North and South America Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2024

North and South America Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2024


North and South America Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2024” is among the latest region specific policy reports from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist. The report covers nine major countries in the Americas region - The US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. The report also covers each of the 50 states in the US, and 11 provinces and territories in Canada. The report offers comprehensive information on major policies governing the renewable energy market in these countries. The report discusses renewable energy targets and plans along with the present policy framework, giving a fair idea of overall growth potential of the renewable energy industry. The report also provides major technology specific policies and incentives provided by the countries in the region.


  • The report covers policy measures and incentives used by countries in the Americas region to promote renewable energy.
  • The report details promotional measures in the Americas region both for the overall renewable energy industry and for specific renewable energy technologies that have potential in the region.
  • The report covers nine major countries in the Americas region - The US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. The report also covers each of the 50 states in the US, and 11 provinces and territories in Canada.
Reasons to Buy

The report will enhance your decision making capability in a more rapid and time sensitive manner. It will allow you to -
  • Develop business strategies with the help of specific insights about policy decisions being taken for different renewable energy sources.
  • Identify opportunities and challenges in exploiting various renewable technologies.
  • Compare the level of support provided to different renewable energy technologies in different countries in the region.
  • Be ahead of competition by keeping yourself abreast of all the latest policy changes.

1 Table of Contents
1.1 List of Tables
1.2 List of Figures
2 Executive Summary
2.1 Focus on offshore wind
2.2 Geopolitical Crisis
3 Renewable Energy Policy, Argentina
3.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
3.2 Policy Snapshot
3.3 Renewable Energy Targets
3.4 Law 27.191
3.5 Term Market from Renewable Energy Sources (MATER)
3.6 Renewable Energy Auctions
4 Renewable Energy Policy, Brazil
4.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
4.2 Policy Snapshot
4.3 Renewable Energy Targets
4.4 Hydrogen Energy
4.5 Auctions
4.6 National Electricity Conservation Program - PROCEL
4.7 National Energy Plan (PNE)
4.8 10 Year Energy Expansion Plan, (PDE) 2029
4.9 National Energy Transition Policy
4.10 Incentives for Small Hydropower Facilities, Law 9658
4.11 Wind Turbine Component Tax Exemption (Executive Decree 656)
4.12 Net Metering for Distributed Generation
5 Renewable Energy Policy, Canada
5.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
5.2 Federal Programs, Canada
5.3 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Alberta
5.4 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, British Columbia
5.5 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Manitoba
5.6 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, New Brunswick (NB)
5.7 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Newfoundland and Labrador
5.8 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Northwest Territories (NWT)
5.9 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Nova Scotia
5.10 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Ontario
5.11 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Prince Edward Island (PEI)
5.12 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Quebec
5.13 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Saskatchewan
6 Renewable Energy Policy, Chile
6.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
6.2 Policy Snapshot
6.3 Renewable Energy Targets
6.4 National Strategy for the Energy Sector
6.5 National Green Hydrogen Strategy
6.6 Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Law (NCRE Law): Law 20.257
6.7 Energy 2050 Roadmap
6.8 Tenders/Auctions
6.9 2025-28 Energy Auction Plan
6.10 Clean Technology Fund
6.11 Invest Chile Project
6.12 Carbon Tax Exemption for Biomass
6.13 PMGD (Pequeños Medios de Generación Distribuidos) programme – Small Generation Means
6.14 PPA
6.15 Law 19.657 on geothermal energy concessions
6.16 Net Metering/Billing: Law 20.571
6.17 Sustainable Hydroelectricity Platform
6.18 National Action Plan on Climate Change (PANCC-II), 2017–2022
7 Renewable Energy Policy, Colombia
7.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
7.2 Policy Snapshot
7.3 Renewable Energy Targets
7.4 Funds Supporting Investment in Energy Projects
7.5 Auctions
7.6 National Energy Plan 2050
7.7 Law 1665 (2013)
7.8 Law 1715 (2014)
7.9 Decree 0570
7.10 Decree 348 of 2017 (Decreto 348 del 1 de marzo de 2017)
7.11 Generation and Transmission Expansion Plan
7.12 Net Metering - 2018 Resolution CREG 030
7.13 Ten milestones for the mining sector
7.14 Hydrogen Roadmap
7.15 Nationally Determined Contribution
7.16 Sovereign Green bond
7.17 Tax incentives.
8 Renewable Energy Policy, Mexico
8.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
8.2 Policy Snapshot
8.3 Renewable Energy Targets
8.4 Electricity Industry Law
8.5 Clean Energy Certificates
8.6 Development Program of the National Electrical System 2020–2034
8.7 National Electric Sector Strategy 2024-2030
8.8 Auction Mechanism
8.9 Net-Metering/Net Billing
8.10 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP)
8.11 Accelerated Depreciation
8.12 Wheeling Service Agreement for Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources
8.13 Income Tax Exemption
8.14 Resolution on Interconnection of large hydro plants
8.15 Geothermal Energy Act
8.16 Law for the Promotion and Development of Bioenergy
9 Renewable Energy Policy, Peru
9.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
9.2 Policy Snapshot
9.3 Renewable Energy Targets
9.4 Legislative Decree 1002
9.5 Climate Change Framework Law
9.6 Auctions
9.7 Net Metering
9.8 National Energy Plan, 2010–2040
9.9 The Electric Social Compensation Fund (FOSE)
9.10 National Rural Electrification Plan
9.11 General Law for Rural Electrification
9.12 New Regulations of Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy
9.13 Organic Law on Geothermal Resources
10 Renewable Energy Policy, US
11 Federal Initiatives, US
11.1 Brief of the upcoming 2025 Budget
11.2 Climate Goals in Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
11.3 Tax Cuts and New Jobs Act (TCJA)
11.4 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
11.5 Production Tax Credits
11.6 Investment Tax Credits
11.7 Solar Manufacturing for America Act (SEMA)
11.8 Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit
11.9 Renewable Energy Target
11.10 Rural Energy for America Program: Grants
11.11 Empowering Rural America Program (New ERA)
11.12 Tribal Energy Program Grant
11.13 US Department of Energy – Loan Guarantee Program
11.14 Green Power Purchasing Goal
11.15 Federal Initiatives for Solar Power
11.16 Federal Initiatives for Wind Power
11.17 Federal Initiatives for Biopower and Biofuels
11.18 DOE Funding for Renewables and Geothermal Energy
11.19 Hydrogen Energy – DOE Hydrogen Program
12 Common State-Level Incentives
12.1 Overview
12.2 Renewable Portfolio Standards
12.3 Renewable Energy Certificates
12.4 Public Benefit Funds for Renewable Energy
12.5 Interconnection Standards
12.6 Standard Interconnection Agreements for Wind Power Plants
12.7 Net Metering
12.8 Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE)
13 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Alabama
13.1 Alabama SAVES Revolving Loan Program
13.2 Local Government Energy Loan Program
14 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Alaska
14.1 Renewable Energy Targets
14.2 Net Metering
14.3 Local Option - Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Systems
14.4 Interconnection Standards
14.5 Power Project Loan Fund
14.6 Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) - Sustainable Natural Alternative Power (SNAP) program
14.7 Alaska Solar Easements
15 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Arizona
15.1 Renewable Energy Targets
15.2 Energy Modernization Plan
15.3 Renewable Portfolio Standards
15.4 Net Metering/Billing
15.5 Mohave Electric Cooperative - Renewable Energy Incentive Program
15.6 Residential Solar and Wind Energy Systems Tax Credit
15.7 Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit
15.8 Duncan Valley Electric Cooperative - Sun watts Rebate Program
15.9 Interconnection Standards
15.10 Solar Construction Permitting Standards
15.11 Solar & Wind Equipment Certification
15.12 Solar and Wind Equipment Sales Tax Exemption
15.13 Arizona Solar Rights
15.14 City of Phoenix - Renewable Energy Goal
15.15 Solar Design Standards for State Buildings
15.16 Abandonment of 100% Clean Energy Rules
16 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Arkansas
16.1 Net Metering
16.2 Interconnection Standards
16.3 Wind Energy Manufacturing Tax Incentive
17 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, California
17.1 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Renewable Energy Sources, California
17.2 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar, California
17.3 Hydrogen Energy
18 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Colorado
18.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
18.2 Net Metering
18.3 City of Boulder - Solar Sales and Use Tax Rebate
18.4 Community Solar Gardens (CSG) and Community Geothermal Gardens
18.5 Xcel Energy: Solar Reward Program
18.6 Interconnection Standards
18.7 Green Colorado Credit Reserve
18.8 Colorado Residential Energy Upgrade (RENU) Loan program
18.9 Property Tax Exemption for Residential Solar PV Plants
18.10 Energy Smart Colorado Renewable Energy Rebate Program
18.11 Local Option - PACE
18.12 Energy Storage-a consumer right
18.13 City of Boulder - Solar Access Ordinance
18.14 Property Tax Exemption for Residential Renewable Energy Equipment
18.15 Clean Energy Fund
18.16 Solar Construction Permitting Standards
19 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Connecticut
19.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
19.2 Renewable Energy Targets
19.3 Net Metering
19.4 Residential Solar Investment Program
19.5 Non-Residential Renewable Energy Solutions
19.6 Clean Energy Fund
19.7 Local Option - PACE
19.8 Interconnection Standards
19.9 Property tax exemption for Renewable Energy Systems
19.10 Sales and Use Tax Exemption for solar and geothermal systems
19.11 Hydrogen Energy
19.12 Connecticut Community Solar - State-wide Shared Clean Energy Facility (SCEF) Program
20 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Delaware
20.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
20.2 Net Metering
20.3 Delmarva Power - Green Energy Program Incentives
20.4 DEMEC Member Utilities - Green Energy Program Incentives
20.5 Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) Procurement Program
20.6 Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) Spot Market Program
20.7 Solar Rights Law
20.8 Wind Access and Permitting Law
20.9 Interconnection Standards
20.10 Delaware - Community Solar Rules
21 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Florida
21.1 Net Metering
21.2 City of Tallahassee Utilities - Solar Loans
21.3 Property Tax Abatement for Renewable Energy Property
21.4 Broward County Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP)
21.5 Miami-Dade County - Florida Green Lodging Program
21.6 Solar and CHP Sales Tax Exemption
21.7 Interconnection Standards
21.8 Residential Solar Leases
21.9 Local Option - PACE
21.10 Dunedin Solar Energy Grant Program
21.11 Florida Keys Electric Cooperative Solar Loan
21.12 Hydrogen Energy
21.13 Hillsborough County - Solar and Wind Standards
21.14 Solar Equipment Certification
21.15 Broward County - Rooftop Solar System Permit Standard
21.16 Broward County Online Solar Permitting
22 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Georgia
22.1 Net Metering
22.2 Interconnection Standards
22.3 Local Option - PACE
22.4 Biomass Sales and Use Tax Exemption
22.5 Georgia Solar Easement Laws
22.6 Hydrogen Energy
23 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Hawaii
23.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
23.2 Distributed Generation Tariff
23.3 Community Based Renewable Energy Program (CBRE)
23.4 Solar and Wind Energy Credit
23.5 Competitive Bidding
23.6 Schedule Q
23.7 Microgrid Tariff
23.8 Farm and Aquaculture Alternative Energy Loan
23.9 Interconnection Standards
23.10 Green Energy Money $aver (GEM$) On-Bill Program
23.11 Property Tax Exemption for Alternative Energy Improvements
23.12 City and County of Honolulu - Solar Loan Program
23.13 Hawaii Solar Installation Rights
23.14 Green Infrastructure Bonds
23.15 Hydrogen Energy
24 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Idaho
24.1 Net Metering
24.2 Property Tax Exemption for Wind, Solar, and Geothermal Energy Producers
24.3 Residential Alternative Energy Tax Deduction
24.4 Low-Interest Energy Loan Programs
24.5 Idaho Solar Easements & Access Laws
25 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Illinois
25.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
25.2 Illinois Solar for All Program
25.3 Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SREC’s)
25.4 The Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA)
25.5 Net Metering
25.6 Interconnection Standards
25.7 Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation Grants
25.8 Sales Tax Exemption for Wind Energy
25.9 City of Chicago - Green Building Permit Programs
25.10 Special Assessment for Solar Energy Systems
25.11 City of Chicago - Solar Express Permit Program
26 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Indiana
26.1 Clean Energy Portfolio Standard
26.2 NIPSCO - Feed-In Tariff
26.3 Net Metering
26.4 Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Equipment
26.5 Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption
26.6 Interconnection Standards
26.7 Indiana Solar Easements & Rights Laws
27 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Iowa
27.1 Alternative Energy Law
27.2 Solar Easement
27.3 IADG Energy Bank Revolving Loan Program
27.4 Renewable Energy Equipment Exemption
27.5 Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Systems
27.6 Mandatory Utility Green Power Option
27.7 Interconnection Standards
27.8 Net Metering
27.9 Local Option: Special Assessment of Wind Energy Devices
27.10 Energy Replacement Generation Tax Exemption
27.11 Small Wind Innovation Zone Program and Model Ordinance
28 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Kansas
28.1 Net Metering
28.2 Renewable Energy Goal
28.3 Interconnection Standards
28.4 Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption
28.5 Kansas Solar Easement Laws
28.6 Wichita City - Solar Permitting
29 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Kentucky
29.1 Net Metering
29.2 Tax Exemption for Large-Scale Renewable Energy Projects
29.3 Sales Tax Exemption
29.4 Interconnection Standards
29.5 Solar Easement
29.6 Incentives for Energy Independence
30 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Louisiana
30.1 Solar Energy System Exemption
30.2 Net Metering
30.3 Interconnection Standards
30.4 Home Energy Loan Program
30.5 Louisiana Solar Rights
31 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Maine
31.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
31.2 Offshore Wind Energy Target
31.3 Net Metering/Billing and Distributed Generation
31.4 Renewable Energy Certificates
31.5 Interconnection Standards
31.6 Local Option - PACE
31.7 Energy Storage Sales and Use Tax Reimbursement
31.8 Solar and Wind Energy Property Tax Exemption
31.9 Maine Solar Easement Rights and Laws
32 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Maryland
32.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
32.2 Net Metering
32.3 Interconnection Standards
32.4 Solar Easements & Rights Laws
32.5 Parking Lot Solar PV with EV Charger Grant Program
32.6 Energy Storage Tax Credit
32.7 Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Equipment
32.8 Property Tax Exemption for Solar and Wind Energy Systems
32.9 Residential/Community Wind Grant Program
32.10 Local Option - Property Tax Credit for Renewables and Energy Conservation Devices
32.11 Montgomery County - Green Power Purchasing
32.12 Montgomery County - Expedited Permitting for Solar PV
33 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Massachusetts
33.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
33.2 Clean Energy Standard
33.3 Solar Renewable Energy Credits
33.4 Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program
33.5 Net Metering
33.6 Interconnection Standards
33.7 Offshore Wind Auction
33.8 Offshore Wind Target
33.9 Concord Municipal Light Plant - Solar PV Rebate Program
33.10 Wakefield Municipal Gas & Light Department Solar Rebate Program
33.11 Town of Ipswich Electric Light Department Solar PV Rebate Program
33.12 Hudson Light & Power - Photovoltaic Incentive Program
33.13 Reading Municipal Light Department - Residential and Small Commercial Solar Rebate Program
33.14 Residential Renewable Energy Income Tax Credit
33.15 Massachusetts Solar Easements & Rights Laws
33.16 Renewable Energy Trust Fund
33.17 Commonwealth Hydropower Program
33.18 Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption
33.19 Green Communities Grant Program
33.20 Renewable Energy Equipment Sales Tax Exemption
33.21 Model As-of Right Zoning Ordinance or Bylaw
34 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Michigan
34.1 Net Metering
34.2 Interconnection Standards
34.3 Renewable Portfolio Standards
34.4 Renewable Energy Credits
34.5 Energy Storage
34.6 Local Option - PACE
34.7 City of Ann Arbor - Green Power Purchasing
34.8 City of Grand Rapids - Green Power Purchasing Policy
34.9 Alternative Energy Tax Exemption
34.10 Renewable Energy Renaissance Zones
35 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Minnesota
35.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
35.2 Net Metering
35.3 Value of Solar Tariff (VOS Tariff)
35.4 Minnesota Power - SolarSense Solar Rebate Program
35.5 Rochester Public Utilities, Owatonna Public Utilities, Austin Utilities - Solar Rebate Program
35.6 Interconnection Standards
35.7 Solar Energy Sales Tax Exemption
35.8 Wind Energy Sales Tax Exemption
35.9 Local Option - PACE
35.10 Rural Minnesota Energy Board PACE Program
35.11 Wind and Solar PV Systems Exemption
35.12 Renewable Development Fund
35.13 Minnesota Solar/Wind Easement Law & Local Law Options
35.14 City of Minneapolis - Solar Access and Easement Laws
35.15 City of Minneapolis - Wind Energy Conversion Systems
36 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Mississippi
36.1 Net Metering
36.2 Interconnection Standards
36.3 Mississippi Clean Energy Initiative
37 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Missouri
37.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
37.2 Net Metering
37.3 City of Columbia - Renewable Portfolio Standards
37.4 Interconnection Standards
37.5 Columbia Water & Light - Solar Energy Loans
37.6 Columbia Water & Light - Solar Rebates
37.7 Wood Energy Production Credit
37.8 Energy Loan Program
37.9 Local Option - PACE
38 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Montana
38.1 Net Metering
38.2 Renewable Portfolio Standards
38.3 NorthWestern Energy - USB Renewable Energy Fund
38.4 Interconnection Standards
38.5 Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Program
38.6 Residential Geothermal Systems Credit
38.7 Renewable Energy Systems Exemption
38.8 Generation Facility Corporate Tax Exemptions
38.9 Hydrogen Energy
39 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Nebraska
39.1 Net Metering
39.2 Interconnection Standards
39.3 Local Option - PACE
39.4 Dollar and Energy Savings Loans
39.5 Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Community Renewable Energy Projects
39.6 Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Generation Facilities
39.7 Nebraska Solar and Wind Easements
40 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Nevada
40.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
40.2 Portfolio Energy Credits
40.3 Net Metering
40.4 Interconnection Standards
40.5 NV Energy Residential Energy Storage Incentives
40.6 Large Scale Renewable Energy Producers Property Tax Abatement
40.7 Renewable Energy Systems Property Tax Exemption
40.8 Renewable Energy Sales and Use Tax Abatements
40.9 Energy Storage Procurement Target
40.10 Valley Electric Association - Net Billing
40.11 Nevada Solar and Wind Easement Laws
41 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, New Hampshire
41.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
41.2 Net Metering
41.3 Interconnection Standards
41.4 Commercial & Industrial Solar Rebate Program
41.5 Residential Small Renewable Energy Rebate Program
41.6 Eversource - Home Battery Storage Rebate
41.7 Local Option - PACE
41.8 Local Option- Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy
41.9 Clean Energy Fund
41.10 Commercial & Industrial Renewable Energy Grants
41.11 Solar Access Laws
42 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, New Jersey
42.1 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Renewable Energy Sources, New Jersey
42.2 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar, New Jersey
43 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, New Mexico
43.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
43.2 Net Metering
43.3 Interconnection Standards
43.4 Mandatory Utility Green Power Option
43.5 Property Tax Exemption for Residential Solar Systems
43.6 Gross Receipts Tax Exemption for Sales of Wind and Solar Systems to Government Entities
43.7 Solar Energy Gross Receipts Tax Deduction
43.8 Alternative Energy Product Manufacturers Tax Credit
43.9 Biomass Equipment & Materials Compensating Tax Deduction
43.10 Agricultural Biomass Income Tax Credit
43.11 New Mexico Solar Tax Credit
43.12 Community Solar Program
43.13 Local Option - Renewable Energy Financing District/Solar Energy Improvement Special Assessments
43.14 New Mexico Solar Easements & Rights Laws
43.15 Solar/Wind Construction Permitting Standards
43.16 City of Albuquerque - Solar Easements and Rights Laws
43.17 Hydrogen Energy
44 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, New York
44.1 Clean Energy Standard (CES)
44.2 Net Metering and Value of Distributed Energy Resource (VDER)Tariff
44.3 PSEG Long Island - Net Metering
44.4 Interconnection Standards
44.5 The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act
44.6 Clean Energy Fund
44.7 Sun PV Incentive Program
44.8 Sun Loan Program
44.9 Renewable Auctions
44.10 NYSERDA Retail Energy Storage Incentive Program
44.11 Residential Solar Tax Credit
44.12 Sun Commercial and Industrial Incentive Program
44.13 Solar Sales Tax Exemption
44.14 Exemption of Solar, Wind, and Biomass Energy Systems
44.15 Expand Solar for All (E-SFA) Program
44.16 Long Island Power Authority - Renewable Electricity Goal
44.17 New York City - Property Tax Abatement for Photovoltaic (PV) and Energy Storage Equipment
44.18 Hydrogen Energy
45 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, North Carolina
45.1 Clean Energy Portfolio Standards
45.2 Interconnection Standards
45.3 Net Metering
45.4 North Carolina Community Solar Rules
45.5 Competitive bidding/Auctions for Renewable Energy
45.6 Offshore Wind Energy Goal
45.7 Local Option – Financing Program for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
45.8 Model Wind Energy Systems Ordinance
45.9 Wind Energy Permitting Standards
45.10 Property Tax Abatement for Solar Electric Systems
45.11 Green Building Incentives
45.12 Solar Energy Development Ordinance
46 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, North Dakota
46.1 Net Metering
46.2 Renewable and Recycled Energy Objective
46.3 Renewable Energy Property Tax Exemption
46.4 Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Electrical Generating Facilities
46.5 Solar and Wind Easements and Laws
46.6 Low-Emission Technology Grants
46.7 Hydrogen Energy
47 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Ohio
47.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
47.2 Solar Renewable Energy Certificates Program
47.3 Ohio Solar Easement Laws
47.4 Net Metering
47.5 Interconnection Standards
47.6 Wind Permitting Standards
47.7 Local Option - Special Energy Improvement Districts
47.8 Qualified Energy Property Tax Exemption
48 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Oklahoma
48.1 Net Metering
48.2 Interconnection Standards
48.3 Oklahoma Solar and Wind Access Law
48.4 Requirements for Wind Development
49 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Oregon
49.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
49.2 Net Metering
49.3 Interconnection Standards
49.4 Self-Direction of Public Purpose Charges
49.5 Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program
49.6 Oregon Community Solar Program
49.7 Solar Planning Program
49.8 Solar Electric Incentive Program
49.9 Making Solar Equitable Program
49.10 Wind Incentive Program
49.11 Mandatory Utility Green Power Option
49.12 PGE Renewable Development Fund
49.13 Pacific Power - Blue Sky Community Project Funds
49.14 Local and municipal utility rebates
49.15 Solar Permitting Law
49.16 Renewable Energy Systems Tax Exemption
49.17 Local Option - Rural Renewable Energy Development Zones
49.18 Hydrogen Energy
50 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Pennsylvania
50.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
50.2 Net Metering
50.3 Interconnections Standards
50.4 Renewable Energy Loans
50.5 Renewable Energy Grant Programs
50.6 City of Philadelphia - Municipal Energy Master Plan
50.7 City of Philadelphia - Solar Rebate Program
50.8 Sustainable Development Fund Financing Program
50.9 Property Tax Assessment for Commercial Wind Farms
50.10 Alternative and Clean Energy Program
50.11 Solar Alternative Energy Credits
50.12 Hydrogen Energy
51 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Rhode Island
51.1 The Road to 100% Renewable Electricity by 2030 in Rhode Island
51.2 Renewable Portfolio Standards
51.3 Small Scale Solar Grants
51.4 Net Metering
51.5 Interconnection Standards
51.6 Renewable Energy Products Sales and Use Tax Exemption
51.7 Property Tax Exemption for Renewable Energy Equipment
51.8 Renewable Energy Fund
51.9 Energy Storage Target
51.10 Local Option - PACE
51.11 Renewable Energy Growth Program
51.12 Rhode Island Solar Easement Laws
51.13 Commercial Scale Renewable Energy Grants
52 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, South Carolina
52.1 Solar Energy, Small Hydropower and Geothermal Tax Credit
52.2 Solar Tax Credit
52.3 Net Metering
52.4 Interconnection Standards
52.5 Renewable Energy Rebate Programs
53 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, South Dakota
53.1 Large Commercial Wind and Solar Alternative Taxes
53.2 Renewable Energy System Exemption
53.3 Renewable Energy Facility Sales and Use Tax Reimbursement
53.4 Interconnection Standards
53.5 South Dakota Solar and Wind Easement Law
54 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Tennessee
54.1 Green Energy Tax Credit
54.2 Sales Tax Credit for Clean Energy Technology
54.3 Green Energy Property Tax Assessment
54.4 Tennessee Solar Easement and Access Laws
54.5 Hydrogen Energy
55 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Texas
55.1 Solar Energy Device Franchise Tax Deduction
55.2 Solar and Wind Energy Business Franchise Tax Exemption
55.3 Renewable Energy Systems Property Tax Exemption
55.4 Interconnection Standards
55.5 Solar Incentives
55.6 Renewable Energy Rebate Programs
55.7 Renewable Portfolio Standards
55.8 City of Austin - Renewable Portfolio Standards
55.9 City of Austin - Green Power Purchasing
55.10 City of Houston - Green Power Purchasing
55.11 City of Brenham - Net Metering
55.12 City of San Marcos - Distributed Generation Rebate Program
55.13 Hydrogen Energy
56 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Utah
56.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
56.2 Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit
56.3 Alternative Energy Development Incentive (Tax Credit)
56.4 Alternative Energy Sales Tax Exemption
56.5 Net Metering/Billing
56.6 Interconnection Standards
56.7 Hydrogen Energy
57 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Vermont
57.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
57.2 Investment Tax Credit
57.3 Renewable Energy Systems Sales Tax Exemption
57.4 Local Option - Property Tax Exemption
57.5 Uniform Capacity Tax and Exemption for Solar
57.6 Net Metering
57.7 Interconnection Standards
57.8 Clean Energy Development Fund
57.9 GMP Cow Power
57.10 GMP Solar Power
57.11 Energy Loan Programs
58 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Virginia
58.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
58.2 Net metering
58.3 Renewable Energy Targets
58.4 Energy Storage Target
58.5 Interconnection Standards
58.6 Local Option - Residential Property Tax Exemption for Solar
58.7 Commercial Solar Property Tax Exemption
58.8 Local Option - Renewable Energy Machinery and Tools Property Tax Exemption
58.9 Rockingham County - Small Wind Ordinance
58.10 Mandatory Utility Green Power Option
58.11 Solar Rights
59 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Washington
59.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
59.2 Net Metering
59.3 Interconnection Standards
59.4 Washington Community Solar Program
59.5 Mandatory Utility Green Power Option
59.6 Tax Abatement for Solar Manufacturers
59.7 Solar Easements & Rights Laws
59.8 Hydrogen Energy
60 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, West Virginia
60.1 Net metering
60.2 Solar Leasing Bill
60.3 Special Assessment for Wind Energy Systems
60.4 Tax Exemption for Wind Energy Generation
60.5 Interconnection Standards
60.6 West Virginia Solar Rights
60.7 Hydrogen Energy
61 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Wisconsin
61.1 Renewable Portfolio Standards
61.2 Net Metering
61.3 Interconnection Standards
61.4 Public Benefits Funds
61.5 Biogas, Solar, and Wind Energy Equipment Exemption
61.6 Renewable Energy Sales Tax Exemptions
61.7 Solar and Wind Rights
62 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Wyoming
62.1 Net metering
62.2 Interconnection Standards
62.3 Solar Rights
62.4 Wind Energy Permitting Standards
62.5 Local Option - PACE
62.6 Hydrogen Energy
63 Renewable Energy Policy, Venezuela
63.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
63.2 Policy Snapshot
63.3 Renewable Energy Targets
63.4 Venezuela Development Plan for the National Electric System, (Plan de Desarrollo del Sistema Electrico Nacional (PDSEN) 2013–2019
63.5 Electric Service Law
63.6 Electricity Law
63.7 National Renewable Energy Registry
63.8 Law on Rational and Efficient Use of Energy
63.9 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement
63.10 Sowing Light Program (Sembrando Luz)
64 Appendix
64.1 Abbreviations
64.2 Market Definitions
64.3 Methodology
65 About GlobalData
66 Contact Us
List of Tables
1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Renewable Energy Policy, North and South America
Table 2: Policy Snapshot, Argentina, 2023
Table 3: Renewable Energy Targets, Argentina, 2018–2030
Table 4: RenMDI Auction Results 2023

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