Polymerization, process 2021
      • Table Global SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Solution Polymerization route process, 2021
    • Regional Capacity Additions from Planned and Announced Projects
      • Table SBR industry, global, planned and announced capacity additions by region (mtpa), 2026
      • Table Figure 6: SBR industry, global, planned and announced capacity additions by region (mtpa), 2026
    • Global Capacity Additions from Planned and Announced Projects by Top Countries
      • Table Figure 7: SBR industry, global, planned and announced capacity additions by top countries (mtpa), 2026
      • Table SBR industry, global, planned and announced capacity additions by top countries (mtpa), 2026
    • Global Capacity Additions from Planned and Announced Projects by Top Companies
      • Table Figure 8: SBR industry, global, planned and announced capacity additions by top companies (mtpa), 2026
      • Table SBR industry, global, planned and announced capacity additions by top companies (mtpa), 2026
    • Regional Capex Spending on Planned and Announced Projects
      • Table Figure 9: SBR industry, global, total capex spending on planned and announced projects by region ($B), 2022-2026
      • Table SBR industry, global, total capex spending on planned and announced projects by region ($B), 2022-2026
    • Global Capex Spending on Planned and Announced Projects by Countries
      • Table Figure 10: SBR industry, global, total capex spending on planned and announced projects by countries ($B), 2022-2026
      • Table SBR industry, global, total capex spending on planned and announced projects by countries ($B), 2022-2026
  • Global Planned and Announced SBR Projects
    • Table Global, planned and announced SBR projects details
  • Asia SBR Industry
    • Asia SBR Industry, An Overview
      • Table SBR industry, Asia, key statistics, 2021
    • Asia SBR Industry, Capacity by Key Countries, 2016-2026
      • Table SBR industry, Asia, capacity by key countries (mtpa), 2016-2026
    • Asia SBR Industry, Capacity Share vis-à -vis Growth by Key Countries, 2016-2021
      • Table Figure 11: SBR industry, Asia, capacity share vis-à -vis growth by key countries, 2016-2021
    • Asia SBR Industry, Annual New Build and Expansion Capital Expenditure Outlook for Planned and Announced Projects
      • Table SBR industry, Asia, annual new build and expansion capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced projects ($B), 2022-2026
      • Table Figure 12: SBR industry, Asia, annual new build and expansion capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced projects ($B), 2022-2026
    • Asia SBR Industry, Annual New Build and Expansion Capital Expenditure Outlook for Planned and Announced Plants by Countries
      • Table SBR Industry, Asia, annual new build and expansion capital expenditure outlook for active, planned and announced projects by countries ($B), 2022-2026
      • Table Figure 13: SBR Industry, Asia, annual new build and expansion capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced projects by countries ($B), 2022-2026
    • SBR Industry in China
      • Table SBR industry, China, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in South Korea
      • Table SBR industry, South Korea, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Japan
      • Table SBR industry, Japan, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in India
      • Table SBR industry, India, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Singapore
      • Table SBR Industry, Singapore, Capacity by Major Plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Indonesia
      • Table SBR industry, Indonesia, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Thailand
      • Table SBR industry, Thailand, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Taiwan
      • Table SBR industry, Taiwan, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
  • Middle East SBR Industry
    • Middle East SBR Industry, An Overview
      • Table SBR industry, Middle East, key statistics, 2021
    • Middle East SBR Industry, Capacity by key Countries, 2016- 2026
      • Table SBR industry, Middle East, capacity by key countries (mtpa), 2016-2026
    • Middle East SBR Industry, Capacity Share vis-à -vis Growth by key Countries, 2016-2021
      • Table Figure 14: SBR industry, Middle East, capacity share vis-à -vis growth by key countries, 2016-2021
    • Middle East SBR Industry, Installed Plant Capacity by Production Process, 2021
      • Table Figure 15: Middle East, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table Middle East, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table Middle East SBR industry, installed plant capacity by emulsion polymerization, 2021
      • Table Middle East SBR industry, installed plant capacity by solution polymerization, 2021
    • Middle East SBR Industry, Installed Plant Capacity by Technology, 2021
      • Table Figure 16: Middle East, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by technology (%) 2021
      • Table Middle East, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by technology (%) 2021
      • Table Middle East, SBR industry, major installed plant capacity by Goodyear Tire & Rubber SBR Technology, 2021
      • Table Middle East, SBR industry, major installed plant capacity by JSR Corporation SBR Technology, 2021
    • Middle East SBR Industry, Annual New Build and Expansion Capital Expenditure Outlook for Planned and Announced Projects
      • Table SBR industry, Middle East, annual new build and expansion capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced projects ($B), 2022-2026
      • Table Figure 17: SBR industry, Middle East, annual new build and expansion capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced projects ($B), 2022-2026
    • Middle East SBR Industry, Annual New Build and Expansion Capital Expenditure Outlook for Planned and Announced Plants by Countries
      • Table SBR Industry, Middle East, annual new build and expansion capital expenditure outlook for active, planned and announced projects by countries ($B), 2022-2026
      • Table Figure 18: SBR Industry, Middle East, annual new build and expansion capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced projects by countries ($B), 2022-2026
    • SBR Industry in Iran
      • Table SBR industry, Iran, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Saudi Arabia
      • Table SBR industry, Saudi Arabia, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
  • North America SBR Industry
    • North America SBR Industry, An Overview
      • Table SBR industry, North America, key statistics, 2021
    • North America SBR Industry, Capacity by Countries, 2016- 2026
      • Table SBR industry, North America, capacity by countries (mtpa), 2016-2026
    • North America SBR Industry, Capacity Share vis-à -vis Growth by Countries, 2016-2021
      • Table Figure 19: SBR industry, North America, capacity share vis-à -vis growth by countries, 2016-2021
    • North America SBR Industry, Installed Plant Capacity by Production Process, 2021
      • Table Figure 20: North America, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table North America, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table North America SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Emulsion Polymerization, 2021
      • Table North America SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Solution Polymerization, 2021
    • North America SBR Industry, Installed Plant Capacity by Technology, 2021
      • Table Figure 21: North America, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by technology (%) 2021
      • Table North America, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by technology (%) 2021
      • Table North America, SBR industry, major installed plant capacity by JSR Corporation SBR Technology, 2021
      • Table North America, SBR industry, major installed plant capacity by ISP Elastomers SBR Technology, 2021
      • Table North America, SBR Industry, installed plant capacity by Goodyear Tire & Rubber SBR Technology, 2021
      • Table North America, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Dynasol SBR technology, 2021
      • Table North America, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Lanxess SBR technology, 2021
    • SBR Industry in the US
      • Table SBR industry, the US, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Mexico
      • Table SBR industry, Mexico, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Canada
      • Table SBR industry, Canada, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
  • Europe SBR Industry
    • Europe SBR Industry, An Overview
      • Table SBR industry, Europe, key statistics, 2021
    • Europe SBR Industry, Capacity by key Countries, 2016-2026
      • Table SBR industry, Europe, capacity by key countries (mtpa), 2016-2026
    • Europe SBR Industry, Capacity Share vis-à -vis Growth by key Countries, 2016-2021
      • Table Figure 22: SBR industry, Europe, capacity share vis-à -vis growth by key countries, 2016-2021
    • Europe SBR Industry, Installed Plant Capacity by Production Process, 2021
      • Table Figure 23: Europe SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table Europe SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table Europe SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Solution Polymerization, 2021
      • Table Europe SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Emulsion Polymerization, 2021
    • SBR Industry in Germany
      • Table SBR industry, Germany, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in France
      • Table SBR industry, France, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Poland
      • Table SBR industry, Poland, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Spain
      • Table SBR industry, Spain, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Italy
      • Table SBR industry, Italy, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Czech Republic
      • Table SBR industry, Czech Republic, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Netherlands
      • Table SBR industry, Netherlands, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in United Kingdom
      • Table SBR industry, United Kingdom capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Hungary
      • Table SBR industry, Hungary capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Romania
      • Table SBR industry, Romania capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Serbia
      • Table SBR industry, Serbia capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
  • Former Soviet Union (FSU) SBR Industry
    • FSU, SBR Industry, An Overview
      • Table SBR industry, FSU, key statistics, 2021
    • FSU SBR Industry, Capacity by Country, 2016-2026
      • Table SBR industry, FSU, capacity by country (mtpa), 2016-2026
    • FSU SBR Industry, Capacity Share vis-à -vis Growth by Country, 2016 - 2021
      • Table Figure 24: SBR industry, FSU, capacity share vis-à -vis growth by country, 2016 - 2021
    • FSU SBR Industry, Installed Plant Capacity by Production Process, 2021
      • Table Figure 25: FSU, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table FSU, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table FSU SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Emulsion Polymerization, 2021
      • Table FSU SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Solution Polymerization, 2021
    • SBR Industry in Russia
      • Table SBR industry, Russia, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
  • South America SBR Industry
    • South America SBR Industry, An Overview
      • Table SBR industry, South America key statistics, 2021
    • South America SBR Industry, Capacity by Key Countries, 2016-2026
      • Table SBR industry, South America capacity by key countries (mtpa), 2016-2026
    • South America SBR Industry, Capacity Share vis-à -vis Growth by Key Countries, 2016-2021
      • Table Figure 26: SBR industry, South America, capacity share vis-à -vis growth by key countries, 2016-2021
    • South America SBR Industry, Installed Plant Capacity by Production Process, 2021
      • Table Figure 27: South America SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table South America SBR industry, installed plant capacity by production process (%) 2021
      • Table South America SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Emulsion Polymerization, 2021
      • Table South America SBR industry, installed plant capacity by Solution Polymerization, 2021
    • South America SBR Industry, Installed Plant Capacity by Technology, 2021
      • Table Figure 28: South America, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by technology (%) 2021
      • Table South America, SBR industry, installed plant capacity by technology (%) 2021
      • Table South America SBR industry, major installed plant capacity by Lanxess SBR technology, 2021
    • SBR Industry in Brazil
      • Table SBR industry, Brazil, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
    • SBR Industry in Argentina
      • Table SBR industry, Argentina, capacity by major plants (mtpa) 2016-2026
  • Appendix
    • Definitions
    • Abbreviations
    • Status Definition
    • Methodology
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