Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd (300482) - Product Pipeline Analysis, 2024 Update


Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd (Wondfo) develops, manufactures, and supplies point-of-care testing kits and equipment. The company’s product portfolio includes COVID-19 antibody test kits, multi-drug oral fluid test cups and influenza and flu detection kits. It also offers fertility and thyroid testing devices, immunofluorescence reagents, molecular diagnostic equipment, blood gas, coagulation analyzers and dry chemistry analyzers. The company's products are widely used in the rapid diagnosis and effective treatment monitoring of critical and severe diseases, chronic disease management, maternal and children healthcare, blood glucose monitoring, drug detection, alcohol testing and forensic expertise, among others. Wondfo is headquartered in Guangzhou, China.

This report is a source for data, analysis, and actionable intelligence on the company’s portfolio of pipeline products. The report provides key information about the company, its major products and brands.

The report enhances decision making capabilities and help to create effective counter strategies to gain competitive advantage.

  • The report reviews detailed company profile with information on business description, key company facts, major products and services, key competitors, key employees, locations and subsidiaries and recent developments
  • The report analyzes all pipeline products in development for the company Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd
  • The report provides pipeline analysis on all pipeline products of the company (by equipment type, by indication, by development stage, and by trial status)
  • The report covers detailed information on each pipeline product with information on pipeline territory, stage of development, device class, regulatory path, indication(s), application(s) and estimated launch date
  • The report provides detailed description of products in development, technical specification and functions
  • The report also covers ongoing clinical trials (wherever applicable) with information on trial name, trial objective, sponsor, trial design , trial status and phase, estimated start and end date.
Reasons to Buy:
  • Develop business strategies by understanding the trends and developments driving the medical devices pipeline and technology landscape
  • Design and develop your product development, marketing and sales strategies by understanding the competitor portfolio
  • To formulate effective Research & Development strategies
  • Develop market-entry and market expansion strategies
  • Exploit in-licensing and out-licensing opportunities by identifying products, most likely to ensure a robust return
  • Plan mergers and acquisitions effectively by identifying key players of the most promising pipeline
  • Identify emerging players with potentially strong product portfolio and create effective counter-strategies to gain competitive advantage
  • Develop competition strategies by identifying the status and likely launch of the competitors’ pipeline products through review of the clinical trials, stage and of development, etc
  • Identify, understand and capitalize the next high-value products that your competitor would add in its portfolio
Note:Some sections may be missing if data is unavailable for the company

Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Company Overview
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Company Snapshot
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Pipeline Products and Ongoing Clinical Trials Overview
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd – Pipeline Analysis Overview
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd - Key Facts
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd - Major Products and Services
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Pipeline Products by Development Stage
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Pipeline Products Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ACTH
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ACTH Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Aldosterone
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Aldosterone Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ANA
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ANA Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-CCP
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-CCP Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBc
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBc Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBe
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBe Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBs
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBs Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HCV
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HCV Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-Tg
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-Tg Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-TPO
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-TPO Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ASO
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ASO Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - C-peptide
Accre Diagnostic Assay - C-peptide Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA 15-3
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA 15-3 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA 19-9
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA 19-9 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA242
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA242 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA50
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA50 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA72-4
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA72-4 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Chagas
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Chagas Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CMV IgG
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CMV IgG Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Copeptin
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Copeptin Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Cortisol
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Cortisol Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CYFRA21-1
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CYFRA21-1 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Dengue IgG/IgM Ab
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Dengue IgG/IgM Ab Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - DHEA-S
Accre Diagnostic Assay - DHEA-S Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Direct Renin
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Direct Renin Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Estriol
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Estriol Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - FDP
Accre Diagnostic Assay - FDP Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - fPSA
Accre Diagnostic Assay - fPSA Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - FR-CRP
Accre Diagnostic Assay - FR-CRP Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - fTesto
Accre Diagnostic Assay - fTesto Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - G-17
Accre Diagnostic Assay - G-17 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Galectin-3
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Galectin-3 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - GDF-15
Accre Diagnostic Assay - GDF-15 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - H.pylori (HP)
Accre Diagnostic Assay - H.pylori (HP) Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HBeAg
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HBeAg Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HBsAg
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HBsAg Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HE4
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HE4 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hGH
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hGH Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HIV Combo
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HIV Combo Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Homocycteine
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Homocycteine Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hs cTnT
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hs cTnT Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hs-CRP
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hs-CRP Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HSV-1/2 IgG
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HSV-1/2 IgG Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HSV-1/2 IgM
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HSV-1/2 IgM Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - IgE
Accre Diagnostic Assay - IgE Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Influenza A&B
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Influenza A&B Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Inhibin B
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Inhibin B Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Insulin
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Insulin Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Lp-PLA2
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Lp-PLA2 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - MPO
Accre Diagnostic Assay - MPO Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - N-MID Osteocalcin
Accre Diagnostic Assay - N-MID Osteocalcin Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PGI
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PGI Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PGII
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PGII Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PIC
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PIC Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ProGRP
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ProGRP Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PTH
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PTH Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Rubella IgG
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Rubella IgG Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Rubella IgM
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Rubella IgM Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - S100
Accre Diagnostic Assay - S100 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SAA
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SAA Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 nAb
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 nAb Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 RBD Ab
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 RBD Ab Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 RBD IgG
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 RBD IgG Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ß-CrossLaps
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ß-CrossLaps Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ST2
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ST2 Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - t-PAIC
Accre Diagnostic Assay - t-PAIC Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - TAT
Accre Diagnostic Assay - TAT Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Tg
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Tg Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - TM
Accre Diagnostic Assay - TM Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Total P1NP
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Total P1NP Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Toxo IgG
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Toxo IgG Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Toxo IgM
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Toxo IgM Product Overview
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CMV IgM
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CMV IgM Product Overview
CDx Test - Tumor
CDx Test - Tumor Product Overview
Chemcare Test Strip - BET
Chemcare Test Strip - BET Product Overview
Chemcare Test Strip - D-LAC
Chemcare Test Strip - D-LAC Product Overview
Chemcare Test Strip - DAO
Chemcare Test Strip - DAO Product Overview
Chemcare Test Strip - DBIL
Chemcare Test Strip - DBIL Product Overview
Chemcare Test Strip - G6PD
Chemcare Test Strip - G6PD Product Overview
Chemcare Test Strip - LDL-C
Chemcare Test Strip - LDL-C Product Overview
Chemcare Test Strip - NH3
Chemcare Test Strip - NH3 Product Overview
Chemcare Test Strip - TBA
Chemcare Test Strip - TBA Product Overview
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Anti-CCP
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Anti-CCP Product Overview
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Dengue IgM/IgG
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Dengue IgM/IgG Product Overview
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - H.Pylori
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - H.Pylori Product Overview
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Influenza A & B
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Influenza A & B Product Overview
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - RF
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - RF Product Overview
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - ST2
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - ST2 Product Overview
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Vit-B12 1
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Vit-B12 Product Overview 1
Finecare SARS-CoV-2 IgM Test
Finecare SARS-CoV-2 IgM Test Product Overview
SARS-CoV-2 IgM/IgG Antibody Test Kit (Immunochromatography)
SARS-CoV-2 IgM/IgG Antibody Test Kit (Immunochromatography) Product Overview
U-BoxDx Product Overview
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd - Key Competitors
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd - Key Employees
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd - Locations And Subsidiaries
Head Office
Other Locations & Subsidiaries
Recent Developments
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd, Recent Developments
May 15, 2024: FDA Grants EUA to Wondfo's WELLlife COVID-19/Influenza A&B Test Supported by DCN Dx Clinical Research
May 14, 2024: CLIAwaived Named First Authorized Approved Distributor for Wondfo USA’s New WELLlife COVID-19/Influenza A&B POC and Home (OTC) Tests
Dec 20, 2023: Wondfo USA Recieves CLIA Approval For SAFElife T-Dip Methamphetamine (MET/mAMP) Urine Test Panel
Dec 20, 2023: Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Obtains CLIA Approval For Wondfo One Step HCG Urine Test
Dec 15, 2023: Wondfo USA Obtains CLIA Approval For SAFElife T-Dip Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Urine Test Panel
Nov 29, 2023: Wondfo USA Obtains CLIA Approval For SAFElife T-Dip Methamphetamine (MET/mAMP) Urine Test Panel
Oct 25, 2023: Wondfo USA Receives CLIA Approval For SAFElife C-Cup Multi-Drug Urine Test Cup
Oct 25, 2023: Wondfo USA Receives CLIA Approval For SAFElife T-Cup Multi-Drug Urine Test Cup
Oct 25, 2023: Wondfo USA Receives CLIA Approval For SAFElife T-Dip Multi-Drug Urine Test Panel Rx
Apr 21, 2022: Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech receives CLIA approval for Wondfo Ultra Accurate Ovulation Test Strip
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List of Tables
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Pipeline Products and Ongoing Clinical Trials Overview
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Pipeline Products by Equipment Type
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Pipeline Products by Indication
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd, Key Facts
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd, Major Products and Services
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Number of Pipeline Products by Development Stage
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Pipeline Products Summary by Development Stage
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ACTH - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ACTH - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Aldosterone - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Aldosterone - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ANA - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ANA - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-CCP - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-CCP - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBc - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBc - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBe - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBe - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBs - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HBs - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HCV - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-HCV - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-Tg - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-Tg - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-TPO - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Anti-TPO - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ASO - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ASO - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - C-peptide - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - C-peptide - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA 15-3 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA 15-3 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA 19-9 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA 19-9 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA242 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA242 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA50 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA50 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA72-4 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CA72-4 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Chagas - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Chagas - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CMV IgG - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CMV IgG - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Copeptin - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Copeptin - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Cortisol - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Cortisol - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CYFRA21-1 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CYFRA21-1 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Dengue IgG/IgM Ab - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Dengue IgG/IgM Ab - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - DHEA-S - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - DHEA-S - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Direct Renin - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Direct Renin - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Estriol - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Estriol - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - FDP - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - FDP - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - fPSA - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - fPSA - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - FR-CRP - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - FR-CRP - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - fTesto - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - fTesto - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - G-17 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - G-17 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Galectin-3 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Galectin-3 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - GDF-15 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - GDF-15 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - H.pylori (HP) - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - H.pylori (HP) - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HBeAg - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HBeAg - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HBsAg - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HBsAg - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HE4 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HE4 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hGH - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hGH - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HIV Combo - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HIV Combo - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Homocycteine - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Homocycteine - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hs cTnT - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hs cTnT - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hs-CRP - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - hs-CRP - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HSV-1/2 IgG - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HSV-1/2 IgG - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HSV-1/2 IgM - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - HSV-1/2 IgM - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - IgE - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - IgE - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Influenza A&B - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Influenza A&B - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Inhibin B - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Inhibin B - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Insulin - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Insulin - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Lp-PLA2 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Lp-PLA2 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - MPO - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - MPO - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - N-MID Osteocalcin - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - N-MID Osteocalcin - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PGI - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PGI - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PGII - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PGII - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PIC - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PIC - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ProGRP - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ProGRP - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PTH - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - PTH - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Rubella IgG - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Rubella IgG - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Rubella IgM - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Rubella IgM - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - S100 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - S100 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SAA - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SAA - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 nAb - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 nAb - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 RBD Ab - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 RBD Ab - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 RBD IgG - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - SARS-CoV-2 RBD IgG - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ß-CrossLaps - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ß-CrossLaps - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ST2 - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - ST2 - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - t-PAIC - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - t-PAIC - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - TAT - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - TAT - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Tg - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Tg - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - TM - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - TM - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Total P1NP - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Total P1NP - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Toxo IgG - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Toxo IgG - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Toxo IgM - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - Toxo IgM - Product Description
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CMV IgM - Product Status
Accre Diagnostic Assay - CMV IgM - Product Description
CDx Test - Tumor - Product Status
CDx Test - Tumor - Product Description
Chemcare Test Strip - BET - Product Status
Chemcare Test Strip - BET - Product Description
Chemcare Test Strip - D-LAC - Product Status
Chemcare Test Strip - D-LAC - Product Description
Chemcare Test Strip - DAO - Product Status 9
Chemcare Test Strip - DAO - Product Description 9
Chemcare Test Strip - DBIL - Product Status 0
Chemcare Test Strip - DBIL - Product Description 0
Chemcare Test Strip - G6PD - Product Status
Chemcare Test Strip - G6PD - Product Description
Chemcare Test Strip - LDL-C - Product Status
Chemcare Test Strip - LDL-C - Product Description
Chemcare Test Strip - NH3 - Product Status
Chemcare Test Strip - NH3 - Product Description
Chemcare Test Strip - TBA - Product Status
Chemcare Test Strip - TBA - Product Description
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Anti-CCP - Product Status
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Anti-CCP - Product Description
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Dengue IgM/IgG - Product Status
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Dengue IgM/IgG - Product Description
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - H.Pylori - Product Status
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - H.Pylori - Product Description
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Influenza A & B - Product Status
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Influenza A & B - Product Description
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - RF - Product Status 9
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - RF - Product Description 9
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - ST2 - Product Status 0
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - ST2 - Product Description 0
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Vit-B12 - Product Status 1
Finecare Diagnostic Assay - Vit-B12 - Product Description 1
Finecare SARS-CoV-2 IgM Test - Product Status
Finecare SARS-CoV-2 IgM Test - Product Description
SARS-CoV-2 IgM/IgG Antibody Test Kit (Immunochromatography) - Product Status
SARS-CoV-2 IgM/IgG Antibody Test Kit (Immunochromatography) - Product Description
U-BoxDx - Product Status
U-BoxDx - Product Description
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd, Key Employees
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd, Subsidiaries
List of Figures
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Pipeline Products by Equipment Type
Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co Ltd Pipeline Products by Development Stage

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