Asia Pacific Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2024

Asia Pacific Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2024


Asia Pacific Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2024” is among the latest region specific policy reports from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist. The report covers 15 major countries in the Asia Pacific region - Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. The report offers comprehensive information on major policies governing the renewable energy market in these countries. The report discusses renewable energy targets and plans along with the present policy framework, giving a fair idea of overall growth potential of the renewable energy industry. The report also provides major technology specific policies and incentives provided by the countries in the region.

The report is built using data and information sourced from industry associations, government websites, and statutory bodies. The information is also sourced through other secondary research sources such as industry and trade magazines.


The report covers policy measures and incentives used by countries in the Asia Pacific region to promote renewable energy.
The report details promotional measures in the Asia Pacific region both for the overall renewable energy industry and for specific renewable energy technologies that have potential in the region.
The report covers 15 major countries in the Asia Pacific region - Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Reasons to Buy

The report will enhance your decision making capability in a more rapid and time sensitive manner. It will allow you to -

Develop business strategies with the help of specific insights about policy decisions being taken for different renewable energy sources.
Identify opportunities and challenges in exploiting various renewable technologies.
Compare the level of support provided to different renewable energy technologies in different countries in the region.
Be ahead of competition by keeping yourself abreast of all the latest policy changes.

1 Table of Contents
1.1 List of Figures
1.2 List of Tables
2 Executive Summary
2.1 Reignited focus towards Nuclear Power
2.2 China leading the renewables charge through solar installations.
3 Renewable Energy Policy, Australia
3.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
3.2 Policy Snapshot
3.3 Renewable Energy Targets
3.4 Renewable Energy Policy Framework
Renewable Energy Target (RET) Scheme
Climate Change Target 2030
Long Term Emissions Reduction Plan
Offshore Clean Energy Infrastructure Regulatory Framework
Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar Power, Australia, Federal Incentives
Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC)
Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)
24 Budget
National Hydrogen Strategy
Australia-Germany Hydrogen Accord - Hygate program
Australian Clean Hydrogen Trade Program (ACHTP)
3.5 State Level Policies and Incentives-South Australia
Feed-in Tariffs
South Australia Renewable Energy Auctions
The Sustainability Incentives Scheme
South Australia Energy and Emissions Reduction Agreement
National Hydrogen Strategy – South Australia
3.6 State Level Policies and Incentives-New South Wales (NSW)
Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap
Assessing large-scale solar projects in NSW
Proposed New Energy Policy Framework
Feed-in Tariffs
Funds for Renewable Energy in Regional Communities
Solar Homes Policy
Solar for Low Income Household
Empowering Homes: Solar Battery Loan Program
NSW Energy and Emissions Reduction Agreement
National Hydrogen Strategy – New South Wales
Small-scale Technology Certificates
3.7 State Level Policies and Incentives-Victoria
Renewable Energy Action Plan
Victoria's Climate Change Strategy
Feed-in Tariffs
Agriculture Energy Investment Plan (AEIP)
New Renewable Energy Target for Victoria (VRET)
The Victorian Renewable Energy Auction Scheme (VREAS)
Renewable Hydrogen Commercialization Pathways Fund
Victorian Big Battery (VBB)
National Hydrogen Strategy – Victoria
3.8 State Level Policies and Incentives-Tasmania
Feed-in Tariffs
Renewable Energy Action Plan
Renewable Energy Target
Tasmania Energy and Emissions Reduction Agreement
National Hydrogen Strategy – Tasmania
Tasmanian Renewable Hydrogen Action Plan
3.9 State Level Policies and Incentives-Queensland
Feed-in Tariffs
Queensland Renewable Energy Auctions
Queensland interest-free solar loans
Solar 150 initiative
National Hydrogen Strategy – Queensland
3.1 State Level Policies and Incentives-Australian Capital Territory
ACT Renewable Energy Auctions
Home Battery Storage Program
Rooftop Solar Scheme
Sustainable Household Scheme
National Hydrogen Strategy – Australian Capital Territory
3.11 State Level Policies and Incentives-Western Australia
Climate Policy
Energy Transformation Strategy
Distributed Energy Buyback Scheme (DEBS)
National Hydrogen Strategy – Western Australia
3.12 State Level Policies and Incentives-Northern Territory
Roadmap to achieve Renewable Energy Target
Incentives for Renewable Energy
Solar Energy Transformation Program (SETuP)
National Hydrogen Strategy – Northern Territory
4 Renewable Energy Policy, Bangladesh
4.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
4.2 Policy Snapshot
4.3 Renewable Energy Targets
4.4 Renewable Energy Policy (REP)
4.5 Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan 2022-2041
4.6 Integrated Energy and Power Master Plan (IEPMP) 2023
4.7 Hydrogen Energy
4.8 Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority Act
4.9 The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) Act 2003
4.1 Net Metering
4.11 Solar Home Systems Program
5 Renewable Energy Policy, China
5.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
5.2 Policy Snapshot
5.3 Renewable Energy Targets
5.4 Renewable Energy Law
Taxation Measures
Grid Access
Interconnection Standards
Special Fund for Renewable Energy Development
Renewable Energy Power Consumption Guarantee Mechanism
Renewable Energy Law Amendments
5.5 International Science and Technology Co-operation Program for New and Renewable Energy
5.6 The 14th Five-Year Plan
5.7 Hydrogen Energy in China
Shandong Province
Guangdong Province
Heibei Province
Ningxia Province
Henan Province
5.8 Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)
5.9 Carbon Intensity Target
5.1 National Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)
5.11 Global Environment Facility (GEF) Grants
5.12 Subsidy-Free Solar, Wind Power Policy
5.13 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar, China
Solar Auctions and Schemes
Solar Mandate
Action Plan for the Development of Smart Photovoltaic Industry
5.14 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind, China
Wind Auctions and Rules
Notice on Provisional Management Measures for Distributed Wind Power Project Development and Construction for all provinces.
Notice regulating the standardization of the wind power equipment and generators quality.
Market Entry Standards for Wind Equipment Manufacturers
5.15 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Hydropower, China
Preferential Value Added Tax for Small Hydropower
Rural Electrification Policies Favouring Small Hydro Installation
China Three Gorges rules for new domestic hydro projects
5.16 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Biopower, China
Value Added Tax for Biogas
Non-food Biomass Feedstock Standardization Technical Committee
6 Renewable Energy Policy, India
6.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
6.2 Policy Snapshot
6.3 Renewable Energy Targets
6.4 Electricity Act of 2003
National Electricity Policy (NEP, 2022)
National Electricity Policy (NEP, 2021)
6.5 Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2022
6.6 National Renewable Energy Act, 2015
6.7 Cross Border Power Trade Regulation, 2020
6.8 Cross Border Electricity Trade, 2021
6.9 Scheme for Supply of Round-The-Clock (RTC) Renewable Energy
6.1 National Action Plan on Climate Change
State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC)
6.11 Amendments in National Tariff Policy
6.12 Renewable Energy Certificates
REC Amendment 2021
REC Amendment 2022
6.13 Memorandum- “Make in India” for Local Content in Renewable Energy Products
6.14 Memorandum-Quality of Solar Modules
6.15 National Wind-Solar Hybrid Policy
6.16 National Repowering and Life Extension Policy for Wind Power Projects
6.17 Quality Control Manual for Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV Systems and Solar PV Water Pumping Systems
6.18 Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM)
6.19 Green Energy Corridor
6.2 Interstate Transmission Network System (ISTS)-Connected Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Projects
6.21 Extension on Waiver of Inter-State Transmission Charges
6.22 Union Budget Allocation
6.23 National Hydrogen Mission
6.24 Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana (PMSY)
6.25 Renewable Energy Auctions
Auction Analysis
6.26 Feed-in-Tariffs
Small Hydro
Solar Power
Wind Power
6.27 Support for Renewable Energy, India
Support for Solar Power
Support for Wind Power
Support for Biopower
Support for Small Hydropower
7 Renewable Energy Policy, Indonesia
7.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
7.2 Policy Snapshot
7.3 Renewable Energy Targets
7.4 National Energy Policy
7.5 New Tariff Regime for Renewables
7.6 Presidential Regulation 112
7.7 Indonesia Electricity Supply Plan (RUPTL), 2021–2030
7.8 Revocation of 32 regulations in the Energy and Minerals Sector in 2018
7.9 Other Electricity Sector Regulations
Ministerial Decree number 10/2017 (MEMR 10/2017)
Ministerial Decree number 11/2017 (MEMR 11/2017)
7.1 Net-metering scheme
7.11 Value-Added Tax and Import Duty Exemption for Renewable Energy Property
7.12 Geothermal Law
Auctions for Geothermal Working Areas (WKP)
7.13 Geothermal Fund
7.14 Other Fiscal Incentives
Tax Allowance
Tax Holiday
7.15 OJK Carbon Exchange Regulation
8 Renewable Energy Policy, Japan
8.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
8.2 Policy Snapshot
8.3 Renewable Energy Targets
8.4 Basic Energy Plan until 2030
8.5 Sixth Strategic Energy Plan, 2021
8.6 Hydrogen Energy in Japan
Basic Hydrogen Strategy
8.7 Japan Renewable Energy Policy Platform
8.8 Amendment of the Renewable Energy Act (New Feed-in Tariff Act)
8.9 Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Energy
Feed-in-Premium (FiP)
8.1 Renewable Energy Auctions
Solar PV Auctions
Auction Analysis
Offshore Wind Auctions
Offshore Wind Bill
Onshore Wind Auctions
Biopower Auctions
8.11 RE 100
8.12 Establishment of New Energy Development Organization
8.13 Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) in Japan
8.14 Act No. 89 of 2018
8.15 Cool Earth-Innovative Energy Technology Program
9 Renewable Energy Policy, Kazakhstan
9.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
9.2 Policy Snapshot
9.3 Renewable Energy Targets
9.4 Law on Electricity
9.5 Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources
9.6 Doctrine for Carbon Neutrality by 2060
9.7 Hydrogen Energy
9.8 Long-Term Development Strategy for the Period up to 2025
9.9 Renewable Energy Auctions
9.1 New Financing Framework by EBRD for Renewables
10 Renewable Energy Policy, Laos
10.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
10.2 Policy Snapshot
10.3 Renewable Energy Targets
10.4 Renewable Energy Development Strategy
10.5 Hydrogen Energy
10.6 Law on Investment Promotion
10.7 National Green Growth Strategy to 2030
10.8 National Policy on Sustainable Hydropower Development
10.9 Nationally Determined Contribution
11 Renewable Energy Policy, Malaysia
11.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
11.2 Policy Snapshot
11.3 Renewable Energy Targets
11.4 Electricity Supply Act 1990
11.5 Renewable Energy Act 2011
11.6 National Energy Policy (2022 – 2040)
11.7 Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2021–2025
11.8 Malaysia Renewable Energy Roadmap (MyRER)
Key actions up to 2025
Key actions up to 2035
11.9 National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR)
11.1 Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs)
11.11 Net-Energy Metering (NEM)
11.12 National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan
11.13 Hydrogen Energy in Malaysia
Hydrogen Economy & Technology Roadmap
11.14 Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Act 2011
11.15 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (ECCA)
11.16 Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS)
11.17 Green Investment Tax Allowance (GITA) and Green Income Tax Exemption (GITE)
11.18 Competitive Bidding for Renewable Energy Projects - Auctions
11.19 Supply Agreement of Renewable Energy (SARE)
11.2 Corporate Green Power Programme
12 Renewable Energy Policy, Pakistan
12.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
12.2 Policy Snapshot
12.3 Renewable Energy Targets
12.4 Hydrogen Energy in Pakistan
12.5 Power Sector Reforms
National Power System Expansion Plan (NPSEP)
Indicative Generation Capacity Expansion Plan (IGCEP)
12.6 Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy (AREP) 2019
Tax Exemption under AREP
Tax and Duty Exemption
Exchange Protection
12.7 National Power Policy, 2015
12.8 Provincial power policies
12.9 Direct Sale of Renewable Electricity to End Users
12.1 Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), Pakistan
Solar Power Feed-in Tariffs
Wind Power Feed-in Tariffs
Small Hydropower Feed-in Tariffs
12.11 Auctions
12.12 Net–metering
12.13 Sindh Solar Energy Program
12.14 Tax Exemptions
12.15 National Solar Energy Initiative
13 Renewable Energy Policy, Philippines
13.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
13.2 Policy Snapshot
13.3 Renewable Energy Targets
13.4 National Renewable Energy Program (NREP)
13.5 Renewable Energy Act
Amendment 2021
Amendment 2022
13.6 Renewable Portfolio Standards
13.7 Green Energy Option Program (GEOP)
13.8 Net–Metering
13.9 Green Energy Auction Program (GEAP)
13.1 Open and Competitive Selection Process (OCSP)
13.11 Competitive Selection Process (CSP) for Power Supply Agreements
14 Renewable Energy Policy, South Korea
14.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
14.2 Policy Snapshot
14.3 Renewable Energy Targets
14.4 Green Growth Policy
14.5 New Deal 2.0
Green New Deal
14.6 Tenth Basic Plan, 2024 – 2038
14.7 Third Energy Master Plan 2019–2040
14.8 Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)
14.9 Renewable Energy Certificates (REC)
14.1 Fixed price contract bidding system
14.11 Korea Renewable Energy 3020 Plan
14.12 Auctions
14.13 Hydrogen Energy
14.14 Tax Audit Exemption
14.15 Mandatory Use of Renewable Energy for Public Buildings
14.16 K-RE100 Scheme
15 Renewable Energy Policy, Taiwan
15.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
15.2 Policy Snapshot
15.3 Renewable Energy Targets
15.4 The Electricity Act
15.5 Renewable Energy Development Act (REDA)
15.6 New Green Energy Revolution
15.7 National Energy Program
15.8 Green Finance Action Plan
15.9 Solar Power Programs
15.1 Wind Power Programs
15.11 Feed in Tariffs
15.12 Incentives for Renewable Energy Sources
Demonstration awards and subsidies
Tax incentives
15.13 Renewable Energy Auction
15.14 Other Programs and Initiatives
Shalun Green Energy Science City
Green Energy Roofs Project
16 Renewable Energy Policy, Thailand
16.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
16.2 Policy Snapshot
16.3 Renewable Energy Targets
16.4 Thailand Integrated Energy Blueprint (TIEB)
16.5 Power Development Plan 2018-2037 (PDP2018)
16.6 Alternative Energy Development Plan 2015–2036
Amendment of Alternative Energy Development Plan 2015–2036
16.7 National Energy Plan (NEP)
16.8 Feed-in-Tariffs
For Very Small Power Producers (VSPPs)
Solar Power Feed-in-Tariffs
16.9 Solar photovoltaic (PV) scheme for local household rooftops, 2019-2028
16.1 Net metering scheme for residential PV
16.11 Tax Incentives through Board of Investment
Five-Year Investment Promotion Strategy
16.12 Hydrogen energy in Thailand
16.13 Carbon Credit
17 Renewable Energy Policy, Vietnam
17.1 Renewable Energy Market, Overview
17.2 Policy Snapshot
17.3 Renewable Energy Targets
17.4 Introduction of Competition in Power Market
17.5 Power Development Plan VIII (PDP VIII)
17.6 Revised Power Development Plan VII (PDP VII)
17.7 Renewable Energy Development Strategy 2016–2030 with outlook until 2050 (REDS)
17.8 National Green Growth Strategy
National Green Growth Strategy 2021-2030
17.9 Feed–in Tariffs (FiTs)
Biopower Feed-in-Tariffs
17.1 Avoided Cost Tariff (AVCT) for small hydro.
17.11 Net Metering Scheme
17.12 Model Power Purchase Agreements
Solar PPA Model
Wind Power PPA Model
17.13 Direct Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (DPPA)
Market access through CPTPP and EUVNFTA
17.14 Local Provincial Rules for renewable energy development
Tariff Guidelines for Solar Rooftop Projects
17.15 Competitive Auction Mechanism
17.16 Other incentives for Renewable Power Projects
18 Appendix
18.1 Abbreviations
18.2 Market Definitions
Renewable Power
Installed Capacity
Electricity Generation
Electricity Consumption
18.3 Methodology
Secondary Research
Primary Research
Modelling and Forecasting
19 About GlobalData
20 Contact Us
1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Renewable Energy Policy, Asia Pacific
Table 2: Policy Snapshot, Australia, 2023
Table 3: New Large-scale Renewable Energy Target, Annual Targets, Australia (TWh), 2015–2030
Table 4: HyGATE program
Table 5: Time-Varying Minimum FiTs, 2023-24
Table 6: Tasmanian Renewable Hydrogen Action plan Targets
Table 7: Renewable Energy Reverse Auction Winners, ACT, Australia
Table 8: Capacity and number of generators by tariff in 2021
Table 9: Renewable Hydrogen Strategy, Western Australia
Table 10: Policy Snapshot, Bangladesh, 2023
Table 11: Power Supply Outlook, IEPMP, Bangladesh, 2022-2050
Table 12: Policy Snapshot, China, 2023
Table 13: Renewable Energy Law, China, Major Regulations
Table 14: Renewable Energy Law, China, Renewable Portfolio Standards by Province (%), 2021
Table 15: GEF Active Projects Funding, China, 2023
Table 16: GEF Funding Allocation, STAR GEF-8, China, 2022
Table 17: Power Market, China, Top 10 winners Solar PV Tender, 2019
Table 18: Policy Snapshot, India, 2023
Table 19: Renewable energy market, India, state-wise renewable energy targets vs actuals, 2022
Table 20: Renewable Energy Market, India, Renewable Purchase Obligation (%), 2023-2030
Table 21: Renewable Energy Certificate Volume, India, 2023-24
Table 22: Minimum Module Efficiency required to be eligible for enlistment under ALMM
Table 23: SECI 1.2GW ISTS Wind Solar Hybrid Power (Tranche-VI) Auction Results
Table 24: ISTS waiver of Offshore Wind Power projects
Table 25: ISTS waiver of Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia projects
Table 26: SECI 1.2GW Wind T-XIV Auction Results
Table 27: Indicative Auction Tracjectory for Offshore Wind Power
Table 28: Renewable Energy Auctions, India, 2018-2023
Table 29: Renewable Energy Market, India, FiT for Small Hydro, 2019-2023
Table 30: Renewable Energy Market, India, FiT for Biopower-based Power Plants, FY2022-23
Table 31: Renewable Energy Market, India, Net Metering Regulations in Leading States
Table 32: Renewable Energy Market, India, Net Metering and Gross Metering Policy, Karnataka
Table 33: Policy Snapshot, Indonesia, 2023
Table 34: Specific renewable tariffs and method of appointment, Indonesia
Table 35: Applicable Tender process under Regulation 112, Indonesia
Table 36: Planned Capacity Additions (in MW), RUPTL, Indonesia, 2021-2030
Table 37: Policy Snapshot, Japan, 2023
Table 38: Renewable Energy Cost Reduction Targets, Japan (JPY/kWh and $/kWh), 2030
Table 39: Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs, Japan (JPY/kWh and $/kWh), 2023
Table 40: FiTs and FiPs Eligibility by Year, Japan, 2022
Table 41: Renewable Energy Market, Japan, Solar PV Auctions
Table 42: Renewable Energy Market, Japan, Offshore Wind Auctions
Table 43: Renewable Energy Market, Japan, Onshore Wind Auctions
Table 44: Renewable Energy Market, Japan, Biopower Auctions
Table 45: Renewable Energy Market, Renewable Energy Certificates, Japan
Table 46: Policy Snapshot, Kazakhstan, 2022
Table 47: Renewable Energy Auctions, Kazakhstan, 2018
Table 48: Renewable Energy Auctions, Kazakhstan, 2019
Table 49: Renewable Energy Auctions, Kazakhstan, 2020
Table 50: Renewable Energy Auctions, Kazakhstan, 2021
Table 51: Renewable Energy Auctions, Kazakhstan, 2022
Table 52: Policy Snapshot, Laos, 2023
Table 53: Policy Snapshot, Malaysia, 2023
Table 54: NETR Targets, Malaysia, 2023-2050
Table 55: Feed-in Tariff, 2023
Table 56: NEM 3.0 quota allocation 2021-2023
Table 57: Five strategic thrusts under the Hydrogen Roadmap
Table 58: Fourth LSS, Shortlisted bidders for Package P1 – Project Capacity from 10MW to less than 30MW
Table 59: Fourth LSS, Shortlisted bidders for Package P2 – Project Capacity from 30MW to less than 50MW
Table 60: Policy Snapshot, Pakistan, 2023
Table 61: Solar power Feed-in-Tariff, Pakistan
Table 62: Wind power Feed-in-Tariff, Pakistan
Table 63: High–head (> 20 meters) Hydropower Feed-in-Tariff, Pakistan
Table 64: Low–head (≤ 20 meters) Hydropower Feed-in-Tariff, Pakistan
Table 65: Policy Snapshot, Philippines, 2023
Table 66: NREP, 2011-2030 Installation Targets vs. Actual (MW)
Table 67: GEAP First Round Auction, Philippines, 2022
Table 68: Renewable Energy Market, Open and Competitive Selection Process Results, Philippines
Table 69: Policy Snapshot, South Korea, 2023
Table 70: Generation Plan by Technology, 10th Basic Plan, South Korea, 2030-36
Table 71: Generation Target/Forecast for select technologies, 10th Basic Plan, South Korea, 2022-30
Table 72: Renewable Portfolio Standards, South Korea, Targets (%), 2016–2026
Table 73: REC Weighting Scheme Details
Table 74: K-RE100 Scheme
Table 75: Policy Snapshot, Taiwan, 2023
Table 76: Feed-in Tariffs for Solar Power Plants, Taiwan, 2021
Table 77: Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Energy Sources, Taiwan, 2021
Table 78: Feed-in Tariffs for Solar Power Plants, Taiwan, 2022
Table 79: Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Energy Sources, Taiwan, 2022
Table 80: Feed-in Tariffs for Solar Power Plants, Taiwan, 2023
Table 81: Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Energy Sources, Taiwan, 2023
Table 82 Renewable Auction Results, round 3.1, Taiwan, 2022
Table 83: Policy Snapshot, Thailand, 2022
Table 84: PDP Targets, Thailand
Table 85: Target Renewable Energy Capacity by 2036, Thailand
Table 86: Revised Target of Renewable Energy Capacity by 2037, Thailand
Table 87: Renewable Energy Market, Feed-in Tariff levels, Thailand, 2022
Table 88: Renewable Energy Market, Feed-in Tariff levels (THB/kWh), Thailand, 2022
Table 89: Renewable Energy Market, Solar Feed-in-Tariffs (BHT/kWh & $/kWh), Thailand, 2022
Table 90: Policy Snapshot, Vietnam, 2023
Table 91: PDP VIII, Capacity Forecast, 2030 and 2050
Table 92: Renewable Energy Targets for Total Primary Energy Consumption, Vietnam, 2020–2030
Table 93: Abbreviations
1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Renewable Auctions, Auctioned Capacity (GW) Vs. Awarded Capacity (GW), India, 2017-2023
Figure 2: Renewable Auctions, Awarded Capacity (GW) by Technology, India, 2017-2023
Figure 3: Renewable Auctions, Solar PV Prices ($/MWh), India, 2017-2023
Figure 4: Solar PV Auctions, Auctioned Capacity (MW) Vs. Awarded Capacity (MW), Japan, 2017-2023
Figure 5: Solar PV Auctions Bidding Price Comparison, Japan, 2017-2023

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