Simulation Software Market Size and Trends Analysis by Region, IT Infrastructure, Service, Vertical, Deployment and Segment Forecast to 2030

Simulation Software Market Size and Trends Analysis by Region, IT Infrastructure, Service, Vertical, Deployment and Segment Forecast to 2030


The simulation software market size is forecast to be valued at $12.5 billion in 2023. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.1% during 2023-2030. The study provides an executive-level overview of the current simulation software market worldwide, with detailed forecasts of key indicators up to 2030.

This market intelligence report offers a thorough, forward-looking analysis of the global simulation software market by IT infrastructure, service type, deployment, regional, vertical segments, and key opportunities in a concise format to help executives build proactive and profitable growth strategies.

The market has been experiencing steady growth due to increased adoption across various industries, including aerospace, automotive, healthcare, manufacturing, and defense. Simulation software is used for a wide range of applications, such as product design and testing, training and education, research, and entertainment. In addition, the integration of VR and AR technologies with simulation software has opened up new opportunities, particularly in training, gaming, and immersive experiences.

  • This report provides overview and service addressable market for global simulation software market.
  • It identifies the key drivers and challenges impacting growth of the simulation software market over the next 12 to 24 months.
  • It includes global market forecasts for the simulation software market and analysis of latest M&A deals, market drivers & challenges, technology trends, and regulatory trends.
  • It contains details of latest M&A and private equity (PE) deals in the simulation software space and a timeline highlighting milestones in the development of simulation software.
  • It covers detailed segmentation by IT infrastructure type - software and service. Further, the report also highlights segmentation by service type - Maintenance and Training, Consulting & Other Services, By Deployment - Cloud and On-premise, along with vertical and regional segmentation.
Reasons to Buy
  • This market intelligence report offers a thorough, forward-looking analysis of the global simulation software market by IT infrastructure, service type, deployment, regional, vertical segments, and key opportunities in a concise format to help executives build proactive and profitable growth strategies.
  • Accompanying GlobalData’s Forecast products, the report examines the drivers, challenges, M&A deals, use cases, and trend analysis in the simulation software market.
  • Detailed segmentation by IT infrastructure type - software and service. Further, the report also highlights segmentation by service type - Maintenance and Training, Consulting & Other Services, By Deployment - Cloud and On-premise, along with vertical and regional segmentation.
  • The report includes 100+ charts and tables providing in-depth analysis of the market size, forecast, and supporting factors which are tailor-made for an executive-level audience, with enhanced presentation quality.
  • The report provides an easily digestible market assessment for decision-makers built around in-depth information gathered from key market players, which enables executives to quickly get up to speed with the current and emerging trends in simulation software markets.
  • The competitive section of the report helps in identifying the flagbearers, experimenters, contenders, and specialists based on their growth and innovation performance in the simulation software industry which will help stakeholders analyze competition penetration.
  • The broad perspective of the report, coupled with comprehensive, actionable detail, will help simulation software vendors and other companies succeed in the growing simulation software market globally.

Chapter 1 Executive Summary
Chapter 2 Research Scope and Segmentation
2.1 Simulation Software: Market Segmentation and Scope
2.2 Simulation Software: Market Definitions
Chapter 3 Market Overview
3.1 Understanding the Simulation Software
3.2 Timeline of Simulation Technology
3.3 Applications of Simulation Software Technology
3.4 Future of Simulation Software
3.5 Use Cases of Simulation Software
Chapter 4 Simulation Software - Industry Trend Analysis
4.1 Simulation Software - Value Chain
4.2 Simulation Software - Market Drivers
4.3 Simulation Software - Market Challenges
4.4 Simulation Software - Technological Trends
4.5 Simulation Software - Regulatory Trends
Chapter 5 Simulation Software Dashboard Analytics
5.1 M&A Analysis
5.2 Venture Financing/Private Equity Analysis
5.3 Patent Activity Analysis
5.4 Job Activity Analytics
Chapter 6 Simulation Software Segment Outlook
6.1 Global Simulation Software Market - Revenue Snapshot
6.2 Global Simulation Software Market Snapshot
6.3 Global Simulation Software Market - By IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
6.4 Global Simulation Software Market - By Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
6.5 Global Simulation Software Market - By Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
6.6 Global Simulation Software Market - By Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
6.7 Global Simulation Software Market - By Region, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
Chapter 7 Simulation Software Regional Outlook
7.1 Simulation Software - Regional Overview & Analysis
7.2 North America Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Billion)
7.2.1 North America Simulation Software Market - Country Snapshot
7.2.2 North America Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.2.3 North America Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.2.4 North America Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.2.5 North America Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.2.6 US Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) US Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) US Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) US Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) US Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.2.7 Canada Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Canada Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Canada Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Canada Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Canada Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.2.8 Mexico Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Mexico Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Mexico Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Mexico Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Mexico Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.3 Europe Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Billion)
7.3.1 Europe Simulation Software Market - Country Snapshot
7.3.2 Europe Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.3.3 Europe Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.3.4 Europe Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.3.5 Europe Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.3.6 Germany Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Germany Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Germany Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Germany Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Germany Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.3.7 France Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) France Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) France Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) France Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) France Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.3.8 UK Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) UK Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) UK Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) UK Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) UK Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.3.9 Spain Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Spain Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Spain Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Spain Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Spain Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.3.10 Italy Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Italy Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Italy Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Italy Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Italy Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.3.11 Rest of Europe Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Europe Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Europe Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Europe Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Europe Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.4 Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Billion)
7.4.1 Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Market - Country Snapshot
7.4.2 Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.4.3 Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.4.4 Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.4.5 Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.4.6 China Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) China Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) China Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) China Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) China Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.4.7 Japan Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Japan Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Japan Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Japan Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Japan Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.4.8 India Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) India Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) India Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) India Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) India Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.4.9 South Korea Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) South Korea Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) South Korea Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) South Korea Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) South Korea Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.4.10 Australia Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Australia Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Australia Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Australia Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Australia Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.4.11 Rest of Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Market - Overview Rest of Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Asia-Pacific Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.5 South & Central America Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Billion)
7.5.1 South & Central America Simulation Software Market - Country Snapshot, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.5.2 South & Central America Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.5.3 South & Central America Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.5.4 South & Central America Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.5.5 South & Central America Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.5.6 Brazil Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Brazil Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Brazil Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Brazil Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Brazil Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.5.7 Argentina Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Argentina Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Argentina Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Argentina Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Argentina Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.5.8 Chile Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Chile Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Chile Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Chile Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Chile Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.5.9 Rest of South & Central America Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of South & Central Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of South & Central Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of South & Central Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of South & Central Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.6 Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Billion)
7.6.1 Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Market - Country Snapshot, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.6.2 Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.6.3 Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.6.4 Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.6.5 Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.6.6 Saudi Arabia Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Saudi Arabia Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Saudi Arabia Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Saudi Arabia Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Saudi Arabia Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.6.7 South Africa Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) South Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) South Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) South Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) South Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.6.8 UAE Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) UAE Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) UAE Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) UAE Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) UAE Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
7.6.9 Rest of Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Market - Overview, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by IT Infrastructure, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Service Type, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Deployment, 2020-2030 ($ Million) Rest of Middle East & Africa Simulation Software Revenue Opportunity by Vertical, 2020-2030 ($ Million)
Chapter 8 Competitive Landscape
8.1 Simulation Software - Vendor Competitive Landscape
8.2 Latest M&A Deals in Simulation Software Market
8.3 Top Private Equity & Venture Financing Deals in Simulation Software Market
8.4 Top Private Equity & Venture Financing Deals in Simulation Software Market
Chapter 9 Company Profiles
9.1 ANSYS Inc - Company Overview
9.1.1 ANSYS Inc: Simulation Offerings
9.1.2 ANSYS Inc: SWOT Analysis
9.2 Autodesk Inc - Company Overview
9.2.1 Autodesk Inc: Simulation Offerings
9.2.2 Autodesk Inc: SWOT Analysis
9.3 Altair Engineering Inc- Company Overview
9.3.1 Altair Engineering Inc: Simulation Offerings
9.4 ESI Group SA - Company Overview
9.4.1 ESI Group SA: Simulation Offerings
9.4.2 ESI Group SA: SWOT Analysis
9.5 GSE Systems Inc - Company Overview
9.5.1 GSE Systems Inc: Simulation Offerings
9.5.2 GSE Systems Inc: SWOT Analysis
9.6 Bentley Systems Inc - Company Overview
9.6.1 Bentley Systems Inc: Simulation Offerings
9.6.2 Bentley Systems Inc: SWOT Analysis
9.7 Rockwell Automation Inc - Company Overview
9.7.1 Rockwell Automation Inc: Simulation Offerings
9.7.2 Rockwell Automation Inc: SWOT Analysis
9.8 Computer Modelling Group Ltd. - Company Overview
9.8.1 Computer Modelling Group Ltd.: Simulation Offerings
9.9 Simulations Plus Inc - Company Overview
9.9.1 Simulation Plus Inc: Simulation Offerings
9.9.2 Simulation Plus Inc: SWOT Analysis
9.10 Rikei Corp - Company Overview
9.10.1 Rikei Corp: Simulation Offerings
Chapter 10 Research Methodology
Chapter 11 About GlobalData
List of Tables
Table 1: Simulation Software Market - Segmentation
Table 2: Simulation Software - Technological Trends
Table 3: Simulation Software - Regulatory Trends
Table 4: Active Companies in Simulation Jobs across all sector in H1 2023
Table 5: Top A
List of Figures
Figure 1: Key Simulation Software Country Markets ($B), 2022 vs 2030
Figure 2: Simulation Software Market by Key Verticals, 2022 ($ Million)
Figure 3: Simulation Software Market by IT Infrastructure, 2022 ($ Million)
Figure 4: Simulation S

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